


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    Are you going to a gym? If so 1.5 hours is alot. When i was training way back in the day a fellow PT told me that if you are in the gym for more than an hour working out you are not working out hard enough. Try accomplishing what you do in 1.5 hours in an hour, this increase in intensity should give you a boost. I was also told unless you are training for a marathon or triathalon more than 45 minutes of cardio is too much, cut back on that also to about 20 minutes but increase intensity.

    example: Cardio normal 45 minutes 3 miles, try say 30 minutes 2.5 miles (these may not be your numbers but you get the idea)
    Weight training if you do say a total of 20 sets in 60 minutes, do 20 sets in 40 minutes, it will boost the cardio and help with the muscle

    when it comes to weight training, more is not more, but moderate is more. Try keeping to multi-jointed exercises with about 2 -3 exercises per body part and 3 -4 sets for each exercise and stay in the 10 -15 rep zone. Isolation exercises like Flys or dumbbell curls should be no more than 2 sets with no less then 15 reps per set.

    I disagree, There is no proof that working out harder for shorter periods is any better than working longer at less intensity. There have been plenty of studies done on this, and basically they always come back with the same results, you can work shorter and harder or longer and easier, and long term results for calories burned are about the same (assuming calories/session are about the same).

    I also disagree with 45 minutes of cardio being some kind of hard limit. That's totally dependent on the person. Everyone is different. It depends on your genetic makeup, your predominant muscle type (fast twitch vs slow twitch) and your level of cardiovascular fitness. For some people 30 minutes is plenty, but others require a full hour or more to meet their needs.

    Also, I don't think this is an exercise issue at all. I truely feel that her settings for calorie deficit are wrong. And eating more and adding back some of her exercise calories will jump start her weight loss again.
  • Guchick18
    Guchick18 Posts: 17
    i work out 4x out of the week for about 1.5 hour, im 5'5 and weigh 230. i ve been stuck for about 5 mths. i actually gain two or three pounds then go down to 230 again. my goal is to lose at least 50 pds. of course I would love to lose more but that is my main goal.

    Are you going to a gym? If so 1.5 hours is alot. When i was training way back in the day a fellow PT told me that if you are in the gym for more than an hour working out you are not working out hard enough. Try accomplishing what you do in 1.5 hours in an hour, this increase in intensity should give you a boost. I was also told unless you are training for a marathon or triathalon more than 45 minutes of cardio is too much, cut back on that also to about 20 minutes but increase intensity.

    example: Cardio normal 45 minutes 3 miles, try say 30 minutes 2.5 miles (these may not be your numbers but you get the idea)
    Weight training if you do say a total of 20 sets in 60 minutes, do 20 sets in 40 minutes, it will boost the cardio and help with the muscle

    when it comes to weight training, more is not more, but moderate is more. Try keeping to multi-jointed exercises with about 2 -3 exercises per body part and 3 -4 sets for each exercise and stay in the 10 -15 rep zone. Isolation exercises like Flys or dumbbell curls should be no more than 2 sets with no less then 15 reps per set.

    yes im going to a gym
  • Guchick18
    Guchick18 Posts: 17
    I want to thank you all, I really did not think there would be this much support on MFP. Once again thank you all!!!! I really am shocked to see all the support thank you!