Starting to get frustrated

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
OKAY so I've been working out 6 times a week for a little over a month now. And I've been eating and staying at my calories also. Yes I have days when I do bad but not as many as my good days. So you would think I'd start to loose weight? NO UGHHHH I keep going up and down 3 pounds! Last week i weighed 127 this week 130 wtf. ughhh Ive been working so hard i dont get it.


  • karlamae
    karlamae Posts: 5
    Hang in there! If you are working out that are building muscle and may not be seeing weight loss on the scales, but are you feeling it in your clothes? Keep it'll get there!
  • i agree...keep going. it took me weeks and weeks to start to see any weight loss and i was working out 6 days a week. in the first 7 weeks i think i only lost 3 lbs or the next month or so after that is when i really started to drop the weight....just keep doing what you are doing... :) you'll get there
  • Do you notice any difference in your body and clothes? I'm the same way on the scale but will notice in my clothes. You may have hit a plateau already too and should mix up your routine a little.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Same here. I've been doing 5 -6 days a week working out, staying around my calorie goal and I haven't really lost anything but one pound in a matter of two months. But I have lost inches! So it's not a big defeat. I'd say we need to switch up something. Are you doing the same work out? Maybe longer cardio time or interval sprints? Are you lifting? Maybe switch up your weights/resistance?

    Also, what time of the month is it? Are you retaining water? We are women, so it's not easy for us.

    And food it a major issue. Just because your in your calorie goal doesn't mean you're eating properly. I found certain carbs bloat me and make me feel WAY more heavier than I am. So I have to cut them out. Experimentation can be the biggest thing. I can't eat the sugars, fruits and breads. Pasta is tricky for me as well. Green veggies, lean meats (protein), nuts, and certain fruits I keep around.

    But I have been feeling a change - in mood, sleep, and how my body feels. Keep concentrating on those positives. The negatives will only defeat you. And what's good for one person, may not be good for you. Keep up the good work and smile! You are on the right path!
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I'm going to continue to think postive its just a little annyoing. I keep telling myself that I'm not just doing this to be skinny. I want to be fit, look fit and just be healthy. Its a lifestyle change so it is going to take a while.
  • Newfunlander
    Newfunlander Posts: 65 Member
    Having you been eating at least some of your exercise calories? I wasn't and I actually gained 3 pounds as well. That didn't make sense to me at all. I started to eat at least half of my exercise calories and now I have lost 2 pounds this week. I was starving my body. Now I am eating more and losing weight.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    watch your sodium intake, sometimes that can cause a weight gain!
  • RentThisSpace
    RentThisSpace Posts: 96 Member
    A couple of things you might want to consider:

    -You mention that you are working out, but what are doing? Cardio? Weight training? Running? You exercise types do matter. Losing weight normally has a lot more cardio than weight training initially, so if you are not concentrating on cardio or running, then you might not seen all of the gains you are looking for.
    -Also, since you are working out, people have a tendency to use sports drinks. Don't unless you REALLY need them. Water is probably about all you need right now, and sports drinks have a lot of empty calories.
    -You mention that you are at or under your calorie goal. That is great! Keep that up. Not knowing your diet exactly, I can't say for sure where to change, but you might want to look at how to increase your vegetable and lean meat (fish, chicken) consumption.Think more grilled food than fried, and salads instead of starchy sides.

    Again, not knowing the specifics, these might not all apply to you, but you should probably consider them. Not everyone changes in the same way, so your miles may vary from others, but changing your lifestyle for the better WILL pay off in the end.
  • sfichter
    sfichter Posts: 5 Member
    check out the site bodyforlife..they way he tells you to work out really works..i was having the same problem..what it comes down to is actually working out too much and not eating enough of the right have to eat 6 times a day combining protein and complex carbs at every meal...not sure if you weight train but that is the way to go..muscle burns fat! Good luck
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    I know exactly how you feel. I have been at this since January and have lost only 1 pound and no inches. Working out 4-5 days a week and totally frustrated. But I don't want to give up! My hubby says I am not eating enough, but I hate to fill up on junk stuff just to eat all the calories recommended.
  • I know it can be frustrating- I usually gain about a pound over the weekend then have to loose it plus more during the week- you are probably gaining muscle which weighs more-- have you taken measurements of your body- you might see a difference there if you are getting toner!!! You probably feel better b/c of working out- more energy, etc... relish in that- you are getting healthy!!!!
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    Definitely don't fill up on junk food! I have reached a plateau as well. But Easter just passed, and more chocolate and jelly beans seemed to find there way into my stomach. The higher the sugar, the worse I feel and the weight doesn't budge. I have started focussing on the protein and carb numbers, as I see that I am consistently NOT eating my quota here. I work out 5-6x/week, weights and cardio and still have 5-8 lbs to go to my goal weight. I am at 1200 calories /day, and if I don't eat my exercise calories, I am hungry and not satisfied. So I never have a problem eating into those calories - although not usually eating all of them. I too am hoping to blow out of this let's just stick with it and ensure our food choices are smart ones.
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    p.s. I added sugar and sodium tracking to the calories, carbs, protein and fat that is the mfp default.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey there,
    I hate to tell you, the 5 beers you had on Friday, probably cancelled out all the hard work you did last week.

    Your drinking a coffee and at least 2-3 pops a day. (that's not going to help).
    Lean cuisines are full of sodium.

    Try and get more vegetables and fruits in a day.

  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    A few things come to mind:
    1) You don't have a ton to lose. So it will take time. And the scale is not always a good indicator of your progress, especially when you have a small amount to lose, since your weight can naturally fluctuate. Just because the scale doesn't say you have lost anything doesn't mean you haven't lost any fat.
    2) Looking at your food diary, you are often under on your calories. If after a few more weeks you don't see a change you may want to consider adjusting your calories.
    3) How many calories are you burning each work out? It doesn't look like you are taking that into account for your daily calories. Extra work means extra fuel is needed. For instance if you burn 500 calories and eat only 1400 your net is less than 1000. You might want to consider eating some of them back. I know there is a lot of opinons on this but as you said this is about losing weight in a healthy way and that means slow and not depriving your body.

    Stick with it!:wink:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    One more thing I noticed. You seem to drink a lot of soda. If you can you should quit or at least cut back. I know it is hard. I like mixing oj with diet gingerale.
  • I know exactly what you mean. I have low thyroid probs and have been speed walking and jogging two miles EVERY think that would be legs look fantastic, but my belly is getting bigger...and my pants still fit tighter...You are right, it is dissapointing. It is hard to stay positive.
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