Hunger holding me back!

I did great friday because sushi really fills me up but today I ate great all day to..then that before bed hunger kicks in the the point of uncomfort.

I tried snacking on some celery and cereal and it worked awhile. then the hunger came back.

bam I just had another bowl of cereal and 3 small brownies... (cheerioes by the ay)

every time I start a weight loss journey this always happens and stops me!!!!

what can I do? :(


  • 1994baileyboo
    hi there!
    i find this aswell but my best advice to you is when your feeling hungry like really really hungry you know your loosing weight drink a bottle of cold water and keep yourself busy
    i was terrible for eating right before bed because my work hours are a little messed up but just keep yourself busy full pf water and motivated you CAN do it!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    More protein.

    Eat more protein than MFP gives you. Go for 30% of your daily calorie target as protein and eat some at every opportunity. Both snack examples you gave have virtually no protein in them.

    Even better if you combine protein with high fiber. So instead of celery and cereal, have celery with cream cheese or peanut butter. Or instead of cereal and brownies, have greek yogurt with a few nuts.

    Customize your MFP goals by clicking "My home" then "Goals" and then "Set custom goals"... it will start with what you have now and nothing will change... go in and change "carbs" from 55% to 40%... then protein should auto update to 30% and fat at 30%.

    You're doing a great job sticking to your goals... now if you have goals that will work for you, you'll get rid of the hunger problem.
  • faireplay
    faireplay Posts: 126
    Eating the right foods at meal times makes a world of difference in staying full. As the other poster said, protein, protein, protein. Carbs process quickly and leave you hungry sooner.
    Also it's important to learn the difference between hunger and just wanting to eat. If you are truly hungry and put a decent amount of food in your belly, the hunger will subside. If you are "hungry" and only brownies or sugary cereal will do. then chances are, you aren't truly hungry.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I did great friday because sushi really fills me up but today I ate great all day to..then that before bed hunger kicks in the the point of uncomfort.

    I tried snacking on some celery and cereal and it worked awhile. then the hunger came back.

    bam I just had another bowl of cereal and 3 small brownies... (cheerioes by the ay)

    every time I start a weight loss journey this always happens and stops me!!!!

    what can I do? :(

    stop letting it stop you.

    if it happens again, and it will, just accept that you're not perfect. try to be better tomorrow. try to have more good days than bad days. eventually the new habits will take hold and you'll have fewer "lapses". remember, you're changing your behavior and habits, not dieting. no one day can make or break you.

    just remember to log it.
  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I agree with the protein upping. Also if you want to open your food diary that might help us to comment on your food intake. Not high protein but I find if I pop 1/8 cup of plain popcorn I get a largish bowl to snack on and quite low in calories and it takes a while to munch thru. If you have no popcorn maker you can do it in a paper bag in the microwave
  • Fitstephy
    I agree with the protein upping. Also if you want to open your food diary that might help us to comment on your food intake. Not high protein but I find if I pop 1/8 cup of plain popcorn I get a largish bowl to snack on and quite low in calories and it takes a while to munch thru. If you have no popcorn maker you can do it in a paper bag in the microwave
    why can't you see my food diary? it's set to public. (I did it myself)
  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Sorry I see now it is open.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    You may be thirsty. Often times thirst will present as hunger pangs in some people. Also, if you live up north you may be lacking in vitamin d and serotonin that exposure to the sun gives you in the warmer months. Carb cravings is your body's way of trying to produce more serotonin, and it works. But it also makes us gain weight.
  • Stephen_L
    Stephen_L Posts: 7 Member
    Do some exercise. It keeps your mind busy and burns your calories. House chores is a good start.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I did great friday because sushi really fills me up but today I ate great all day to..then that before bed hunger kicks in the the point of uncomfort.

    I tried snacking on some celery and cereal and it worked awhile. then the hunger came back.

    bam I just had another bowl of cereal and 3 small brownies... (cheerioes by the ay)

    every time I start a weight loss journey this always happens and stops me!!!!

    what can I do? :(

    Eat way more low sugar fruits and non starchy vegetables more veggies than fruit, get up to nine servings a day. You are not eating enough and the ones you are choosing are the highest in sugar and/ or the highest glycaemic index.

    Eat protein and healthy fats at every meal and snack, starting with breakfast, carbs alone spike and trough the blood glucose triggering hunger and cravings. Be careful with vegetarian meat 'replacements' they are often high in carbs and low in protein so not a meat/ fish substitute at all. You are not really eating many fibre/ mineral rich foods BTW - beans, lentils, nuts, seeds and unprocessed wholegrains. Don't underestimate how much of this your body needs, especially if you are not having dairy.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Ok, bear with me b/c I only read the last 3 days of your food/exercise diary.

    Are you dieting? Is this why your calories are so low? I could never survive on 1300 cals per day.

    Are you exercising? That's a huge part of weight loss and maintenance. There is no way I would have maintained my 70-lb weight loss for all these years without exercise. And I get to eat more!

    Also, break up your meals into 6 small meals per day and load up on lean protein. It helps keep you fuller longer.
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    you're eating mostly carbs. you need to up your protein like everybody said. try maybe 40% carbs then 30% fat 30% protein and see if you still feel hungry.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    I had the same problem, this is what I did.
    1) Drink tea! It's comforting and healthy. I like peppermint. Now it's a habit, if I feel like I need something, I turn the kettle on and that is what I go for first.

    2) Go to bed or read

    3) When I complete my food diary for the day it actually helps stop me from eating. So I try to complete it after I am satisfied from dinner.

    Good luck.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    One of the things I think in general which is a first world problem - and this is me included in the problem - is that we fear a bit of hunger. It is likely if you are changing your eating habits that you will feel different things in your body. Obviously, if you are not following the guidelines as OP have suggested then you will be feeling hungry and adjustments need to be made. But there is also the psychological effect that needs to be worked on too. If you have had a lifetime to get you where you are needing a change then you should expect an adjustment period where all sorts of new experiences happen. Give it some time, be careful, but realize that being hungry isn't the end of the your body adjusts to the new settings you are trying to get into it will probably kick a bit and you will have to ride it out. Your current situation didn't happen overnight and neither will rectifying it.

    I try to drink water when I get hungry (people often mistake the signs of thirst for hunger and that will help you get to a better water consumption level).
  • odearja
    Do some exercise. It keeps your mind busy and burns your calories. House chores is a good start.

    This is one of the best suggestions so far. Protein (hard boiled egg without yolks are packed with protein and have only 17 calories) and fiber are great options. But dont forget that if you are on a treadmill or a bike, you are too busy to consume "extra" calories.
  • TwentyTreize
    More protein.

    Eat more protein than MFP gives you. Go for 30% of your daily calorie target as protein and eat some at every opportunity. Both snack examples you gave have virtually no protein in them.

    Even better if you combine protein with high fiber. So instead of celery and cereal, have celery with cream cheese or peanut butter. Or instead of cereal and brownies, have greek yogurt with a few nuts.

    Customize your MFP goals by clicking "My home" then "Goals" and then "Set custom goals"... it will start with what you have now and nothing will change... go in and change "carbs" from 55% to 40%... then protein should auto update to 30% and fat at 30%.

    You're doing a great job sticking to your goals... now if you have goals that will work for you, you'll get rid of the hunger problem.

    This is superb advice.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I think the idea of the tea sounded good, and there is also a vegetable juice or some warm broth to help feel satisfied. I feel like that often. sometimes I make it and sometimes I don't. I have committed to logging in each day this year and being honest with myself about what I eat I have struggled the last few days but I know I will get back in the groove soon.
  • itsdonna35
    Everyone has given great advice. What helps for me is I eat 6 x a this:


    And the last snack of the evening is something with fiber and protein like fruit and nuts, whole grain cereal, etc.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    Have to agree with most everyone else- protein. Just look at what you've stated: sushi filled you up. That's protein. Then you snack on cereal and keep getting hungry. Carbs aren't satisfying for long, and you start insulin going up and down. If you feel the need to snack, have some protein.
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    I know this sounds ridiculously stupid but it worked for me. I still sometimes get hungry before bed and honestly I think for me it's just a mental thing. So what I do is take water to bed and a diet rootbeer. Yep. I do. It gives me the feeling I have something sweet and it's not a brownie LOL. Diet AW rootbeer is my secret weapon when I'm craving sweets. It doesn't have caffiene so it won't keep me up like Diet Barqs. Another thing that I do because I'm usally cold at night now is to heat up 1 8oz glass of unsweetened almond milk vanilla (30 calories) and either mix in a splash of sugar free torani coffee syrup like pumpkin or vanilla or even 8 oz sugar free Chai drink mix (0 cals). That way I have a warm drink and then hit the bed.