Night time execise?

So im already aware that exercising at night may keep you up since heart rate and energy is pumped while doing so, but does it have any other adverse reactions other than loss of sleep? I know for some people that is the only way they can or like to exercise Ie, energy, schooling, job and what have you. But! for example someone like my self who is often up with the kids or soon after lol, is night time exercise detrimental? say for recovery time, not eatting? eating to late? to much rest after wards?

Just want some thoughts on it in general and possibly others experiences doing so.


  • Vx3_
    Vx3_ Posts: 102 Member
    Honestly, I exercise during the night after my son is in bed because I'm too busy with him all day. That's probably my only me time. It does keep my heart rate up for a certain amount of time. After stretching and cooldown, I usually drink green tea, drink plenty of water, and then shower. I go to bed immediately and lay in the dark
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Exercise at the best time for you and let the rest fall into place. I can take a nap after a 2 hour session at the gym (that is, after I eat something) but some people cannot. Do what feels good for your body and fits in your schedule. You won't regret it.
  • koreys1990
    koreys1990 Posts: 23 Member
    I exercise at night and haven't seen a bit of difference but then again i don't sleep at night very well.. Even with a nine month old i don't sleep at night. To me it actually helps so if i don't feel tired before hand i do then.. HOWEVER my exercise is from the nike kinect game on x box 360 and running around with my son.. Going to a gym may be different but for me this is working well
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    when i 1st started, mostly all my exercise was at night, and i was fine. but this is from a college student who it use to very limited hours of sleep anyway. it didn't affect the usual times i went to sleep.
  • ByronJP
    ByronJP Posts: 67
    I guess its just a lot of body temperaments? what you can handle and what your used to. I for one when after exercising get a huge boost of energy which shortly goes away but feel somewhat relaxed after said process. Rarely will i exrecise in the evening but always try to stay early morning so that i have no reason to be tired later.

    My exercise at night is weight lifting after i have done my cadio in the morning. Should i eat at night my resource protein for muscles ?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Other than potential loss of sleep and the extreme detrimental affect that has on health, none.
  • ByronJP
    ByronJP Posts: 67
    Other than potential loss of sleep and the extreme detrimental affect that has on health, none.

    What is the, "extreme detrimental affect that has on health" ?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    you don't need anyone else's thoughts and experiences. go get your own. everyone is different. some people sleep well after exercise. some people are wired. the type, duration, and intensity of exercise will make a difference, even to the same person.

    go work out and find out how it affects you. just know this: there are no set bunch of *adverse* effects. working out late (or early, or at midday, or after work) has no natural advantage or disadvantage. I get up to work out at 5am each day and have lost a bunch of weight that way. i know another guy that works a full shift and works out from 11pm to 1am each day. he's lost 100 pounds.

    pick a time and lets get this party started. less talking, more doing.
  • ByronJP
    ByronJP Posts: 67
    Other than potential loss of sleep and the extreme detrimental affect that has on health, none.

    What is the, "extreme detrimental affect that has on health" ?

    OH!? i get the loss of sleep!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    you don't need anyone else's thoughts and experiences. go get your own. everyone is different. some people sleep well after exercise. some people are wired. the type, duration, and intensity of exercise will make a difference, even to the same person.

    go work out and find out how it affects you. just know this: there are no set bunch of *adverse* effects. working out late (or early, or at midday, or after work) has no natural advantage or disadvantage. I get up to work out at 5am each day and have lost a bunch of weight that way. i know another guy that works a full shift and works out from 11pm to 1am each day. he's lost 100 pounds.

    pick a time and lets get this party started. less talking, more doing.

    Took the words right out of my mouth!
  • xyril
    xyril Posts: 80 Member
    Nothing wrong with working out at night IF your body can handle it...Some people do better in the mornings, I do better in the evenings. I usually have a short ( 6 hours) but sounder sleep when I workout. Give it a try on a weekend and see how you handle it.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Other than potential loss of sleep and the extreme detrimental affect that has on health, none.

    What is the, "extreme detrimental affect that has on health" ?

    OH!? i get the loss of sleep!

    Yes. If it doesn't affect your sleep, you're fine, if it does, that's very bad.
  • IWantToo
    IWantToo Posts: 162
    I do both... I'm sleeping fine at the moment, I usually have trouble sleeping when i take any kind of diet pill even the ones without caffeine or do hiit..hiit makes me gain for some reason, building muscle i guess anyhow i havent done either of those things in ages and i sleep just fine, right now my routine is wake up at 5am get in at least 20+ mins of exercise get showered dressed and out the door to walk to work by 6:40... then i walk home and exercise sometime before bed... usually 40- 1hr... im pretty pooped by the end of the day lol sleep comes easy... now if i can get my eating under control.. i need to get rid of the junk...
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    ok... This is my last post because ironically... I must go to bed! But I have a four year old and like the woman who posted before a lot of times I am up late with him. On cardio nights I actually work out with him at bedtime in his room..he loves it and we both sleep like babies. That is usually around 8:30 or 9:00 pm but on lifting days I usually have a little trouble getting him to go to bed and usually do that around 9:30 or 10 and I sleep sound. Shower then herbal tea then bed for the night. I also wake up feeling very well rested, so all in all I think it actually helps people sleep better. Tonight is the obvious exception for me. I don't know what my deal is. It is 3AM here. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: