Here I go... again...

Happy Sunday! I'm brand new to MFP and, with renewed motivation, it's time that I feel better and am healthier... that means losing the weight I've lost and regained many times over. Getting back to basics... food choices, activity and lifestyle - working to get away from the word "diet," preferring to say "food choices" and, rather than saying "exercise," I'm choosing to say "activity," since I really don't like to exercise. Knowing for me, what's in my head has as much to do with my success as what I put in my mouth, I'm working to avoid as much negativity as possible. My initial goal is to lose 36 lbs. That will put me under 200. It's day 5 of week 1 for me and I've been disciplined so far to keep the activity going while working on making better food choices. As I read, I know I'm in very good company and would love new friends and a circle of support that I can be a part of, share in and reciprocate.


  • pinkwhistle
    Hi turtle0022! I am brand new too - my very first post. I am trying to reach under 200 as well - I have 24 pounds to go. I had lost 65 pounds attending Weight Watchers, (started at 276.2 lbs) but I have regained some, and been battling the same 15 pounds now for a couple of years! I still attend Weight Watchers and still intend to - I think MFP will be a great addition to my program. It's been a few good days for me, and like you, I am looking for new friends and support where we can all help each other meet our goals.
  • turtle0022
    turtle0022 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi pinkwhistle... thanks for your post! I'm in for all the support I can muster! Glad WW has been successful for you - it's very inspiring that you've lost 65 lbs! woohoo!! :) I attended a couple years ago with limited success - 20 lbs lost and held that for a while, lost steam and then gained it back... but looking ahead and believe MFP will be a great tool as I tackle this from the inside out and top to bottom! Please stay in touch!