New...Once Again

I weighed myself after the new year and though I wasn't shocked, I was mortified at how I had let myself gain back all the weight I had lost. Even though it was only 15 pounds, it was my 15 pounds and I was damn proud of it. I lost sight of my goals, but now I hope that I am back on track having already lost 2 pounds this week. I need ya'lls help. I need a crew behind me cheering me on and I'd love to be apart of someone else's crew. Let's get a team together. A lose that fat *kitten* and feel good team! Anyone interested?


  • Aprilh479
    I felt the same way when I started again!! Althought it was 16 ponds I was very upset because it was 16 I had to lose all over again!!!
    I'm in!!! I would love to be apart of ur crew and you apart of mine!!! It's so much better when we do it together!!!
  • toaoLIZ
    toaoLIZ Posts: 16
    i'm new too and i would LOVE to be a friend cheering you on ! lord knows i need the encouragement as well . add me if you'd like :)

    anyone can add me !
  • Clbuwg
    Clbuwg Posts: 3
    Im totally in!!!! Im back at it again...round to and this time im not going down with out a fight!
  • retta717
    retta717 Posts: 35 Member
    I am in the same boat. Felt like kicking myself in the rear this morning when I finally bit the bullet and updated my weight only to see my ticker go back to saying 0 lbs lost. Maybe with a little support and encouragement, none of us will have to re-lose what we already worked hard to lose in the first place.
  • ToriaStitch
    ToriaStitch Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Guys :)

    I've just weighed my self and found that I am still at my heaviest from when I came back from WDW in 2010 :( So I've decided to kick myself into gear and shift those lbs

    I would love to be friends and help motivate each other
  • sambosmitty
    sambosmitty Posts: 39 Member
    I'm excited to start this journey to a happier me with you guys!!! I need people to hold me accountable for going to the gym, not eating that kit kat bar that's on my desk at work, and drinking more water! I'm determined to lose 50 lbs by July and by me the sexiest damn Victoria's Secret bathing suit and flaunt my stuff!

    @April I abs. love the quote on your page. Tired of being the "big" pretty girl. This is how I feel around my friends....and i'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired with it. Here's to changing that. :)
  • sambosmitty
    sambosmitty Posts: 39 Member
    Everyone has been so awesome this week!