Nasty Vegetables...any suggestions :bigsmile:



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Roasted vegetables are delicious. Roasting gives them a nice sweetness. Try roasting carrots and parsnips after tossing them in a bit of olive oil and some balsamic vinegar.

    dont forget the brussel sprouts! they are divine!

  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    hehe - don't go vegetarian. :happy: (I am vegetarian)

    I use Mrs. Dashes seasoning for flavor on my veggies. There are a few flavors to choose from.

    I don't steam my veggies when I am making a side dish . I usually saute them in a small amount of olive oil ( very little and extra virgin) and never over cook them. I think they taste a lot better this way.

    Also, vegetable soups are good.

    I make salads with raw veggies of your choice,add fresh cut up fruit of your choice, raisins and nuts. With the fruit on my salads they taste more like a sweet treat than a salad.
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Fresh spinach is easy to do. You can tear it up and stir in anything and you probably won't even notice it. Add it spagetti sauce, casseroles, etc. It is fairly inexpensive and keeps a long time too.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Roasted vegetables are delicious. Roasting gives them a nice sweetness. Try roasting carrots and parsnips after tossing them in a bit of olive oil and some balsamic vinegar.

    Definitely this.

    I also love roasted broccoli and cauliflower, until you get the brown crispy bits at the edges. Dang. So good.

    Edited to mention: I don't use balsamic vinegar with the broccoli and cauliflower, just olive oil and salt. It has a lovely, nutty sweetness.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Roasted vegetables are delicious. Roasting gives them a nice sweetness. Try roasting carrots and parsnips after tossing them in a bit of olive oil and some balsamic vinegar.

    This is how I've started loving a ton of veggies...though not with the balsamic. EVOO and salt and pepper, sometimes garlic. There are charts online and in cookbooks that tell you what herbs go with what veggies. Roasted is the way to go!
  • christylindquist
    christylindquist Posts: 32 Member
    Weight Watchers Cabbage soup is delicious! I get tired of salads so I drink my veggies with Amazing green grass antioxident blend, amazing green grass super food (I have to mix this with orange juice and raspberry Emergen-C to make it taste good) and I drink low sodium V8, and V8 fusion. Once your body gets rid of the toxins of junk food it will crave nutrience like raw veggies. I take sticks of carrots, bell peppers, cuccumber, celery and cauliflower to work a lot for a quick crunchy snack.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    I like veggies, but I'm lazy and I prefer them cooked so I talked my hubby into buying us a Ninja Blender. I can throw any and all veggies I should be eating into the blender with a little water blend them up and down them in less than 5 minutes. Plus you're not juicing them so you get all that great fiber.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Try roasting them with a little olive oil and garlic in the oven @ 375 for about 30 minutes.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I didn't used to enjoy them, but once I cut refined/processed foods out of my diet and my taste buds adjusted to real foods..... I quite enjoy them now.

    If that doesn't help.. put cheese on them. That makes everything taste better. :wink:
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Strive hard to never ever over cook a totally ruins the taste and can put you off eating them again. I prefer all my vegies slightly crunchy and under done (compared to most) I prefer vegies and fruits over ANYTHING..including chocolate. HA!!! Some are good raw ....some are better steamed. I remember having nothing but vegetables for the entire kids usta love it.


  • grantsmommy
    grantsmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Just start trying different kinds and try different ways of cooking them. My fav veggie is zucchini and I finally tried it grilled and it is even better! I'm a huge garlic eater so I usually add garlic to my veggies and eat them that way.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    I eat most of my veggies raw. I cant stand the texture of most cooked ones
  • iamtahicha
    iamtahicha Posts: 16 Member
    So many good ideas here!!! Thank you so much. You just do not know how much I need this support, or maybe you do...?
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    Roasted vegetables are delicious. Roasting gives them a nice sweetness. Try roasting carrots and parsnips after tossing them in a bit of olive oil and some balsamic vinegar.

    dont forget the brussel sprouts! they are divine!

    omg .. roasted brussel sprouts, I love them. I beat up an old lady and kicked her dog the other day for some.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I have never been much of a veggie eater, but I understand the importance of them in my weight loss. I know that they are a necessary Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Anyone else struggling with them? I have started adding them to my diet. What should I try?

    Which do you like and in what form? If you like sweeter ones each more sweet ones if you like crunch choose crunchy ones. Decide if you can handle stir fries with East Asian sauces, South Asian curries, soups or roasted veggies best.

    I can't deal with a lump of dry meat and side of plain vegetables but if there is a sauce .... I can eat all sorts. Right now I am eating a stuffed bell pepper, you can put many yummy ingredients into a stuffing mix! Smoothies are also good for disguise, I have put pumpkin, spinach and avocado in with berries and not tasted them.