newbie here - starting day 1 over and looking for buddies

Hi there! I'm Jenn!

A little about myself - I have been overweight a good majority of my life. I am a short little lady at 5 feet and at 31, I am currently at one of my heaviest weights of 216.4 (but not the heaviest which three years ago was 230).

I am a mommy to two year old twins, a handsome little boy and an adorable little girl. My goal is to get down to 150 by next year, and I want to live a healthier lifestyle for my kiddos and myself. I do have a husband, and he is pretty supportive in my weight loss journey.

I have decided to try Atkins for maybe two months to see if I can lose quite a bit and then continue on with MFP's plan. Is anyone else doing this? I would love some weight loss buddies!


  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    Not doing Atkins, but am trying to up my veg and watch the breads and carbs. Please feel free to add. :)
  • cowgirlsrope
    cowgirlsrope Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Jen, I am quite a bit older then you but also did Atkins. Just be sure to do the New Atkins and not the Old one from the 70's. I had success with it and kept the weight off for 3 yrs. This year after knee surgery, weight started creeping back on because I was messed up by not being able to exercise and eating weird. Any way I am back on it and doing well. People cringe when I say Atkins so I usually just say I don't eat sugar or flour or starchy vegetables like potatoes. If you have any questions or need recipes just ask.
    Good Luck
  • Ahhh it's nice to hear from someone with some experience :wink:

    I think I'm doing the new version, I'm using their website for guidelines and tracking everything on here. I really want to get a fitbit, someone at work has one and said they love it. It's like a game to them to try and beat their steps from day to day.
  • Welcome Jenn,

    I am new here too and our goals are very close. Please add me to your buddy list! We are sooo going to reach our goals! :)
  • cowgirlsrope
    cowgirlsrope Posts: 11 Member
    Is a fitbit a pedometer ?? I am a counter myself. I walk a lot at work and know how many steps it is to everywhere I need to walk. My coworkers think I have COB (compulsive behavior). I agree with them , but at the end of the day I kinda know how many steps I have gone. I have never had a pedometer that worked.
  • Fitbit is a pedometer but more than just that. It tracks your steps, activity, sleep patterns and you can sync it to MFP. I need something to tell me exactly what I have done so I don't fool myself into thinking I did more than what I actually have.
  • Hello I have been unattentive/comatose as the weight gently piled on over the past couple of years. I'm in England but would welcome a buddy from anywhere for support. My partner and I are travelling for the next few months so eating sensibly and healthily will be a challenge I am prepared to set myself (got to! not content to buy bigger, shapeless clothes)! I'm 5ft 3ins, 54 and widowed. Feel free to get in touch.
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! and welcome..Im Cindy..Im 54, a mom, wife, and grandma..I lost 18 pounds on my own and joined mfp last year as a New Years Resolution..I lost 62 pounds in 2012 with mfp by counting calories and walking 30 - 60 minutes daily, a few days a week(either outside or treadmill).
    Im continuing this year..I have 43 pounds to goal and then will put myself on the mainteneance plan..I weighed 281 when I started..I am down to 201 now..I am 5 ft 6 in. goal is 160..
    This works..the credit goes TO YOU though..mfp is a tool to help you measure your calories and exercise..YOU do the work..
    AND IT WORKS!!!!
    If you fall off the wagon, get right back on..the mistake Ive made in the past is that when I messed up, I gave CANNOT do go on..
    Start off with small have all the time in the world..
    Remember..even ONE POUND A WEEK IS 52 POUNDS A YEAR.
    Good luck
  • Thanks for the motivation Cindy! Someone actually told me in a message to take the weight I want to lose in the year (65 lbs) divide it by 12 (5.4 lbs a month) and then divide that by 4 (1.35 lbs a week). Breaking it down into smaller numbers like that makes it seem so much easier. I know I'm going to have weeks where I lose less than the 1.35 but, I hope to have weeks where I lose more and it will all equal out.

    You said it right - MFP is a tool and it's up to us to lose the weight and do the work.
  • Hi Jenn!

    I'm Amanda! I too, am new (one week in) to MFP. I'm a 28 year old wife, and mother to three little ones. I've not tried Atkins, but recently cut my caloric intake in half and started working out. I am at my heaviest weight ever, 223, and only 5'4. My sister is getting married in May, so my short term goal is at least 25 lbs by May 4th, I'd like to see myself at at least 150 by this time next year, less if I can help it!

    Feel free to add me (anyone) and good luck on your journey! :)
  • SportyChick07
    SportyChick07 Posts: 675 Member
    Welcome to the group Jenn!
  • hewp11
    hewp11 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Jenn! Today is my first day on the boards looking for buddies for encouragement. I have been logging off and on but steadily for a month now. I have 7 yo GG twins and exercise a ton and have my calories set at 1700 a day. I have never done Atkins. I've heard it's lower calories overall when you do Atkins and that helps the weight loss. I would like to lose slowly and steadily the last 15 lbs and be trim for once and for all and stay there. I am 5'5 and 139 right now and do t like the scale so I rarely weigh. I try to go by how my pants feel!

    Feel free to add me!
