Nearly 1 week in!

Hi, nearly completed 1 week...weigh in tomorrow!! Am finally starting to get the hang of the calories after eating too many :-( then too little think i'm starting to get there but not holding out much hope on the scales tomorrow! I Have found the kids just dance 4 great for my exercise, getting to burn some cals while having fun with the kids:-).

Any MFP friends would be a great support to keeping me motivated.

Happy calorie counting!


  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi , yes me too , one week nearly , although being on here about a year :)
  • Have just finished my first you have struggled with the calories and portion control but now motivated as Ive seen the results :-) Its worth it :-)
  • Fatsotubs
    Fatsotubs Posts: 93 Member
    Hi! My weigh-in day is Wednesday. I usually start off really well then lose motivation very quickly. Hopefully this time it will be different. I have Zumba for the wii which I intend on starting soon!
  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    Congrats on finishing 1 week. It is an adjustment figuring out what foods to keep you satisfied and under your goal. Good luck on your journey!
    Feel free to add me as a new friend.
  • first week back after 6 months gap
  • x0emz0x
    x0emz0x Posts: 38 Member
    Congratulations on your first week! I too have not long gotten used to caories and i'm finally enjoying working out and eating healthily! :) feel free to add me as a friend if you need motivation :)
  • I've been struggling to lose weight and keep it off the unhealthy way, now I'm going to try the healthy way!
    I lose motivation quickly, but I'm going to really try this time.

    How do you guys create that little banner at the bottom?
  • loubylou1969
    loubylou1969 Posts: 57 Member
    You go to apps at the top and then clicker!

    I feel so much better in myself by eating well and exercising! I try and have loads of vegetables/salad and keep down on the sugary foods!

    It's brilliant that there are so many British foods in the database too!

  • carolinelittle
    carolinelittle Posts: 45 Member
    Nearly end of week 1 for me too, I have loved tracking my food! It is keeping me honest and on track.
  • FitzyFitzpatrick
    FitzyFitzpatrick Posts: 188 Member
    Please feel free to add me if you will commit to log every day, and have an open diary.

    Good luck!
  • We are all in this together. Good luck hun, been on a week aswell so keep going. :-))
  • hopestreet2470
    hopestreet2470 Posts: 17 Member
    End of my 1st week tomorrow :)

    Feel free to add me too! It would be great to have friends just starting out.

    I'm not sure I will see any change but I am happy with keeping track of what/ how much I eat it has been a real eye opener!
    Lots more to learn.

    Good luck on your journey !
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    Congrats!! I am getting ready to start all over. been on here half*a$$ed for a year but all that is changing! Feel free to add me if you wanna!
  • Hi I'm in my first week and struggling with the calorie count too. I have become obsessed with the calories in food and can't believe the amount f calories I was shovelling down my throat! I have been walking everyday about 5k on average so far but it seems to be flaring up a back injury. Will stick with and hope it will improve as my fitness level improves. I've also go a Wii and am planning to do this a couple of times a week switching between just dance and Wii Zumba should help with the fitness levels. It's hard work but hopefully all worth it. Going to get weighed today as my scales are unreliable at home so hopefully my correct weight will be plotted each week.

    Add as a friend if you like as I share my food diary with friends and would appreciate people adding their food diaries for others to see to help me with meal ideas.

    Good luck!
  • Njbelle
    Njbelle Posts: 28 Member
    I too am almost a week in from my Restart

    I wish you all luck and would LOVE to have you guys as friends as support along the way

    I am totally honest on food diary and i think it helps for me to think if i don't want to add it i probably should NOT eat it xx
  • TeishBurgess
    TeishBurgess Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow stay positive and the scale will move and remember those weeks when the scales don't change you may have lost cm your cloths will be your indicator :)
  • Willkathmum
    Willkathmum Posts: 62 Member
    My first week tomorrow too, I've generally not felt hungry but have found all the measuring etc time-consuming, will have to be more organised next week as everything returns to normal after the Christmas hols. Feel free to add me
  • On my first week as well goodluck just think how great u will feel in a few weeks when the lbs and inches are dropping off :) add away if u want
  • Just over my first week and need to find some scales for the weigh in to see what the results are! But feeling fitter and healthier already!
  • tabucutie
    tabucutie Posts: 2 Member
    It's a start and atleast you have gotten this far. I too am coming up to my first week using this website. It's pretty cool logging your food and exercise. I've got the bun and thigh machine and that's working real well for me. So far have lost 5 pounds. I'm hoping to make it atleast 8 pounds within the next 2 days :) Keep it up :)