New Vegan

Hello everyone. Due to the development of a severe milk allergy, I have gone Vegan! I have been doing it for three weeks now and weight loss is a great side effect of my new "lifestyle"!


  • Dreya
    Dreya Posts: 12
    Hi Debbie, I have just joined MFP and am also vegan. Unfortunately I just eat too much! So I am here to learn portion control firstly and because I am interested in keeping a food diary.

    Were you vegetarian prior to going vegan? Other than weightloss (which is fab!) are you experiencing any other positives?

    Good luck on your weightloss journey. x
  • spritie
    spritie Posts: 167
    Hi Debbie
    Glad to hear you've gone vegan and found it a possitive experience.

    Are you a dietary vegan or a true vegan?

    Also congradulations on the weight loss, just make sure your getting adequate nutrition and eating a balanced diet even with the removal of a traditional food group. I know a lot of people I know who experienced weight loss on going vegan when not purposefully trying to loose weight by having poor nutrition.

    Hope it keeps going well for you.