If every day were like this, you would weigh____.

caramel827 Posts: 163 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I just started using this site and I love it. I have only been on five days and I am curious: After entering diet and exercise and then hitting the submit button it gives the message: If every day were like this you would weigh _____pounds in five weeks.

I would like to know from those who have been on this site awhile exactly how close to true is that statement. Do you find you are somewhere close -higher? Lower? Just wondered.

Thanks for the help. I am so glad to have found this.:smile:


  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I wondered that too!! I hope it's true! lol
  • I have yet to be consistent enough to find out. :happy:
  • It's pretty darn close. I've been on here 15 weeks with a goal of 2 lbs a week and I've lost 28 lbs. That's only 2 lbs off of their calculations.
  • holly71
    holly71 Posts: 7 Member
    I have not been consistent enough to find out either but I have lost my 2 pounds weekly that I entered in my settings. This is by eating with in my calories. I actually have at times lost more by excercising.

    Good look
    This is a great site.
  • I have found it to be pretty close also. I have been on for 10 weeks and have lost 14 pounds so far. My goal is 1 lb per week but I am averaging 1.4 lb. I haven't been eating all my calories every day but I try to as often as I can. I found that the closer I am to eating all of my calories, the weight comes off faster!
  • I don't know exactly how accurate it is, but I find it useful. I weigh myself every Sunday and I use that number as a guestimation before my weekly weigh-ins. It's pretty close. For example, if most of my days have said "you would weigh 'current weight - 8lbs' in 5 weeks," it's pretty likely that I will lose 1.6lbs that week. (8lbs divided by 5 weeks is 1.6lbs a week.) I don't pay attention well enough to figure out if the 5 week prediction is correct though.
    Good luck reaching your goal!!!
  • Chuck1223
    Chuck1223 Posts: 68 Member
    Close to very close :smile:
  • lynmayo
    lynmayo Posts: 14 Member
    For me, it was very accurate for the first couple of weeks but now I have been in a holding pattern at the same weight for a couple of months. Just can't give up the occasional glass of wine (or two).
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    I track it once and it took me a week longer to get to it. So I would say it is pretty darn close.
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    mine is no where near what I actually weigh. I started at 241 and im currently 227 thats 14 lbs. Im set to loose 2lbs per week and I have been doing this for 6 weeks...so my actual amount loss per week is 2.3lbs. HOWEVER my thing at the end of each day has always said In 5 weeks you will weigh....between 210-214...huh?? no way that is way off.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Wow , this is the first time I actually counted back 5 weeks to see about that, and it was spot on!
  • I love this feature as well!! Mine varies from day to day, but now I'm going to have to keep track for a few weeks and see!
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    I never considered whether it was accurate or not. I just thought it was a motivational tool - kind of a warm fuzzy. Thanks for posting this!
  • caramel827
    caramel827 Posts: 163 Member
    I appreciate everyone's replies! I am very happy to have found this site it is so motivating. I can't wait until Saturday to see how much I have lost! (Notice I am claiming a weight loss-you have to stay positive :smile:
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Yesterday was a big "test yourself" day on the bicycle. (You can read all about it on my blog if you want.) After finishing the data entry for exercise and nutrition the program informed me that "if everyday were like this one, you would weight 128.6 pounds in five weeks."

    Not only is that NOT a goal weight but I wouldn't live that long without hospitalization! Take care all!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    The problem is that I don't eat the same or exercise the same every single day. I also never kept up with it for 5 weeks so I couldn't tell you. I have lost pretty consistently. I was losing 2 pounds a week when I set my goal at 1 pound a week and I was losing 1 pound a week when I had my goal set at 1/2 a pound a week. So I assume it's correct. I do like the feature because it shows you a nice low number and you're like WOW I'm going to be tiny 5 weeks from now.
  • I agree with tipusnr.. I use it as a motivational tool ... just to think wow soon I will be there.. 5-10lbs less than what I am now gives you a great feeling and makes you want to stick with it.
  • coold
    coold Posts: 85
    20.gif WELCOME!!!! I started a thread a few days ago about this!!! haha...my concern is it says "in 5 weeks" every day!!!!! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/91201-ughhhhhh-will-5-weeks-ever-get-here



    My number hasn't changed much in the past 3 weeks since i've been on here...watching it like a hawk!!!!!!!!!
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Well cold, one of two things is happening. Either you are super consistant with your calorie balance or you're not posting your nutrition diet at the end of the day (or next day). That's where the program gets the data from.
  • coold
    coold Posts: 85
    I am posting it...but I am eating most of my calories back from exercising each day....so my number stays around 131 in 5 weeks lol...(for the past 3 weeks)....I'm currently around 137 and started out at 139
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