What have you done to get motivated?

So, exactly what the title says. What have you done to get yourself motivated?

For me, saying I wanted to lose weight has never gotten me motivated.

However, I've had stomach problems my entire life (GERD), and most everything that I have enjoyed to eat, makes me sick to my stomach, hard to breathe, etc.

The only GOOD thing about this problem is that all of these foods that make me sick, are also the reason I can't lose weight.

So my motivation: I don't want to be sick anymore. If I cut those foods out of my diet, i'll be less sick, and in turn will lose weight!


  • brandyjones1991
    brandyjones1991 Posts: 34 Member
    I've been pretty heavy my entire life, so losing weight is something I've always wanted to do but was never really able to stick with.

    For the next three months everyone at my job and my boyfriend are competing against each other in a biggest loser contest. Although it's a competition we are all trying to help each other and for the past few days since we've started it's been great! Knowing that everyone around me is doing this too is a great motivation.

    Another big motivation for me is my family history. My great-grandfather died from complications after he had to have open hear surgery, my grandfather died of a massive heart attack at 43, his brother died this past summer from a heart attack, my Dad had a heart attack when he was just 32 and had to have a quadruple by-pass this past October and he's only 38. I'm built just like my grandfather and I've had elevated cholesteral for a few years now. I'm only 21 and so to head off the family heart disease I really need to turn my life around now before these problems can no longer be fixed with just diet and exercise alone.

    Great forum topic by the way!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm sure all of us think we are unique, and better than everyone else...but several months ago, I realized I looked like everyone else - FAT. I was sick of it, so I did something about it.
  • cinderelli83
    This is going to sound stupid- but i put up a few motivational posters that I made throughout my house. In the spots where you just can't miss it. Heading up the stairs, on a kitchen cupboard, and in the bathroom.

    The one in the kitchen is me on haloween last year (fun to say that now), I was having one of those weeks where nothing feels good, and every picture you are in you feel that pang of disgust- so I put that up to remind me that CHANGE is necessary if I really want that pang of disgust to go away.

    The one at the top of the stairs is a picture of my other half and a few cute pictures of babies (stolen from google, thank you!).. I need to lower my BMI for a better chance at pregnancy.

    The one in the bathroom is me with all of my hockey equipment on while I was playing in a game, taken about 3 years ago roughly. This is to remind me that if I really am interested in getting back into game shape- that I need to focus on what's important.

    I forgot to take them down at new years while we had friends over, and no one mentioned anything. No one really knows how important it is for me to make this change, and I actually prefered it that way- I am dependant on only ME and I can only disappoint myself. It has provided me with a lot of focus. Since I'm not really the type to ignore an awkward situation, I told my friend that it was a bit embarassing remembering too late to take those posters down (temporarily), and she replied that it was ok and that she was proud of me.

    Anyway, also coming onto this site, and reading posts from other members has also motivated me. I like adding new friends with a bright focus too.

    Add me if you like!! THANKS.
  • cinderelli83
    I've been pretty heavy my entire life, so losing weight is something I've always wanted to do but was never really able to stick with.

    For the next three months everyone at my job and my boyfriend are competing against each other in a biggest loser contest. Although it's a competition we are all trying to help each other and for the past few days since we've started it's been great! Knowing that everyone around me is doing this too is a great motivation.

    Another big motivation for me is my family history. My great-grandfather died from complications after he had to have open hear surgery, my grandfather died of a massive heart attack at 43, his brother died this past summer from a heart attack, my Dad had a heart attack when he was just 32 and had to have a quadruple by-pass this past October and he's only 38. I'm built just like my grandfather and I've had elevated cholesteral for a few years now. I'm only 21 and so to head off the family heart disease I really need to turn my life around now before these problems can no longer be fixed with just diet and exercise alone.

    Great forum topic by the way!

    I agree- great topic.

    I also had once joined a group- which was great for about a month. Slowly, members started to drift away and lose interest which was incredibly disappointing for me, as I relied on this group for motivation and support- I thought it would be GREAT if there was a group effort and a PLAN to follow. They eventually said "lets start again", and I declined. They did not start again, so i guess i made the right choice.

    I am NOT trying to discourage the group approach- in fact, I LOVE the idea! I actually think it would work very well, with the right people, you know? If I join a group again, I would make the group my second priority and put my goals ahead of anything and everything. Which is slightly selfish in a group environment, but in a way, if that group sinks- you really don't want to go down with it.

    Make sure you have a dingy!!

  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    I've been pretty heavy my entire life, so losing weight is something I've always wanted to do but was never really able to stick with.

    For the next three months everyone at my job and my boyfriend are competing against each other in a biggest loser contest. Although it's a competition we are all trying to help each other and for the past few days since we've started it's been great! Knowing that everyone around me is doing this too is a great motivation.

    Another big motivation for me is my family history. My great-grandfather died from complications after he had to have open hear surgery, my grandfather died of a massive heart attack at 43, his brother died this past summer from a heart attack, my Dad had a heart attack when he was just 32 and had to have a quadruple by-pass this past October and he's only 38. I'm built just like my grandfather and I've had elevated cholesteral for a few years now. I'm only 21 and so to head off the family heart disease I really need to turn my life around now before these problems can no longer be fixed with just diet and exercise alone.

    Great forum topic by the way!

    I agree- great topic.

    I also had once joined a group- which was great for about a month. Slowly, members started to drift away and lose interest which was incredibly disappointing for me, as I relied on this group for motivation and support- I thought it would be GREAT if there was a group effort and a PLAN to follow. They eventually said "lets start again", and I declined. They did not start again, so i guess i made the right choice.

    I am NOT trying to discourage the group approach- in fact, I LOVE the idea! I actually think it would work very well, with the right people, you know? If I join a group again, I would make the group my second priority and put my goals ahead of anything and everything. Which is slightly selfish in a group environment, but in a way, if that group sinks- you really don't want to go down with it.

    Make sure you have a dingy!!


    you are officially hilarious!! I love both your posts in this thread! LOL! Inspiring personality :)
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    We have 3 daughters. Last July our oldest decided she would try out for junior varsity volley ball in her first year of high school that coming fall. My husband and I had a long standing (but unused) gym membership to a local club. We knew if our daughter sat around all summer she'd never be in shape to compete for volleyball tryouts. Around here volleyball is the "it" sport and very competitive. We got her a membership and started working out as a family. It wasn't long before I was thrilled to be back at the gym and realized I was going for ME rather than as a mom trying to be a good inspiration for her child.

    Fast forward to now and I'm back in jeans I haven't worn in 10 years. (I loved them that much that I kept them!) Now I work out about 6 days a week and I'm in love with the new me. I was just telling my husband yesterday that I wish I could bottle that endorphin rush I get every time I work out. I'd be a millionaire!! LOl!

    I don't think there is one trick to motivation. You do have to find what works for you. Exercise makes me happy. It relieves stress, anxiety, depression....and all those other nasty emotions you don't want (that me for at least, came along with being overweight).

    You will find lots of opinions on here. Take them all with a grain of salt, mine included. It's important for YOU to find what works for YOU. Best of luck :)
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    watch " Cruise " music video, I am sure I will look the same as those girls come June, might need to get some hair extensions LOL
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Honestly, if I find my resolve faltering, I just get on the forums here and read the success stories or offer some one else support. It works every time!
  • cinderelli83
    We have 3 daughters. Last July our oldest decided she would try out for junior varsity volley ball in her first year of high school that coming fall. My husband and I had a long standing (but unused) gym membership to a local club. We knew if our daughter sat around all summer she'd never be in shape to compete for volleyball tryouts. Around here volleyball is the "it" sport and very competitive. We got her a membership and started working out as a family. It wasn't long before I was thrilled to be back at the gym and realized I was going for ME rather than as a mom trying to be a good inspiration for her child.

    Fast forward to now and I'm back in jeans I haven't worn in 10 years. (I loved them that much that I kept them!) Now I work out about 6 days a week and I'm in love with the new me. I was just telling my husband yesterday that I wish I could bottle that endorphin rush I get every time I work out. I'd be a millionaire!! LOl!

    I don't think there is one trick to motivation. You do have to find what works for you. Exercise makes me happy. It relieves stress, anxiety, depression....and all those other nasty emotions you don't want (that me for at least, came along with being overweight).

    You will find lots of opinions on here. Take them all with a grain of salt, mine included. It's important for YOU to find what works for YOU. Best of luck :)

    Very cool! Did your daughter make the team?!
    To the OP (which I can now "term", as I had to ask someone what that meant!)- I agree with the above- you have to actually DO what works for you. This also includes CHANGING your boring routine if you really don't feel like you are getting much out of it.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    My motivation, is also no more tummy issues, but also I have a lot of awesome clothes that are a little bit smaller than me they are all brand new and beautiful, so I want to fit in them!!
  • NobodyInParticular
    NobodyInParticular Posts: 352 Member
    I look in the mirror
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I did nothing to GET motivated, I just got out there and did stuff...nothing will motivate you until you are ready to change...so I guess I was ready to get my fat *kitten* off the sofa and get doing something different...
  • heidiandgarin
    heidiandgarin Posts: 5 Member
    set a gaol and find supportib=ve people!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Suffering from a back problem that was getting worse as I put on weight. Scared to excercise in case I hurt my back.

    Physio explained that my fear was stopping me from doing the one thing that would strengthen my back and prevent flare ups, excercise.

    So I started to diet and lift weights and hey presto here I am. Stronger, slimmer and with far fewer flare ups of my back problem.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    When I was at my highest weight and at my lowest point emotionally, it suddenly dawned on me: Losing weight/gaining fitness is something I can actually have some control over & accomplish. I can't change how other people treat me, can't change my age or my weird family; can't immediately change my finances or remodel my home; can't quit my job or fire my bosses; but I can eat right & exercise.

    Since I've lost weight I notice a lot of my other issues have improved - I get more respect from co-workers & bosses, my kids are more respectful, my husband more attentive. Still have the same old house, same old job, etc...but since I'm feeling better my confidence is higher & hence people react differently to me.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    ...left the Nay-sayers behind!! I decided I wanted to be healthier and stronger, made changes to my diet (full blown Paleo...dont judge, it works for me!! LOL) and I surround myself with people who are motivating, who want to go DO something...not sit and watch F@#$%$&^ GOLF!!!....uggg!!!
    I challenge myself to do something new, and by that I mean a new recipie, a new type of exercise, a new language. I got excited about my life, and things tended to fall into place than blossom from there. It turns into a perpetual motion machine =)

    Oh...and that voice in your head that says you can't??..........Is Lying.
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    Take pictures - in your underwear. It was eye opening for me!! It's so easy to hide your weight gain behind baggy clothes and sweat pants but once you take a pic and look at it - Wow.....yup. That is what is helping me with this journey.

    It's not easy, I won't lie. I want to shovel every single bad thing in my face but I want to be healthy and happy!
  • sportytalldoll
    sportytalldoll Posts: 208 Member
    Daily moti for me is the occasional glimpse of my favorite workout quotes . I've either clipped them from magazines or scribbled them onto notecards. They've been scattered thru my planner, taped them to my bathroom mirror, made them my phone background and set up random calendar reminders for encouragement since i have my 1st tough mudder in a lil over 100days.
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    Great topic! Every day is different and a struggle for me. Today, when I felt the nibbles coming on I grabbed my coat and went for a walk. Not so easy to do on the days when I'm working, so will need a different strategy then.
  • rockangel8907
    rockangel8907 Posts: 429 Member
    I looked at myself naked. Seriously. I looked at myself, saw my stomach had gotten bigger, I no longer had a defined waistline, my thighs jiggled more than usual, my butt was saggy and my arms were flabby and I had enough.....I decided to change right then and there.