Scared to death...



  • IamLoriJ
    IamLoriJ Posts: 124 Member
    I am new here too, in almost the same boat as you - I am almost 40 and just hit the 300lb mark at Christmas.... disgusted myself but now am here and everyone seems so helpful and nice! I know you can do it because I know that I can too!'

    Add me as a friend if you would like and we can figure all of this out together!
  • cherylowen3133
    cherylowen3133 Posts: 7 Member
    You can do it I started out at 285, got down to 140 and am now trying to lose 20 of the 40 I've gained, I will work on the other 20 after this, baby steps, aim to lose 5 pounds for now.
  • Anyone know how to change from pounds to kg's? I'm new at do you friend someone??? Please help
  • 253down
    253down Posts: 13 Member
    first step is putting it out there, that is what I did by joining here and putting it on my facebook page. First on my list is no more Cherry Dr Peppers from Sonic, when I always would have at least 2 large per day. Such empty calories. Water is going to become my best friend and I have to figure out how to put my picture on here. I had my dad take my picture today, the first day of the rest of my life. :happy:
  • Baby steps...
  • There is nothing to be scared of. You have made the first step which like everyone says, it's the hardest.
    Everyone on this site is here to support you and are all on here for more or less the same reason. To loose weight, get fit, share successes and get support when you feel like you are failing. And at the same time, you can make some great friends too!

    Your no longer a loner, as you have a whole site that is here to encourage and give you support with your journey :)

    Good Luck with everything, and keep your chin up. Things will get easier :smile:
  • Admitting your weight is a great start. I've actually started doing this myself.
    congrats on your 1st step..
  • And you pressed send and it wasn't so bad was it! Welcome and let's be buddies!
  • thankfullyfit
    thankfullyfit Posts: 1 Member
    Awesome...welll the key is accountability and now there are three of us who see that you have taken the first step. Hey we are all a work in progress. I am back on here with a friend of mine to help each other get back on the wagon as far as good eating habbits.
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    You can do this. We're here for ya, anytime you need some help. Just take it one day at a time, you will see results.
  • msqdpie
    msqdpie Posts: 92 Member
    Friends request sent. Welcome to your Life Change!
  • I also weigh almost 300 and I just started. I sent you a friend request. Lets do this together. :)
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    If no one has told you...

    You are strong.
    You are beautiful.
    You are powerful.
    You are courageous.
    You are successful.
    You can do it.
    You will do it.

    Tell yourself these things if no one else has,believe it,and just do it.Only you have the power to change,and you have the power to get where you want to be.
    Love yourself regardless!! You are worth it!!!
  • I don't know how to start. I'm a loner and it's taking all I have to compose this. I'm 45 and 300 lbs. I've started and deleted this text 2 times and before I can lose my nerve am going to send it....

    Great, and brave, first step. I'm not one of the ladies, but I am 45 and about 280 lbs.... why, we're practically MADE to do this weight loss thing together! People are giving great tips... really start with the little things. I'm just in my first week on MFP, filling out the Food Diary religiously. It's really opening my eyes to just where and when I throw down unnecessary and unneeded calories! I'm almost ready to start reducing my targets, so that I can get on the road to my goal. I think it's a great place to start, and MFP is a great place for support.

    Please friend me, we can help each other do this!
  • coolmomjulia
    coolmomjulia Posts: 24 Member
    Change is scary but your brave enough to take the first step, along with many more of us, knowing we need a life style change, a health makeover. We are in this together. I will turn 45 in August. I stand 5 ft tall and just shy of 200 lbs. Welcome to my online family of friends!
  • Hey! Welcome! You are here so that is the first step! My highest weight was 283lbs so I know exactly how you feel. Take it pound by pound. Don't think of it as a chunk....break it down. Add me if you want! YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • elemkc
    elemkc Posts: 43 Member
    Starting is the hardest part and now you're on your way!! One day at a can do it!
  • tlheppler
    tlheppler Posts: 52 Member
    Congratulations, good luck
  • This is my second time at myfitnesspal. I did it a year or two ago and lost 10 pounds. I have since lost 25 total pounds, using a specific diet for 3 months. With the holidays, I gained about 7 pounds back, so I figured I needed to get back into a program and something where I'll be responsible for what I eat. Even though my only friend/buddy right now is my daughter, just having to report on my food log what I've eaten makes me eat more responsibly. Nope, I have not given up my chocolate, lol, but I am paying more attention to what I'm eating. I want to lose the pounds I gained and an additonal 10 pounds. myfitnesspal works because you have to 'report' to someone, even if it's just yourself, what you're eating and you know, crap! I only have 200 calories left for the day, guess I can't have the cake!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I started by just logging calories to begin with. It's an eye opener to see how much you're consuming.

    Then I started walking. And when I was stronger, I built up to more.