Contradictions EVERYWHERE



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    op, what is your point?
    you're not asking questions. you don't have a tale. you're not willing to accept advice or make changes. you're just being a grump because you're hungry and you have seen that people lose weight on very low calorie diets and others lose weight on higher calorie diets.
    are you just trying to get attention for your very low calorie diet?

    I am a little confused by all the shorthand - what is OP? I was not asking for anything, I was venting.

    OP = original poster or original post, depending on context.
  • Your doctor can refer you to a qualified dietician who can help you choose the right foods for a low calorie diet, to ensure you still get enough nutrients and protein to maintain muscle mass.

    You CAN do this, many have before you, you just have to keep going.

    I asked for that and it wasn't covered under my insurance - that's what started my internet research which sent me over the edge. I tried to find some free sites with that information only to find out that they wanted money to give me the information. The other barrier is that I am in a rural area with one doctor in town and the nearest anything is 60 miles away.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    this is a good tool and the support is extremely helpful. Logging is just the first step to being honest :smile: :smile: with yourself about what you are eating. Yes, by gosh I do eat enough calories to support my weight and I don't exercise it off. Once you recognize that you can use the stats to see what can be improved and added to your diet.Some people log forever, but lots don't. The second thing you realize is that cutting too many calories make it too hard. That is what is not sustainable. Being hungry doesn't work. Let the tools set an amount for you to loose. Give it a week and you will see how achievable it is.

    It will always be hard. This is the best free place to lose weight there is. It seems as if your options are limited, so give it a chance.
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    Check my diary, I've just made it public. I haven't lost as much as some people here but it is definitely working for me to log everything in. Mainly: it keeps me mindful of what I consume. This Is Key for me. I used to just sit and hand to mouth, hand to mouth, hand to mouth until a whole bag/plate/bowl of whatever was gone. No idea how much of it I had eaten. Now I measure or guesstimate it before eating and log it in either before or right after eating it. If I have more later I log it in as well. I've only had one day of absolutely mindless eating and that was around Christmas when I ate fudge, a whole whole lot of fudge. (eta: I went back and checked, it was cookies, not fudge, on Christmas day). But all the healthy days around it helped me not to gain.

    I wish you luck in your journey. I think once you've decided to get healthy, you will be able to.
  • is this even serious/ I mean, OP's name is reallyfatslob. not to be mean, but idk anyone who would make their name that. obese or not.

    I'll admit, my trollometer went off too. Actually, while reading it, I sincerely *hoped* that was the case as there are so many problems...not willing to log consistently/accurately (even for a short time), extremely low calorie diet, hangry, not ready to commit, etc.

    OP, if this is legit, then listen to the advice you're getting in response...(and if it isn't, well, good luck on whatever it is you're trying to accomplish with this).

    ETA: While I don't want to contradict an actual medical professional, I wonder if you're misinterpreting or reading too much into her "dead in a year if you don't lose 200 pounds" comment. I doubt she meant you need to lose 200 pounds within the next year or be dead. Perhaps she meant to say something more like, "unless you change your lifestyle and address your weight problem, your likelihood of mortality in the next year will be much higher." Absent close nutritional supervision, an 800 calorie diet sounds like a bad idea to me. Again, I'm not a doctor...just a random guy on the internet. Good luck.

    Maybe I am not in the right place then.... I started this crap on Monday with a doctor visit after my family prodded me into. My screen name reflects how I feel right now . I was given very little help at the doctor and after asking for more help was told that she couldn't do it for me and gave me the info that I shared earlier. I don't want to discourage anyone and I think that most people have been genuine in their responses, but I am still angry - that is not going to go away in a day. If I am too "angry" for this forum, I will not post anymore as I don't want to distract those that it is helping.
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    Don't go away.

    Another tool I have found helpful in MFP logging is that you can "copy yesterday"... I tend to eat the same thing for several days (leftovers of the original meal) and "copy yesterday" is one click. So I don't have to find the chicken breast, the sweet potato, the green beans, the butter all over again, I just "copy yesterday".

    Also you can "save meal". So I have certain breakfasts I like, for example a venti cappuccino and a cranberry orange scone at Starbucks, I just "save meal" so it's really easy, one click to log. Surely there are meals that you like to repeat that you could save.

    I wish you perseverance, patience and good health. You can do it. I like the 1 lb a week version of weight loss, I don't get so cranky.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Maybe I am not in the right place then.... I started this crap on Monday with a doctor visit after my family prodded me into. My screen name reflects how I feel right now . I was given very little help at the doctor and after asking for more help was told that she couldn't do it for me and gave me the info that I shared earlier. I don't want to discourage anyone and I think that most people have been genuine in their responses, but I am still angry - that is not going to go away in a day. If I am too "angry" for this forum, I will not post anymore as I don't want to distract those that it is helping.

    Your frustration is understandable. If you're in need of a plan, have a look at and work through . Best of luck.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    is this even serious/ I mean, OP's name is reallyfatslob. not to be mean, but idk anyone who would make their name that. obese or not.

    I'll admit, my trollometer went off too. Actually, while reading it, I sincerely *hoped* that was the case as there are so many problems...not willing to log consistently/accurately (even for a short time), extremely low calorie diet, hangry, not ready to commit, etc.

    OP, if this is legit, then listen to the advice you're getting in response...(and if it isn't, well, good luck on whatever it is you're trying to accomplish with this).

    ETA: While I don't want to contradict an actual medical professional, I wonder if you're misinterpreting or reading too much into her "dead in a year if you don't lose 200 pounds" comment. I doubt she meant you need to lose 200 pounds within the next year or be dead. Perhaps she meant to say something more like, "unless you change your lifestyle and address your weight problem, your likelihood of mortality in the next year will be much higher." Absent close nutritional supervision, an 800 calorie diet sounds like a bad idea to me. Again, I'm not a doctor...just a random guy on the internet. Good luck.

    Maybe I am not in the right place then.... I started this crap on Monday with a doctor visit after my family prodded me into. My screen name reflects how I feel right now . I was given very little help at the doctor and after asking for more help was told that she couldn't do it for me and gave me the info that I shared earlier. I don't want to discourage anyone and I think that most people have been genuine in their responses, but I am still angry - that is not going to go away in a day. If I am too "angry" for this forum, I will not post anymore as I don't want to distract those that it is helping.

    If that's how you read my post, then you misunderstood my intent. (Don't worry, that happens to a lot of my posts.) Actually, I'd say that this is exactly where you need to be right now. You're right, this is going to take some time...but starting now will get you to where you need to be. Pick and choose from the mostly good posts already made and go from there. Personally, my suggestion is to start by reading through the "roadmap 2.0" link a few times and follow that.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I would say eat more, but just get excercise to compensate for the extra calories that you eat. I've had to do that a few days cuz I've eaten out when I've been out and about at apts and such. One day it was McDonalds and I had to work out for like 80min that day to make up for what I ate but I didn't eat any less infact I ate as much or more than normal that day.
  • kgates121
    kgates121 Posts: 21 Member
    In response to your post on calorie intake. I decided to use this site measure and track my eating and excercise. The results were, I was not eating enough to lose weight regardless of how much excercise I did. I would actually gain 2-3 lbs and become fatigued. I eat fairly healthy. I splurge a little and have made small changes over several years. I looked into a few sites by other members and calculated what my body needed, I found that I should be 600-1700 calories per day. I added more vegetables, healthier fats and whole grains to get to this intake along with higher fiber, I started losing a few pounds and not gaining.

    Don't be afraid to eat more! Best of luck to you on this jouney.
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    I'm sure the 500-900 cals per day are REALLY adding to the pissed off mood and cravings.

    I'd die on that amount of calories!

    I'll add another contradiction. You can't starve yourself, period. And if it was a doctor who told you to do that, find another doctor!!

    Are you exercising?

    My doctor gave me the option of surgery, but I can't afford it. She told me that I would have to lose weight on my own anyway before she would do surgery, so she handed me a sheet with my body fat percentage and told me that my BMI was off her chart in her office (which is was). She said that I would be dead in a year and told me that I needed to lose as much weight as possible. When I asked her for tips, she said that people who have bypass have to keep their intake down to 800 calories - she also said that if I had a heart attack right now, they would put me on an 800 calorie diet before they would do surgery.

    There is no reason to go on such a low cal diet without GB surgery - for starters, with the surgery, the way your body processes food completely changes, also, you are under very close supervision from your surgeon, dietician and everyone else! I supported a good friend through the process, and even if your insurance would cover it, I would suggest it is an option of last resort.

    Listen to what people are saying - log food, eat a deficit and you will see results.

    And please don't leave MFP - yes, some people are arseholes, but I think this is just where you need to be.

    My diary is always open, so feel free to check it out. I admit, I have never been obese, but you can see I'm maintaining my weight, and have plenty of room for treats (went out to brunch yesterday - bacon, eggs, ciabatta, pancakes etc etc. So you don't have to deprive yourself.)
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Okay, I have to start this post with a disclaimer. I am really cranky, really hungry and ready to go eat 20 Big Macs and wait for the hearse.

    I am a firm believer that no one loses weight by measuring every little thing that goes into your mouth - it is not sustainable, not practical and just not possible if you plan to lead any type of lifestyle outside of your home.

    I believe it is more important to research each type of food and to decide if it is good for you to eat it or not. Here's my dilemma - for every food item, someone tells you that it is the worst thing you could possibly eat while trying to lose weight and someone else tells you that you should eat as much of the same food as you want. Bananas are a great example, but I found this with EVERY food I have tried to research in the past week. It is impossible to make any food decisions beyond kelp/seaweed and water.

    I am also morbidly obese and can't afford the cost associated with doctor fees, bypass, WW, supplements, etc. For the past 4 days, I have managed to get by on 500-900 calories per day and have lost 8 pounds. When I say manage, I mean that I am pisssed off for most of the day, I go to bed and try to sleep by 8 PM and stay in bed til about 9 or 10 AM as the only time I am not hungry is when I am sleeping. I have 4 different family members telling me that they don't want me to die of a heart attack and then they all have different ideas about how I should lose weight. I lost about 75 pounds 15 years ago by cutting out fats and most fried foods and it worked for about 5 months. I still wanted fast food, junk food and high calorie food all the time - I got upset with people who say that their craving for "bad" food went away or that they got sick when they ate fast food - that never happened to be and never will.

    As I write this, I realize that I am probably not ready to diet or make any lifestyle changes - if I was, I would probably not be so negative.

    So, I would have sympathy for you, but it probably won't do any good, so I am just going to give you a swift kick in the backside here. Quit groveling over what you can or cannot eat, if you're going to do this, do it, if not, then don't. If you all you ever make are excuses, all you ever will have are excuses. I measure everything that goes into my mouth, it's not hard, and it really doesn't consume that much time. Honestly, how much time do you waste in front of a tv? A computer? Probably hours! If you can sit in front of a TV or computer, you can take a little time and measure your food. If you want this bad enough, you will do it.

    I use to be like you, that's why I am responding the way I am. Quit whining, shape up, and do what you need to do to get yourself healthier.

    Couldn't have said this better myself...:drinker:
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    With 500-900 calories per day, I'd be a pissed off b*tch.

    I am short, overweight (170-ish), and eat 2,000 calories a day, workout, and am losing weight.

    I also have food issues (binging problems tied to emotionality), and I get off track too often... but when I'm doing it right, I eat 2,000 (or more) calories a day and lose.

    You need to eat a cheeseburger, exercise, and RELAX.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    We get obese not just because of what we eat, but also how much. Weighing and measuring are tools to help us realize what a portion size is. Once you have done it for awhile, you can recognize a portion without getting out the scale.
  • WrenStory
    WrenStory Posts: 103
    I am a firm believer that no one loses weight by measuring every little thing that goes into your mouth - it is not sustainable, not practical and just not possible if you plan to lead any type of lifestyle outside of your home.

    I believe it is more important to research each type of food and to decide if it is good for you to eat it or not.

    As I write this, I realize that I am probably not ready to diet or make any lifestyle changes - if I was, I would probably not be so negative.

    Maybe you can change your beliefs... because many, many people measure the food that goes into their mouthes. Apparently it is practical and sustainable.

    You can research foods all day long... but you need to be aware of the science behind metabolism. We can wish any number of things were true... but science is about explaining & predicting reality... not wishful thinking.

    If you are morbidly obese you probably need to kick things into high gear as far as readiness goes... I'd try to come at this with more of an open mind and start looking into exactly how many calories you are eating per day. By whatever method you can stand to use. Good luck.
  • Stephy2469
    Stephy2469 Posts: 35 Member
    By only eating 800 calories a day your body is holding on to all the fat and storing the fat you do eat! You should be eating a minimum of 1800 calories if you're morbidly obese. The weight will come off!
  • Great special about weight loss and goes over (again) why people have such a hard time losing weight and giving up fatty foods, etc (near the end) on 20/20 episode "Half their size".
    It also has info on dieting from people who have lost weight intelligently, etc. And if you know anything about Ruby, she is on there (she lost from 700 lbs to 329 supposedly without surgery but regained to 398 and back down to 360's now). Losing weight is hard. I've lost over 100 lbs and it has been a struggle. I know that I AM a food addict. I'm in my 50's and know that I can't eat a little of things that set me off cause at first I delude myself into thinking that I am ok but later, I am eating a gallon of sugar free ice cream or a box of Little Debbie Zebra cakes. I have been dieting for my entire life and I have lost this weight slowly and took out 5 months to just maintain before beginning to lose more weight. I eat tons of veggies, fruits, and smaller amounts of vegetarian proteins (I'm vegetarian and have been for years and not due to diet but due to loving animals). I did measure every bite because I would trick myself into thinking larger quantities were smaller (like I should be eating one cup but was actually eating a cup and a half, etc... on some food items that can be a lot of extra calories a day. I had to teach myself portion control somehow). I don't eat sweets or processed foods anymore. Feel great too. I want to lose another 50 lbs and started back on my diet and lost 10 lbs already (last month). I exercise every day even though I have mobility issues (RA) and I'm in pain all the time. My husband and I got a new treadmill that has longer "arms" so that I can use them for support when I walk so that I won't (hopefully) fall. I have always had problems with my weight since I was a pre-schooler:( I'm not saying it is easy but it's getting somewhat easier over time. I still occasionally crave junk and unhealthy foods and I just don't let myself do that. I know myself and know that one bite of something bad leads to another and another and then an entire carton or jar or whatever.

    Have you tried going to a support group like TOPS or OA? Those are free or cheap? They also have online meetings but I don't know how many ppl show up for the online ones. Best of luck to you!
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    By only eating 800 calories a day your body is holding on to all the fat and storing the fat you do eat! You should be eating a minimum of 1800 calories if you're morbidly obese. The weight will come off!

    This is not really true if the OP is morbidly obese - the body only holds on to stored fat when fat % is lower.

    That said - 800 cals a day is probably why he's cranky and everything feels hopeless.

    To reallyfatslob - Check out the success stories thread, I'm sure you will fund people who have been in similar places and who are now healthier and happier.

    Good luck.
  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    Lots of good feedback from your post. Glad you put it out there instead of just disappearing into the night... add good supportive friends, like the ones who responded. This site can be a wealth of information and support if you let it be. Add me if you like! And here's to a really healthy 2013 for you, and for all of us! :
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Why are you trying to go on 500-900 calories a day? That may be why you're so pissed off.

    It would certainly make me incredibly pissed off--I can say this because I've done it, it wasn't good.

    I think you are correct, OP that measuring every little thing that goes in your mouth long-term doesn't work for many people, but there is some middle ground. For example, I don't measure most vegetables, I eyeball them, because, quite frankly the difference between one serving of lettuce or broccoli and two servings isn't going to make or break my diet. On the other hand, I measure higher calorie foods like nut butters, nuts, grains, and even beans.

    Also, I do not agree that for every food there is disagreement. There is one group of foods pretty much everyone agrees that you should be eating more of to lose weight--vegetables. I guarantee you if you replace some of the meat, bread or other starches, cheese, etc. from your diet with vegetables you will lose weight.

    Finally, while you say measuring every little thing isn't sustainable, neither is eating too few calories, and 500-900 is almost certainly too few calories for you. Figure out your maintenance calories, and cut 500 calories a day from that. That should result in a roughly one pound per week loss, and should be very sustainable. If after a while you find that is working well for you, you could make it 1000 calories a day, although that is much harder to sustain.