anyone play WOW?



  • lamby284
    lamby284 Posts: 167 Member
    I used to play during WotLK, Cairne, horde side. That was at my highest weight too....maybe thats not just coincidence.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    i'm on silvermoon, all alliance. no 90's yet, but i'm having fun playing a monk panda. i love my ret paladins the most, i have 6 of them over two accts, the highest level is 86,

    there is also a mfp guild on the lightbringer server. theres a thread about it in mfp gamers group.
  • SlickFootAnna
    SlickFootAnna Posts: 611 Member
    Still playing down 28lbs, on dentarg, alliance
  • Endelle
    Endelle Posts: 7 Member
    yup. play both alliance and horde and am all over the map. three servers i spend most of my time Duskwood and Thrall Alliance, Earthen Ring for my Horde
    balanced my time and lost 34lbs still play but not as a hardcore raider anymore :P
  • jason10012
    jason10012 Posts: 13 Member
    arygos horde :), I haven't played much since MoP came out though.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I used to! I quit soon after Cata came out, but I've been told that Mists fixed everything Cata effed up. Like ret paladins. Which is what my main is >.<

    You were lied to.

    Ew, that sucks. Are mages still OP?

    They were majorly up until 2 months ago when I quit .... heard they were getting nerfed but I dont know if that did anything
    They nerfed Fire, buffed Arcane - still OP.

    Yea I was actually referring to frost. I haven't PVEd in a long time. That got old way back.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I used to! I quit soon after Cata came out, but I've been told that Mists fixed everything Cata effed up. Like ret paladins. Which is what my main is >.<

    You were lied to.

    Ew, that sucks. Are mages still OP?

    They were majorly up until 2 months ago when I quit .... heard they were getting nerfed but I dont know if that did anything
    They nerfed Fire, buffed Arcane - still OP.

    Yea I was actually referring to frost. I haven't PVEd in a long time. That got old way back.
    Oh, well then, yes. They have the burst, sustained damage, mobility and ridiculous CC.
  • garciabnm
    garciabnm Posts: 138
    down 132..still playing, gnome mage on draka
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Quit after the first arena season in cata (s9), got tired of it.
    Played pre-dominantly in Laughing Skull/Mal-Ganis (multi-server to play with different arena partners) post-Vanilla, Illidan during Vanilla.
  • Night elf druid on Magtheridon EU :)