First Timer


I just joined. I read an article that said this site is the Number 1 site for DIY dieters according to Consumer Reports! So I'm trying it. I am in the process of trying to have bariatric surgery and my insurance company wants me to lose some weight and then have my surgeon resubmit the package.

So I'm here and I'm going to get my way through the weight to ultimately have surgery. Some people think it's a cop-out or an easy route, but it's not. I've lost and gained and done it again, so I need assistance with restriction so that I won't have the room to overeat.

I hope everyone succeeds in their goals no matter which way you're trying to lose weight. We're all moving toward the same goal of health, a slimmer body, and whatever other goals you may have.



  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome to MFP Carly! Best of luck to you with your upcoming surgery and journey to better health! Take a look at some of the before and after pictures on the Success board. It's always so encouraging to see those have gone before us!
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Welcome to MFP! As a fellow first-timer, I can assure you that this is already proving to be the friendliest bunch of people I've worked with on my weight loss journey yet! Everyone is incredibly supportive, and I know we both picked the right place to shed some extra pounds.

    Good luck with your surgery, and I wish you a speedy recovery!
  • carlygirl412
    I'm trying to post to kayduro, but I don't know if I am or not, but THANK YOU for the welcome! Congratulations on your 25-lb. lost! I've tried so many diets before over my lifetime and I'm just ready to shed the weight and hopefully NOT gain it back. I know people who've had the surgery and regain some of the weight. That is the scariest part to me . . . you know, once I wake up and recover from the surgery itself!

  • carlygirl412
    Hi XXghost! Thank you for the welcome . . . and welcome to you too! I'm glad folks are friendly and supportive! Thank you for the best wishes with my surgery. This is a particular journey I never thought I'd be on . . . I love food and I never thought I would willingly go under the knife to do something about it, but as I get older and my knees hurt more, I want to "stop the madness."

    All the best to you as you walk your journey through the jungle we all know as weight loss!

  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    weight loss surgery and MFP are tools that can help you lose weight. If you don't work at them you will continue to gain back the weight that you lose. I too was going to have the surgery and needed to lose weight first, that's when I discovered that if I can't do it by eating less then I would not do it with the surgery either. I decided not to do the surgery and so far have been successful. It is going slow but I won't have any of the complications that can develop with the surgery. Best of luck with whatever route you decide to go, both will take hard work for the rest of your life.
  • carlygirl412
    Hi Needles:

    Thank you for replying to my post! I go back and forth about the surgery; however, I've been back and forth with losing and gaining weight, too. I'm just tired of the ups and downs. My hopes and prayers are that the surgery will give me the extra help I need to reduce the volume of food (I guess portion control) that I can consume. There are risks associated with the surgery just as with any surgery. I am opting for the gastric sleeve because even though they remove most of my stomach, the natural path of digestion remains the same; unlike with the gastric bypass where they cut, disconnect, and reconnect your digestive system.

    I agree with you that either way, I have to make a life-time change. I'm not fooling myself that surgery is a magic bullet. I will have to do the same thing with the surgery as I would without it . . . change my eating habits and exercise!

    Carlygirl 412
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    Life goes on, and sometimes things happen for a reason. I do not judge anyone who wants to have weight loss surgery because I totally understand where you are coming from. I was desperate to lose weight, nothing was working and my insurance company had a flat out NO to weight loss surgery back when I wanted to have it done. It was back in 2003 and if you remember the commercials were endless, it seemed like everyone was doing it. I belonged to the largest online surgery weightloss support center and met many people who either just had or were having many great weight loss stories, I just had to have it done, I was not taking no for a answer I decided to travel to Mexico to have the surgery. I now can't believe I did such a thing but desperate people do desperate things I guess....Fortunitaly the surgery went well, and yes, now my stomach was smaller so it was hard to overeat, well, at least for the first year. I did not lose all the weight I had hoped for as my weight loss came to a halt 6 months after surgery which is not uncommon I have learned. Fast forward 10 years, so so many of those people I came to know from the support group where now having revision surgeries to again make their tummies smaller , since the surgery does not stop you from eating, just limits how much at one time, not to worry just wait a few minutes and you can again continue consuming and the dumping from eating sugar goes away after the first year, so in no time you can be back to your original size...I know I lived it. I thought I was doomed to be fat the rest of my life until two years ago when I tried a diet my daughter had done, for the first time in my adult life I was now in the normal weight category. I was able to lose twice the amount of weight I had originally lost by the RNY surgery, so this is why I say, it can be a tool but it's not the end all...There are ways to lose the weight without having to have the surgery. Either way don't let anything stop you from reaching your dreams....