New and Looking for Motivational Friends =)

My name is Kayla, I'm 24 years old.

I weight 260 pounds, and my goal weight is 130 so I definitely have a lot to go and need all the motivation i can get :)

So don't be shy send me a request so we can do it together!



  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hi Kayla! I'm Angela and have just under 120 so I know how you feel! I try to comment to everyone on my friends and would love to help motivate you!
  • xomorganjc
    xomorganjc Posts: 106 Member
    Add me! I need lots of motivation and friends please. :)
  • Anyone else looking to loose upwards of 100+ Pounds, add me :))!!
  • Just starting what will be a long journey, but one that I hope will have many successful milestones along the way.
  • Guess what, Kayla. You and I are both at the start of our journey and it's not going to be a short one for me, either. I weigh 249 lbs. and my goal weight is 140. So I think we would be great support for one another and that together we will have a nicer journey than if we traveled the road alone. Sincerely, Delana :glasses: P.S. I will post a picture soon.
  • aRustyAnGie
    aRustyAnGie Posts: 9 Member
    I also have much to lose and would love to be friends!
  • sezziejm
    sezziejm Posts: 147 Member
    Hi, I started MFP at 245lb & I'm currently 183.4lb.... My goal is 140lb.... feel free to add me..& Good luck xx
  • My name is Kayla, I'm 24 years old.

    I weight 260 pounds, and my goal weight is 130 so I definitely have a lot to go and need all the motivation i can get :)

    So don't be shy send me a request so we can do it together!


    You have definitely come to the right place! ... good luck!
  • Anm811
    Anm811 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is abed i have already lost 40 lb's in 2 months i'm 17 years old started bodybuilding , i have alot of information about nutrition you can add me so i can help you all ( i was 204.6lb's now 165 lb's ) my next goal for the summer is cutting to 154 lb's with 13% body fat , today i'm 17% bf i'm new on my fitness pal i 'm old member on bodybuilding site !
  • cara523
    cara523 Posts: 116
    Hi Kayla, WELCOME! I am on day 2 here and lovin every minute of it as I am sure you will too! Feel free to add me ( EVERYONE CAN!) The more support the better! We can and WILL do this!!
  • ReaGaladriel
    ReaGaladriel Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone.
    I also just joined and I added most of you even thou I have to lose less than 100 pounds, but I hope you will accept me because motivation and the support is the key to success :)
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    Hey everyone feel free to add me !! xD
  • WOOTT!! Keep it coming, THE MORE THE MERRIER... as they say :pp
  • Bumpity Bump Bump!
  • Bumpers mc Bumpy!!
  • Darmanin
    Darmanin Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there, I just added you as a friend. I'm looking to loose over 100 pounds.
  • Bumpers!!
  • Hi, I only need to lose 40 Its not 100 but it's a lot for me because right now I weigh 210 and need all the support and motivation I can get so add me please
  • Hi All!

    Happy for anyone to add me as a friend. Want the motivation and looking at other diaries is a good way to get food ideas! :)
  • cjmarindnj
    cjmarindnj Posts: 2 Member
    Add me Kayla : )