


  • 21Pontoon
    I like to drink a pint before every meal and have water sitting near you at all times. Drinking really cold water can make you drink more but also just generally giving yourself a time to drink water each day helps, eventually you'll realise you're actually that thirsty and it will become a go-to drink. That's what happened to me anyway x
  • VickiPerfect
    I invested in a soda stream I loved my fizzy pop and hated water now I only drink fizzy water and I'm even using plain now too.. I was a Pepsi max addict .. My skin is so much better for it too :smile:
  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
    For me, drinking water is one of the major keys to losing weight. I drink more than the normal suggestion, but I truly believe it helps me to feel more full and it does wonders for my skin. I take out five 20-ounce bottles of water every morning and cut a lemon into wedges. Squeeze one wedge into each bottle of water and put them in the refrigerator to chill up. That keeps track of my consumption for the day - I know that I have to finish all five bottles of water by the time I go to bed in the evening. The lemon makes the water taste better and it also helps to flush out/detox you. Also, I have read that drinking your liquids ice cold helps to burn a few more calories because your body has to heat it up inside of you... extra bonus! Good luck.
  • Helenal91
    Try and get a water bottle that you carry around with you all the time. I have one that filters the water as I drink it. I know it sounds weird but this helps me.

    Also try and drink a cup before and after you have a meal. This will not only make you feel fuller, but then you have got 6 in just by doing this.

    I have also heard that hunger is sometimes dehydration, so water instead of food may help.

    Hope this helps :D
  • Lovett123
    Lovett123 Posts: 54 Member
    I tend to drink more out of a bottle than a glass so I fill up a litre bottle of water in the morning, take it to work/college with me and when I get home I fill it up again and make sure I have finished the second bottle before bed time! that way I'm getting 2 litres of water and day and feel sooo much better for it! :)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I know I have an easier time drinking water if it's ice cold.

    This. Room temperature water actually makes me nauseas. That said, you can get used to it. When I started a couple of months ago I had to force myself to even get two glasses a day. Now I drink almost exclusively water and enjoy it!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Don't rely on artificial sweetners...they are full of toxic chemicals.

    Stick to water. It does a body good! :)

    Yes... artificial sweeteners are a poison if you take too much - your body actually starts to fight the toxin by.... making you fatter!!!!

    Well it can kill dogs and they are mammals too! Step away from the diet drinks!

    Life Sucks, eh!?

    Where are all the people that should be dropping dead from poison? Just curious.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    I think it's been said above already, but you don't necessarily *need* to drink 64 oz. of water in a day, and pretty much any liquid will count as "water intake" (even coffee or beer, although some choices are obviously going to be better than others in terms of calories / sugar content).

    The bonuses of water over a lot of other liquids are that it'll fill you up, it'll help keep things moving in the digestive tract, and it's not going to add any calories to your diet.
  • travlinjess
    travlinjess Posts: 243 Member
    I'm going to make a recommendation since this topic is going. I like water, so I have no problems drinking it in its natural form. But I was finding it hard getting in the 8 glasses a day....usually drinking about 6 after putting in some effort.

    WELL, I recently purchased a Nalgene water bottle that now makes it so easy for me to reach my water intake goal. Something about its size and design makes it perfect. I never thought a water bottle would make such a difference, but it has. I fill it up, keep it nearby, and know that once I've had 3 bottles full (at 650ml mark), I've had my 8 glasses of water. Easy to monitor and keep track of....

    I purchased mine at L.L. Bean for less than $9....but here it is on Amazon.


    I was using a different water bottle before with a screw top, but this other one has kicked it to the curb.

    I am no way affiliated with the brand and have never publicly promoted any product (seriously the first time), but I couldn't resist passing on this tip, especially if it will help someone else.

    Good luck!
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I always get flamed when I say this but I'll keep trying; the 8 glasses of water a day thing is a misunderstanding of study results which actually said you need the equivalent of 8 glasses of water, most of which comes from food.

    I have read this before. and I eat a lot of produce so I don't worry too much about the quantity of water, I just make sure I drink it throughout the day. And I do believe we aren't all the same, some of us might need more or less than the recommended amount. But given how often I read people talking about how little fruit and veg they eat on a daily basis, I'm wondering if people are getting as much water from food as they think.
  • canucksgirl16
    canucksgirl16 Posts: 13 Member
    I have hated water since I was little. My Mom used to tell me she had such a hard time getting me to drink water all the time. What I did was just set out small goals and worked my way up. I started out with a goal to drink at least 3 cups of water and then upped it by a cup each day till I reached my goal of 8 cups a day. Eventually I just got used to drinking nothing but water and now I don't have an issue at all.

    Good luck!
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    I count anything except my coffee as water. Always make sure its low calories and I dilute it as well.
  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    I am having a problem getting in the full 8 cups of water in a day. I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to increase this or if drinking Crystal Light would count toward the water count.

    I have had a problem at all with getting the cups of water down....I would suggest just getting a cup that's 8 oz so you can measure because 8 oz isn't that much water. Then just drink more often...starting with a cup when you first wake up, one before you go to work, 1 mid morning, 1 before lunch, another 1 during lunch, mid afternoon 1 also, and 1 before dinner and 1 after dinner. Just schedule it out.

    It is just a guideline, I drank 12 yesterday....kept me from feeling hungry. It's 2:45 and I've already had 7. I went walking this morning and drank 1 before I left, came back and drank another.

    Hope this helps.

    ps. if you drink coffee you have to drive twice the amount of water to offset that coffee cup. 1 cup of coffee, 2 cups of water.
  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    I think it's been said above already, but you don't necessarily *need* to drink 64 oz. of water in a day, and pretty much any liquid will count as "water intake" (even coffee or beer, although some choices are obviously going to be better than others in terms of calories / sugar content).

    The bonuses of water over a lot of other liquids are that it'll fill you up, it'll help keep things moving in the digestive tract, and it's not going to add any calories to your diet.

    Doctor told me coffee is a diuretic, you drink 8 oz of it and your body puts out 16 oz of fluid. Same with most sodas...in the military's basic training they make you drink 1 glass of water for each glass of soda. for safety reasons...don't need you dehydrated.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    Doctor told me coffee is a diuretic, you drink 8 oz of it and your body puts out 16 oz of fluid. Same with most sodas...in the military's basic training they make you drink 1 glass of water for each glass of soda. for safety reasons...don't need you dehydrated.

    I think your doc probably needs to brush up on his/her research.

    There's a lot of information out there, including links to various studies, but here's a bit of info:


    ... and I won't comment on "military intelligence". That joke's too old. ;-)
  • JudyAngelman
    JudyAngelman Posts: 58 Member
    I drink a lot of water but once in a while I will add a few drops of Mio to my 24 oz bottle to add some flavor. I never drink soda's but will have unsweetened tea with Truvia once in a while at a restaurant. I get at least 3 of my 24 oz bottles in daily . I think it really helps my weight loss.
  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    Doctor told me coffee is a diuretic, you drink 8 oz of it and your body puts out 16 oz of fluid. Same with most sodas...in the military's basic training they make you drink 1 glass of water for each glass of soda. for safety reasons...don't need you dehydrated.

    I think your doc probably needs to brush up on his/her research.

    There's a lot of information out there, including links to various studies, but here's a bit of info:


    ... and I won't comment on "military intelligence". That joke's too old. ;-)

    Well...there is no denying that diuretics make you have to pee, which means you loose a bit more fluid a bit faster. The more often you go, the more fluids you lose, the more you have to drink. Caffeine is a mild one which is what that link says. Maybe the Doctor said that to get me to drink more water. He seemed very competent and was recommended by my regular doctor.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    Well...there is no denying that diuretics make you have to pee, which means you loose a bit more fluid a bit faster. The more often you go, the more fluids you lose, the more you have to drink. Caffeine is a mild one which is what that link says. Maybe the Doctor said that to get me to drink more water. He seemed very competent and was recommended by my regular doctor.

    Pretty much any liquid has some diuretic properties but from all the research I've seen, the diuretic properties of caffeine have been wildly overstated, even relative to water.

    Along those lines, one to two cups of water to compensate for every cup of soda or coffee is overkill & there's really no reason to not treat coffee & soda as part of a general hydration plan.

    With that said, there's not much question that a bunch of sugar and/or cream aren't likely to help a diet plan, and a lot of folks question the effects of artificial sweeteners, so pure water's not exactly a bad way to go. :)

    As for the doc, keeping up with water intake's obviously a worthwhile goal in terms of general health & keeping yourself full, but I'd prefer a straight message to advice wrapped in what looks like an old wive's tale. ;-)
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Ahhh, the daily water thread. Read this post and stop all the silliness:

  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Don't rely on artificial sweetners...they are full of toxic chemicals.

    Stick to water. It does a body good! :)

    Yes... artificial sweeteners are a poison if you take too much - your body actually starts to fight the toxin by.... making you fatter!!!!

    Well it can kill dogs and they are mammals too! Step away from the diet drinks!

    Life Sucks, eh!?
    Ah, no.
    Plus a failed analogy. Some chocolate can be poison to dogs, that's why it is poison to us right?