looking for other busy moms

I am looking for buddies who are moms that are just as busy as I am to help out with advice and motivation. I am married to a great husband and we have 3 boys one is 10, 3 and a 3month old.... I need some help to know how other busy moms do it to squeeze in exercise and how to eat properly. I need to lose 100 pounds and I am determined to make 2013 the year to do it!!!!!!!!!


  • tipsy351
    tipsy351 Posts: 6 Member
    I'd love to buddy up with you. I'm a very busy SAHM of a special needs child who is homeschooled so my days tend to be super crazy. I started on this health kick while he was visiting grandma's but now that he's coming back I could sure use some Mom friends to help me figure it out. The hardest part for me I think will be that he's a very picky eater and so I have a feeling we'll be eating different things alot of the time.
  • Hello ladies! I'm a busy mom too, and would love to chat with you! I've got a 19-month-old boy, and was losing weight while on mat leave, to only start gaining it back since being back to work these past 7 months. New Year, new start. Let's do it Mama's!
  • Hi I am new to this site, I am a busy mom of a 1 year old and a 3 month old. I need to lose 200 pounds so that I can be healthy for my children. I am married to a wonderful man and I am a stay at home mom who goes to school online. Its nice meeting you!
  • sphat
    sphat Posts: 1
    My kids are both in school and I work about 55 hours a week. So what I've started doing is going to the gym as soon as I drop them off for school. When my oldest was little I was able to stay home with him for a little while. I found a workout video that was for kids. We would do it together. He loved it. My entire family are picky eaters. So if they are having something that is NOT healthy for me to have I just have a frozen meal under 30 0 calories. Or I do a few veggies.
  • daynadangerio
    daynadangerio Posts: 2 Member
    gonna send you ladies requests... im new to mfp, and am also a busy mom of three, working ft as a supervisor and attending college. also looking for other busy mamas..:smile:
  • ldwash405
    ldwash405 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a busy single mother of two boys. Between my job and my sons it's not easy to eat right and fit in exercise. I am new to a program like this and hopefully this will work for me, I have been trying to find the skinny me for a while now. I know she's in there somewhere!:tongue:
  • I am a mother of two under 5. My tricks are I plan my meals on the weekend and shop for those things. That helps us stay organized. We rarely if ever eat out. I also utilize my crock pot or quick recipes on busier days when I have to drive them to activities.I cook a lot of recipes from www.skinnytaste.com. I also stack our fridge with healthy snacks for me and the kids like cucumbers and humus and nuts and fruit. I work out about 3 to 4 times a week. I usually squeeze a workout on Saturday or Sunday morning. My husband watches them or I take them with me and they have a day care for seven dollar and I can work out for 2 hours. I also work out right after work before I pick them up from day care once a week. Sometimes I go first thing in the morning before work or we work out at work. Someone organized a trainer to come in and run a bootcamp once a week. They key is variety and its whenever I can get a work out in I can. It is tough and week to week varies but it is achievable. I rarely if ever watch tv because i don't have time, unless its on the tv at the gym. As a mother working out gives me sanity. I've lost all my baby weight now and kept it off. i think its important to be good role models for my children too. If I can do this anyone can! Stay positive!
  • bubbleskiwi
    bubbleskiwi Posts: 148 Member
    anyone feel free to add me!
    I'm a busy mom of 2 . I have a 2 year old and a 5 month old. I've been married for almost 5 years.
  • tbetz1
    tbetz1 Posts: 48 Member
    Im a stay at home mom with a 4,3 and 1 year old, and my husband works away
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    Yes I am definitely a BUSY MOM,WIFE,DAUGHTER. Between work and taking care of my family its hard and motivation is what keeps me going. I always start off with a great group of friends then people start to slack off or quit. I try to fit my workout in anyway I can. I just MOVE as Its so hard between working , house work, helping son with homework, etc. MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT is what keeps me going.
  • HI ladies. Busy working mom of 2 baseball playing boys. One is 14 the other is 8. I have my wonderful husband coaching my younger one. Trying to lose 30 tough pounds while working, being a taxi to both of the boys, while being a wife and mom. I know I can use all the support I can get. Have a great rest of your day! :smile: I hope to hear from you soon
  • becky6m
    becky6m Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to add me also. I am a SAHM of 6 boys! Four are school age and a 5 and 2 year old. My husband also works away. :happy:
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    anyone can add me, I am a busy mom with 2 children and also have a daycare, so I am always trying to juggle my time for exercise and always making 2 different meals.
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    Single stay at home mom to 3 kids.. ages 4 and under. So hard to find the time to exercise... so since it was so difficult getting active.. I decided it would be best to alter my diet. :p
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Climbing back on the wagon, myself...I did really well, then crashed & burned at maintenance. Now I've got 20lbs or so to go, and I'm going to try to log as well as I did before.
    For me, it was all about getting into a routine. Hard to start, SO easy to stop...but once I get a groove going, I do much better. I'm a single mom to a 2-year-old, so my exercise is limited to what I can do in the house and at my gym, which has child care. No stroller jogging, since I have a back injury. Honestly, though, for me exercise is more about my mental health/balance/energy, and I think my previous weight loss resulted less from the calories burned on my elliptical, and more from the greater energy and motivation it gave me to get on the kitchen and really cook healthy food -- including batch cooking, so I always had healthy meals prepared from whole foods ready to go in the fridge & freezer. But if I miss a couple weekend cooking sessions, or a few cardio sessions, then everything goes to crap. Still working on that...
    Anyway, I'm back to logging, and hopefully this time I'm more successful. Feel free to add me!
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Ladies, I to am a busy mom I'm a SAHM during thr day and i work part-time in an ER 12hrs during the week and 24hrs every other weekend. I have a 4.5y/o girl preschool 3days a week and a 2.5 y/o boy who has therapy 2 days a week for speech ot,and dt. and also married. most of my workouts are when my youngest is 'napping' and my oldest does it with me for about 5mins. then goes and playes with her toys that are in the area.. anyone can add me if they wish.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    we are all busy. so are all toddlers. and all boys.

    -- working mom of 4 ;)
  • Any of you feel free to add me too...
    I have about 120 pounds I need to lose.
    I've been married for 17 years and I'm a working mom of 2 kiddos. I'm in education and have some weeks where my hours are 7:40-3:40 and since I'm a band director I have some days where my hours are ridiculous (for instance 7:40-midnight or 1am)
    I'm also determined to make this my year :) and could use the support of people on the same journey, and would love to give support.
  • gaynorv
    gaynorv Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there, i too am a busy mum, I have four sons 11, 9, 6 and 4. I have a great hubby and also work full time, however, I find it all too stressful. Sadly my stress release is food and I have put on 84 llbs in the last 4 years ... I now need to loose 100+ pounds. I have set myself a resolution to lose this year and have put an exercise bike, rower and cross trainer in the garage ......just got to find the motivation now to eat healthily and do the workouts ... It would be great to have a buddy for morale support!
  • Hey ladies! I would love to have you add me. I'm a sahm of 3 beautiful yet crazy boys 5, 3 and 10 months. I've been married to my husband for 10 yrs this May. We definitely have a lot going on but I'm determined to live my best life now.