5"4 Weightloss buddies WANTED

Well after a bad year personally I am back to it. New Year. New Job and I am back with the man I was with for 2 years.

I am currently: 163lbs BMI: 27.5

BMI of 25 would be 146lbs

My ultimate goal is 133 ish.

Anybody similar? I am a 23 yr old mum of one. Also a nurse. Would like new buddies. Starting weightloss journey tommorrow.

Have a charity bike ride in April, Christening in May and I am a bridesmaid in June.

I also want to look good for my OH. :)


  • Hey :), I'm 5'4 and currently at 171lbs. I weigh in on Wednesdays so we'll see how much progress I've made this week :). My ultimate goal is anywhere between 125lbs and 135lbs, depending on how I look and feel when I get there. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm 5'4, you are certainly welcome to add me if you like :-)
  • snarkymom72
    snarkymom72 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'4 too! Started at 176 and am down to 155 right now. My goal weight is 135 and/or a size 6. Feel free to add me if you want:-)
  • I'm 5'1, a little shorter than you! I'm 172lbs and I am really wanting to lose weight. I'm quite new here and feel free to add me as a friend. I run a group, 'slim + sexy for summer' so feel free to join :) ! Hope we can be friends and support each other over this journey.

    P.S I'm not trying to advertise my group x
  • andreamelo1
    andreamelo1 Posts: 161 Member
    i'm also 5'4 i started at 189 am down to 146 and i still have work to do add me if you want
  • I am 5'4 and working my way to 130 - 150 not sure my final goal weight. After a few weak weeks I am topping out at 215 these days. I lost my first pound in a long time when I got on the scale last Thursday. I have been on this journey since Aug 2011 and have been on the longest plateau. I feel like I want to give up, but I would be letting myself down. I would love some new buddies so please add me.
  • Hello
    Im 5'4 as well and a busy mom. I just started last Wednesday and my goal is to get to about 130 lbs. I'm 153 now. Please feel free to add me.:smile:
  • epcorne
    epcorne Posts: 59 Member

    Goal weight: 115-120

    Add me :)
  • I am 5'4" and currently 166. I am recovering from a terrible disease called Cushing's Syndrome. I gained over 70 lbs with that disease and had a stillborn son. I have lots of extra skin that I have to have removed once I shed a little more weight. I have already lost 40 lbs. I went from 151 lbs-216 in 7 months. It was terrible. I am healed from the disease now and trying to get the rest of the weight off. My first goal is 151 lbs, where I was before I got sick. My ultimate goal is 140. I will be happy right there, which is where I was before I had my first son.

  • Hi, I'm also 5"4, currently 163 lbs and hating it! My aim is 136 by the start of April 2013 - 2 lbs per week!

    Any help with motivation gratefully received!

    Thanks :-)
  • sian_1989
    sian_1989 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm also 5'4"! Restarted on here on Wednesday after a couple of months break.

    SW: 168
    CW: 156
    GW: 140

    Would love to be well on my way by April...birthday time!! :)

    Feel free to add me x
  • wildiriss
    wildiriss Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 166lbs! Trying to ultimately get down to around 125, and I'm relatively new at this since starting up again. Feel free to add me, I don't bite :)
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Me! I'm 5'4'' and currently 157 (sigh, gained a bunch back). I was down to 136-138. My ultimate goal is about 130-132 but I'd just be really happy to get back to where I was last summer.

    I'm 35 and have three kids.

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • I am 5'3 and 167lb, goal is 133lb also. I am also a mum of one. feel free to add me, i am new to this and have no friends ha :laugh:
  • shyeban
    shyeban Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 5'4, 29 years old (mum of 2), current weight is 157lbs. I'm currently aiming for 145 and will reevaluate when I get there.
  • kamikazikelli
    kamikazikelli Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 180. I have been on MFP for over 2 years and had gotten down to 160 before I moved. My first GW is 160, but ultimately I want to be 140ish. Feel free to add me!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,863 Member
    im 5'7, 25, mom of 3, ages 3,4, and 6. I started at 172, im 142 now and want to lose another 10 - 15 lbs. feel free to add me, the more motivation the better
  • I'm also 5'4" and needing to lose weight, I just joined here today! I'm a mom to 3 kids (ages 11, 8, 4) and I'm currently 173lbs (yikes!). I want to get down to 140 or so.
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm 5'3, started this Thursday at 153 lbs and goal is 125 lbs, feel free to add me!
  • I'm 5-4 your welcome to add me. I could do with the support. Good luck to you x