Motivation during winter.

I have the hardest time getting myself motivated to work out during the winter when the weather is so bad and it's so cold. Does anyone else have this problem and do you have any tips on increasing motivation?


  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I have the same problem, and it's why I barely worked out for the past couple of months. It's tough. I'm back in it now, and what's helping is reminding myself that I don't have to kill myself for two hours every day. Just 10 minutes here and there of heart-pumping stuff adds up over the course of the day, especially if I'm watching TV or even playing with my kids. Ex. my toddlers love "horseyback rides", especially when I combine them with giggle-inducing drop squats or lunges. If we're goofing off to music, I can do jumping jacks.

    If you break it down and use little opportunities, it's a lot less overwhelming! Or tie it to something specific. Ex. every time you use your phone (and you're not already moving), go do a wall-sit while you're on it!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Are you working out in the great outdoors? Try finding something indoors where crappy weather doesn't make any difference. Or bundle up like an Eskimo and head on out into the winter wilderness (if you're into nature and stuff). If you make working out something you just "do" (rather than an optional activity), you'll just do it-crappy weather (or whatever other excuse pops up) or not.
  • FGVC1188
    FGVC1188 Posts: 122 Member
    Do you have anyone to work out with? I find it hard to get motivated to go to the gym especially when it's cold and dark unless I go with a friend.
  • book_worm4
    I don't have anyone to work out with :(

    I'm also not working out outside. I miss my runs outside but it's not safe to go running when it's so icy. I'm pretty much stuck inside when I work out.
  • shavon007
    shavon007 Posts: 143 Member
    Im having the same issues now that im back in ohio from florida.
  • Ullgetthere2
    Yes it is indeed harder during the winter. Everyone here has great suggestions, mine is the Wii Fit!.
  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
    Great idea the Wii Fit!
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    Yes! Big time. But what helps me are amazing friends that hold me accountable. They bug me every day about going for a walk. It might be 20 degrees out but seeing that they are willing to do it really motivates me. Do you have any one that can hold you accountable?
  • sandivin
    I am having the same problem. I have lost my job and am having a hard time with it. So I try to find something at least once a day to do around in the house. A friend of mine walks the length of her house a number of times a day wearing a meter to count her steps. You wouldn't believe how many steps she racks up just getting up and walking the length 2-3 times in just a few minutes every time she gets up to do something, walk the length of your house at least twice while you are up. I have a hard time getting myself to do just this little, but I am going to try harder to do this more. Just adding those few steps would benefit me if I would just do it. I don't have anyone to motivate me. My husband doesn't count.....LOL.