20-something ladies, let's lose 20lbs by St. Patty's Day!



  • OMG! I love you honey! You are just my cup of tea. Same age, same weight, same goal...well, I'm shooting for 140 but I would love to do the challenge with you :-)
  • Hi there! I'm brand new and I just stumbled on this topic! I'm done for the cause!

    Age: 24
    Current weight: 260
    Goal weight: 145
    Height: 5'1.5"

    Edit: I also recently came from Africa. I spent 10 months in Senegal visiting my parents who are currently working on projects there and arrived back in the states in August 2012. I'm currently in FL though =[
  • Hi all! My name is Holly. I'd love to join on this 20lbs by St. Patty's Day challenge!

    Age: 23
    Current Weight: 159
    Goal Weight: 140
    Height: 5'6"

    I need more motivational myfitnesspal friends! Add me!! :)
  • kbruning527
    kbruning527 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm totally in!!! I would love to lose 20 lbs by then!! and i definitely need people to keep me accountable. I'm 20 and live in New Jersey
  • asmile123
    asmile123 Posts: 5 Member
    This sounds fun! I have been on this site for a year now and have lost 45/50 lbs but had a bit of a rough patch over the holidays

    Age: 20
    Current Weight: 220
    Goal Weight: 140
    Hight: 5'4.5"

    even though i have been here for a year I have 0 friends... Add me! :)
  • I'm in!!! I need to lose 40 pounds overall, but this is a good micro-goal.
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    Age: 23
    Current Weight: 140-143
    Goal Weight for 3/17/13: 120
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 115-120

  • I live in Illinois but I would love to participate in this with you. 20 lbs by st party's day would be awesome. I've lost 25 lbs and still want to lose about 45 more. I am 22 years old by the way. I really think it would help me to have others to keep me motivated and hold me accountable. thanks so much.
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    I would like to be back to my orginal weight by then of 118 and I'm 127 now
  • Hi, I am 23 and would love to be part of this challenge. I am currently living in Kentucky, but I grew up in southern Alabama. My current weight is 157 and my goal weight is under 130. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • crunchienugget
    crunchienugget Posts: 54 Member
    Girls no offence but I'm Irish and its Saint Patrick's Day, not St. Patty's Day
  • MrsPerkins616
    MrsPerkins616 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey ladies!! I am all in! I'm 22 and I live in Alabama. My current weight is 148lbs and my ultimate goal weight is 125lbs. Last year I almost reached my goal and got too comfortable and it all came back....plus some.So this time I will be more serious and fight to keep it off!!
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    Hello..I'm in! Id love to lose 20 pounds by then. I would be at the weight Id want to lose total if I did it by then!

    I am 25 and live in Providence, Rhode Island.

    My starting weight was 160 and my current weight is 151. My goal is 125....so slowly getting there :)
  • Girls no offence but I'm Irish and its Saint Patrick's Day, not St. Patty's Day

    I was thinking that too I've never seen it written St Patty's day before in my puff, it's St Patricks day or Paddy's day for a Belfast girl like me! 20lbs is too much of a loss for me but I am aiming for 14lbs by then, good luck ladies and gents!
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    Great idea though as someone who is Irish, can I just direct you to: http://paddynotpatty.com/ :flowerforyou:
  • imahuthnow
    imahuthnow Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! 28, was 160 for my wedding this May then fell off the wagon big time and am at 180. 5'6 and from Philly! Let's do this :)
  • viridianasan
    viridianasan Posts: 21 Member
    I want to join! Im from Texas, Im 27, just had my third baby girl!! I need to stop being depressed & start losing weight!

    goal: 140
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    I'm down! I'm 20, and 165lbs at 5'2", so I would be down to 145lbs by then. Sounds great to me!
  • brooklyngirl19
    brooklyngirl19 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh man! I am so in too! I'm 5'6" and losing 20lbs would put me at 225. Can't wait for that!
  • desi9837
    desi9837 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm 21 and I'm in! My pants have gotten a little tighter this holiday season, so this challenge is a good incentive to get into shape!