Gone from WW for good!



  • kaseymei
    kaseymei Posts: 164
    I've also said bye bye to WW. It's a good program and worked for me, but I too was tired of the fees and now I hear the program changed again!! MFP is a simple and realistic approach to making lifestyle changes.
  • Did WW for 5 yrs on/off & the last 4 years were hard yo-yoing 10 lbs. because I didn't want to keep paying member fees for the last 5 lbs.

    I really would like to see their data for how well they vet their program changes. Once I was losing fine, they changed the program and I didn't lose anything for 2 months straight until I quit
  • ajcamber
    ajcamber Posts: 89 Member
  • Texgal9816
    Texgal9816 Posts: 28 Member
    I too have done WW on and off for years and I am at the point where I'm tired of paying for something I can get for free. I have lost weight w/ ww several times but then life gets in the way. I would tell anyone who was looking for weight loss to look into it, I would also plug a few websites too. I have met some wonderful people during the meetings. However I typically have done it online. But at the end of the day MFP has had a bar code scanner that tracks alot more food and I actually found a thread on MFP yesterday that allowed me to install something into my Firefox to display the points in my MFP food journal. So now I have the best of both worlds :bigsmile: I canceled my ww online membership yesterday. Good luck in your journey! We can all do this!
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    I was back and forth with WW myself and just wasn't a program for me. I am the most successful with this site and would recommend it to anyone.
  • watermlnlady
    watermlnlady Posts: 5 Member
    I was successful on weight watchers, but hit a brick wall after losing over 60 lbs and just couldn't get into the changing programs and our meeting leaders. I found workout buddy (someone I partner with to email about how each day goes and if I worked toward my current goals) and then was guided to this site. I love MFP and though my numbers don't show weight loss, I feel I have been successful here by keeping off the weight I had lost previously.

    I think we all need different things at different times, but the bottom line is the same where ever you go. Do what works for you and do it for yourself and your own health. Create a supportive environment, keep track of what you eat in a manner that works for you, move more (exercise) and eat less/right. Seems to me that MFP and WW have those things in common.

    Good luck to everyone ... and my you find success no matter what avenue you choose.
  • I lost weight on WW but my points consisted mostly of crisps!!! I have also tried Slimfast and Slimming World. Too much money spent and the weight went back on as I became frustrated with what i personally felt was me paying for people telling me what i could and couldnt eat!!! i know this isnt the case at all and structured programmes work fantastically for some but they arent for me x A
  • mntracker
    mntracker Posts: 6 Member
    I have been following WW for 13 years. I went to the meetings for about 2 years and continue to follow the program. When I started WW the point system was new. I follow the original point system, not the new one that is tweaked every year so people buy their new products (books, etc.). I do still think it is a great tool to lose weight, it helped me learn more about calories, fat, and fiber. I really never looked at nutritional information before WW. For me to maintain my weight, it seems I have to log my food. This is a great site to do that. I think if more people logged what they ate (everything) they would be successful.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Agreed. My mom took me to WW at age 10. I've been back and forth the last 30 years!! But I'm done with that. I decided when they switched to points that it didn't make sense. They weren't teaching anything about healthy eating. I could eat a bunch of crap all day as long as I didn't go over my points... WTH??? Made no sense. Plus expensive and not that much support. This is where it's at.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    A colleague lost 40 lbs on WW which inspired me to try to do the same - but I balked at paying a lot of money for the privilege of having to go somewhere to weigh in and listen to people talk. Privacy was an issue for me (small, gossipy town.) Being gluten-free and health conscious, I didn't want their products, recipes or handy hints on using sugar substitutes and the plans all seemed so confusing.

    When another friend told me about MFP I loved the concept; I wasn't sure I'd follow through, but here I am after logging in daily for over a year, 33 lbs lighter and much healthier. My colleague is impressed that I did it without WW!
  • anewlife4me8610
    anewlife4me8610 Posts: 91 Member
    I had been a WW member since 2000 and I had not lost any weight and I was getting so tired of not losing...so I quit ww and my friend told me about this site...I LOVE the dedicated commitment and support you find from community members here. But I did recently re-join WW with the new 360 plan. I LOVE IT!!!! It deals more now with issues behind eating, not just eating, but dealing with symptoms of over eating and with binge eating. I have found the changes to be really great and I love going to the meetings...HOWEVER, this site is FANTASTIC and I have met some great people!!!
  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    I was a member of WW for years. When I got pg with my 2nd baby, I had just joined an At Work group. Based on my experience with my 1st baby (9 lb. net gain), I asked my OB about staying on WW to help provide dietary guidance and accountability. I calculated my points needs and they were within my nutritionist recommended guidelines. When you're pg, you need only about 300 extra daily calories and I knew the plan would help me follow that. My nutritionist agreed. Both agreed to write letters in support of my staying on WW, so I sent them off to HQ along with a note that I'd be willing to sign any waiver they wanted, absolving them of responsibility if anything went wrong. (I'm not stupid--I wasn't going to stave myself, just eat within guidelines, follow my OB and nutritionist orders and supervision, etc.). WW wrote back saying, "We're happy you want to stay but...no. You're welcome to come back after the baby is born."

    So I never went back and never looked back. This site provides as much and more accountability and guidance, and support ANY time I want, not just at meetings. And it's actually working. And it costs nothing, thank goodness. Imagine that.
  • Thank you, OP for starting this thread. As I read each response, it was like a confirmation that I made the right decision to join MFP. :happy:
  • Hi, I started this January 1st and so far I really like the site. Just saw MyFitnessPal listed as the #1 online dieting site in my Consumer Reports magazie. Was so excited. I have done weigh watchers before and it does work but working full time, 4 kids, dog and husband. I prefer doing other things with that hour then a meeting. Several people I work with have lost weight through joing this site, so it works and I'm giivng i a try. Good Luck to both of us and add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • While it's a great place to get feedback from other people, I personally thing WW the cooperation is only in it for the money. I don't really think eat anything for "x" amount of points is logical, (at least that is what I remember it to be the last time I tried it with my mom when I was 14)

    Say You have 24 points for the day, and you can eat all the junk food you want so long as it stays under 24 points. That means a person may not be getting enough nutrition and their body may not be burning off calories correctly, thus slow weight loss or gaining weight back. I think WW wants people to not lose the weight, because if they lost the weight they would go out of business.

    I also don't like their criteria for hiring their employees. If you go to their website, they require their receptionist to be within 5lbs of their BMI and their Instructors to be within 2lbs of their BMI.

    Because of Genetics some people do not look fat but they technically are fat or obese because of BMI. Me I am obese according to BMI, yet I only consider myself fat because I can still see my lady parts with out having to move my tummy out of the way. At my goal weight, 170 with 20% body fat. (im 205 with 30%now) I would still fall in the obese range yet I would look normal. If you took a professional wrestler like John Cena, he is also obese according to BMI because of muscle bulk.

    I do not like how WW uses BMI instead of figuring out body fat %. Body fat % is more accurate when trying to lose weight than BMI.

    (In case you are wondering normal body fat% for women is between 15-25%)
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I don't like weight watchers either, because it doesn't teach people about fats, proteins, carbs, etc. They just go by "points" and you can't judge points forever!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I agree. Have been on WW on and off. Lost 75 lbs. Not all this was from WW, though. I believe you van do this without it and ultimately, it is the only way that I believe you will be consistent. Just bite the bullet, come here for support, ideas, etc. Personally, I have gone wheat free-low carb/limited processed junk and am feeling a wonderful change. Wheat just affects me badly and is not needed in the diet (although, you hear all the rage about whole grains). Not needed. For me it's working. There is no one size fits all anything with diet or exercise. I do believe WW is out to just make money and don't put forth what they preach with regard to balance in there foods. Just my thoughts. Good luck to everyone in New Year!
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    After being humiliated at a WW meeting, I quit for good. I did learn a lot, and my first group leader was wonderful, but the woman who replaced her made me feel awful about myself. I've decided I don't need that, and I've moved on to MFP, where everyone is much friendlier!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Exactly! I had an old leader that was good too, but didn't care for the new one. Was a very crowded room and was hard to get individual attention. Will not go back. Waste of time and money. Also, when meetings were cancelled because of inclimate weather, you aren't notified but, still needed to pay- not right.
  • I had success with WW twice, and then tried on-line, but did not find it as effective. I figured I would give this a try, and so far so good. I miss the "free" fruits and veggies, but, in reality the concept is the same - smart choices, accountability, support, and MOVE!