100lbs + to lose. Could do with some buddies



  • lynnw24
    lynnw24 Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Anyone, please feel free to add me. I have a lot too lose too!
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    You are welcome to add me. I have around 90-100 pounds left.
  • Sounds good to me. Feel free to add me, need some help and motivation myself.
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    Feel free for anyone to add me!!!
  • I'm down 85 but have at least 100 more to go, myself, so I'm with you all the way! YOU can do this!
  • rissaloses
    rissaloses Posts: 38 Member
    I'm new to the site as well. I've lost almost 7 lbs so far, about 100 more to go. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • oreo182
    oreo182 Posts: 17
    Congrats on kicking the smoking habit :drinker: I've got 105 to lose. We can do this!
  • brandyanne0204
    brandyanne0204 Posts: 45 Member
    I am working on losing in which I am hoping to lose at least 100 pounds by the end of this year. I am in need of some motivation to get me started. I have made one step by giving up drinking soda and drinking more water which is becoming harder everyday. This is going to be a long journey but I am ready for the challenge.
  • Feel free to add me!
  • brittschick
    brittschick Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Natasha! I have 100-120 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi!! I too wanted to lose over 100lbs and then I was told about MFP! In July 2012, started at 287 and have lost 48 lbs, with the support of others and making good habits, changing out the bad for some new ways to cook and eat food! has made all the difference :)
  • denise8986
    denise8986 Posts: 42 Member
    I need to lose a lot also, feel free to add me :smile:
  • shamah84
    shamah84 Posts: 110 Member
    Friend Request sent :)
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Welcome, ive been on here for about 18mths, just a way of life now. I change things every now and then ...my eating plan, exercise plan just to trick my body into kick starting again. Happy to help share tips and ideas and motivate along your journey . Add me if youd like a friend.
  • gianamicole
    gianamicole Posts: 39 Member
    Im new to this too, and have 92lbs to lose, anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • AthenaRox
    AthenaRox Posts: 8 Member
    I also have 100+ to lose and just joined. Looking for new friends for mutual support. Add away :glasses:
  • AngelWings0609
    AngelWings0609 Posts: 105 Member
    I personally have around 75-100 lbs I want to lose! Anyone is welcome to add me also! We've got this! :)
  • kodijhill
    kodijhill Posts: 116 Member
    me ive been here 500+ days and haven't lost anything I definetly need some buddies to help motivate me!!!!
  • i would love to help support and motivate you. myfitnesspal is awesome. take small steps.. dont look at the ultimate that you want to lose or it will get you down. make small goals like 25lbs or something.. which still takes alot of time to do. i started at 327lbs and i made my first goal to get to 300. then i was like 250 would be nice.. etc. celebrate any victories big or small. take before pictures!!! & give yourself TIME. best of luck!
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    Been here for almost 2 years...still playing with the same original 10 pounds. :grumble: it's time to make me a priority!