I've lost that feeling

I don't know what's wrong with me lately. For the last month or so I have just gone down hill. Ya know that feeling that you got when you first came here, when you finally reached that point where you've just had enough, and you WILL succeed this time? That is how I have felt for the last two years....I have not reached my goal as quickly as I would have liked, but I kept plugging away, sometimes stalling for a while, but never gaining anything significant back, and always getting back on the horse.

But lately, I just don't have that feeling anymore. Look how far I've come, I've lost 50 pounds (gained a few back) but it's like my battery died. I keep failing every day, telling myself I will do better tomorrow but then I never do. I'll do great one day, go for a 15 mile bike ride, but then not do anything for a few days. On Saturday I ran a 10K but haven't done anything since (partly because my feet have been killing me, but the other part is just laziness).

I've changed up my routine, I was going to the gym in the morning but just couldn't get out of bed anymore so I started going at night. Then I started riding my bike which I LOVE, but for some reason not even that is all that exciting anymore. I do great with my eating all day at work, then I get home and blow it. The worst part is my wedding is ticking closer and closer, and I am terrified of not reaching my goal weight or gaining some back before then. I haven't been overly stressed, the wedding planning is going smooth, my school has been pretty easy this semester....but yet I can't seem to figure out why I am in this funk, much less get out of it. Help!


  • loze85
    loze85 Posts: 6
    Hey although i haven't been on such a long diet I do know that feeling from before. You are doing really great :) Have you thought about taking a mini break just to get your motivation back? Or maybe joining forces with a friend to loose those last pounds? Sometimes cooking together takes some of the pressure off.

    Good luck and take care :)
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Even though you say you aren't stressed, I have a feeling you are.

    Or maybe you're binging at night because you're depriving yourself more than you should?

    And maybe it's just time to switch up exercise routines?

    Good luck, really. And congrats on the wedding. You'll be a beautiful bride.
  • electricgypsy
    electricgypsy Posts: 32 Member
    try something new. that always cheers me up! you sound a little blue to me, don't be so hard on yourself and let it pass :)
  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    Maybe try something to get you excited again. This week I went out and bought some new workout clothes and I burnt a crap load of calories at the gym today because I was excited to wear them. I also bought myself new headphones that are better for cardio workouts instead of ones that slip out of my ears.

    You could try buying some clothes, making a goal for yourself with a reward or just push yourself and make yourself workout until it becomes a habit again. This is the time to refocus and remember why you are here and what you are trying to accomplish. Don't run out of steam when you are so close to the finish line.

    Shake up your routine, try something new, buy yourself a present - do anything that will get you motivated again. You can and will do it!
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    Don't give up!!

    Hiya Amy, I know where you're coming from. I've lost the same 10 lbs on here multiple times and each time I say this will be the last because I really mean it this time. I think I've figured it out though for me at least. I'm really horrible at finishing things. I like starting new things but then I get bored and move on to the next new thing without finishing what I started. What I'm trying now is breaking things down smaller and smaller to keep me on task. For example, I'll say I want to finish x,y,z by Friday. Well that might not work so I go smaller and say I'll finish x today. With weight loss and food it started with weeks but at this point I'm breaking it down to hours. Right now I've promised myself I can hold off snacking until 4 o'clock when I can eat the salad I have waiting for me.

    Good luck to you.
  • JennyJG
    JennyJG Posts: 27
    Hi Amy,
    I am wondering if you wouldn't benefit from some counseling.
    Sometimes eating is a way of comforting and soothing pain. Maybe it could help you sort out some of those possible issues.
    I have been to counseling for other issues and it has done a world of good.
    Just a thought!! It may totally not apply to you.

    Best of luck to you, girl!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Maybe you ARE stressed and don't realize it. With a wedding coming up there must be a lot on your plate. Maybe you can find some ways of pampering yourself...get a massage, take baths, get a mani/pedi, things like that. Try out some yoga..I like that for when I'm burning out because I feel more like I'm caring for my body instead of just trying to change it. I downloaded some meditation/relaxation podcasts that I listen to sometimes...at the very least they give me some forced quiet time.

    Some stuff for exercise motivation: new tunes on your playlist, new workout gear, new short term goals.