Hiiiiiii !:flowerforyou:
I'm 21 years old from Australia, have just been put on to MFP & soo far LOVE the look of it :)

I am going to make 2013 my HEALTHIEST year yet!
I am in the process of quitting smoking (yes it's a process!) & need to lose some weight for that to happen!

Loving reading the inspirational stories & would love some support && of course looking to give some as well:)

If you would like a new friend, please feel free to add me & we can do this together!!

<3 amz


  • Hey Amzzzz!

    Nice to meet you. I've just re-joined (joined ages ago, but I scared myself out of it)

    I'm from down under too! Adelaidian perchance? Well, I'll still love you even if you aren't from here.

    I'll add you as a friend and keep my eye on ya, Missy moo. Good luck on quitting the sticks!

  • I have gone the whole hog since new years, I smoked 20 a day for 20 years, I have not had a smoke this year since I joined and have lost a few kg. it is worth it as I already feel better and it's only been a week!
    You can do it
  • Justkritter
    Justkritter Posts: 143 Member
    Hey! Nice to have you in here. Add me up. LD
  • Hi TheRisingOfMe! WA girl here :tongue: but will one day make it to SA!! Thankyou for the add & the kind words:smooched:

    HiiiDJMartins! that's impressive ! 20 years & then nothing! I've had a few slip ups, but I was sure that was going to happen.. just pick myself up & start again :) have you used any kind of assistance, or going cold turkey??

    Thaaaaaaankyou Justkritter :happy:
  • Hi and good luck
    I gave up 20 years ago cold turkey. Hard but best decision. 2013 is the year I say. Add me if u like . My aim loose 20kg in 6months