Is this a cop out?



  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member

    lol! Cute! I happen to love that song on that show.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Yes. Cop out. There aren't many of us that can healthily support 200+ pounds.
    What are you talking about? I am near 200 lbs.

    You are 200lbs of (hot) man-muscle. Not 200lbs of squishy lady-lumps (like me).

    I'm 5'11'' and 205lbs. I want to weigh 175. I wear a size 10/12 currently and I'm super busty. Some people can carry that. No one ever guesses I weigh what I do.

    This is me. I am VERY busy and have wide shoulders and hips. Will they shrink? Sure, maybe an inch or two, but I seriously wear most of my weight in my stomach and boobs. I am just going to see where I get to. First order of business is to get back into twoterville! Cuz it SUCKS being where I am at now. However, my job is VERY active and I drop weight every single day when I eat right. Holidays caught up with me with its tempting treats, but now its back to business.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Definitely a cop out. 215 was my STARTING point, and a wake up call that I needed to lose weight. I am on the tall side as well.

    I know 170 seems like a long ways away. Set mini goals for yourself - don't worry about where you end up a year from now or even six months from now - just keep going. Focus on losing 1 to 2 pounds a week. If you change your diet and embrace a healthy lifestyle, the weight will come off.

    I didn't start to think about goal until i was maybe 10 lbs away.
  • VanillaBone
    VanillaBone Posts: 119 Member
    I started at 240, aiming for 200, because I had convinced myself that because of my height and large frame, that would be a healthy weight for me. Got to 200, wasn't happy, decided 180 would be a good weight. Got there, still too fat, went to 170, then 160, then 150; My husband kept calling me Skeletor, so I thought about it for a few months and then went back up to 160, where I think I'm good

    Make goals, but remember they're 'soft' goals, subject to change based on what you want, and the secrets your body reveals to you along the way.
  • IWantToo
    IWantToo Posts: 162
    Yes its a cop out, I have been up and down the same 45 pounds over the last couple of years and I still wear the same clothes.. I always get so close to that 18 and either never quite fit in them and gain weight and am almost busting out of my 20's... i for one am sick of it, for me 45 pounds is one dress size... so at almost 260 and a size 20 at 215 i'll be a size 20 and that f*&#^ing sucks...I personally think i'll be happy at 170, 160 because I have a large frame but in the 200's heck no!
  • Project_Jodie
    Yep I think it's a cop out - get into the top end of your healthy BMI and then reevaulatie then

    Good luck with your weightloss journey
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Unless you are taller than 6'0, I don't know any woman that can support a 200+ weight healthily. Period. I'm 5'11 and 147 and I'm as curvy as they come. Just because you haven't been there before doesn't mean it isn't achievable. I call Cop Out. Now, enough with the excuses, take it 10 pounds at a time and get into that healthy BMI range. Obviously tough love is my motivational MO. Stop thinking about it and just work hard.

    Definition of health has different meanings.
    Great blood pressure reading? check
    great resting heart rate? check
    no diagnosed health problems, able to pass Dr exam check

    I've been 200+ for most of the last decade.
    I eat healthy most of the time, and generally am healthy.
    no health conditions.
    and if I workout regularly, I feel fit.

    you don't have too be a certain size to be fit. or 'healthy'
    of course I am trying seriously now to get to a lower weight
    and the risk for getting a health condition goes way down,
    but I don't see myself getting any lower than 170.
    not bc I've never been there
    bc I have wider hips now and tons of muscle
    we each need to determine than on our own terms.

    read skinny emmie's blog.
    she ran a half marathon.
    you don't have to be a certain size to be healthy or fit.
    you can start now.

    edit to add, I'm 65.5 inches. tall.
  • KaseyWolf
    KaseyWolf Posts: 122 Member
    Who says you have to shoot for 170 and not 220? How about shoot for say 215. When you get there, reevaluate and make another goal. Small, attainable goals, bit at a time. Don't try to bite off and chew the whole thing at once (sorry for the eating analogy) but nibble at it bit by bit. Don't settle and don't quit. The overall goal shouldn't be a number on a scale but how you feel...being a healthier you. You can be 120 and be unhealthy.

    Good luck!!
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    I have been doing a lot of thinking about where I want to go with my weight loss and I had an original goal of 170 or so. However, lately I have been thinking maybe 200-220....

    I have always been comfortable with a little extra weight. I am not necessarily looking to be skinny. I am just wondering if this is a cop out of sorts. I dont know what it is like to be under that and honestly.... it does scare me to think I could make it there.... I know that probably doesnt make much sense for such goal oriented folks, but knowing where I have been in my life and what I have been through, I am just not sure I would ever feel safe much under 200...

    Set 200lbs as a mini goal and then once you get there (and you will with determination) about more mini goals after that.

    I was 250lbs BUT I was always heavier on the scales. I have never been "thin" and I always have a stocky, wider frame, even with dramatic weight loss. BUT 200lbs is still significantly heavy for any height (unless you're guy, tall or body builder).

    I too had this mental comfort zone that 200lbs is "alright" because, frankly, I never thought I would break it and remain under it.

    So after 200lbs, I just set mini goals, such as 10lbs by X, 5 lbs by Y and then ... guess what? Don't weigh yourself and I did it on clothes.

    A comfortable weight for my shape and size was 140lbs - 147lbs (I am 5' 5.5") but guess what? I was a US size 4 and UK size 8 .... most people that height and weight are bigger than that. I have always been much heavier on the scales.

    Just do one stage at a time.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I get it. When I started at 301lbs I was saying he exact same things. I was broad, larger body shape and under 200lb (or 90kg) was scary.

    When I got under 100kg I realized something. My body shape is not as large as I thought. Parts of my body have changed hat I would never have guessed. I've lost a full shoe size. I'm actually getting quite small in he shoulders which is scaring me as I always thought I had road shoulders.

    When you are so overweight you really don't know your true body shape. Just continue going in 30lb losses and focus on that. I know you'll be pleasantly surprised.