Typical Day

Hi, I am new to this and I just wanted to know if you guys could let me know what you eat in a typical day. I am on a 1200 cal. diet and can't seem to figure out how to keep it there. I feel like I am barely eating and tend to go over everyday.


  • katiebug513
    katiebug513 Posts: 24 Member
    I would suggest looking at people's food diary's. Some people have theirs public. I eat more than 1200 calories a day -but you're welcome to add me as a friend and view my diary.
  • Jes21sica
    Jes21sica Posts: 90 Member
    1200 is the bare minimum you should get, you don't want your body to go into starvation mode and begin storing fat instead of burning it. If I only ate 1200 cals I'd feel like I was going to pass out. I also try to stay pretty active and workout pretty much every day. But anyway I ussually keep my meals between 300-500 cals and I have two snacks a day around 100 - 200 cals, and if I have room for it I have a small treat at night. My food diary is public so feel free to look for inspiration
  • melcolvin84
    melcolvin84 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on a 1230 cal a day diet- I exercise pretty hard and on most days go over my limit anywhere from 100-150 (weekends can be a little more!) Feel free to add me as a friend to view my diary! :D

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • susanhiebert
    You can add me too. i pretty much stay at or below the 1200 calories. i never eat all my exersize calories either. That being said i still dont eat as healthy as i should. I go over on sugar and sodium regularly.
  • beccasetsfire
    I'm at 1200cal a day too I usually eat oatmeal or a protein shake for breakfast, veggies of some sort for lunch (steamed broccoli, cauliflower, spinach) what ever for dinner that night. I do not drink soda at all and I drink very little drinks with calories because it seems like a waste of calories to me. I also go to the gym pretty much everyday so I usually end up having left over calories at the end of the day...
  • jdayl
    jdayl Posts: 25 Member
    You should look at what types of food you are eating. There are many foods that are calorie dense, however fresh veggies and fruits can give you a lot of bulk and a full feeling without nearly as many calories plus all the added health benefits.
    In our household we have a large salad to fill us up before eating the main dish, I try to cover the plate 2/3 to 3/4 or more with salad and veggies and the rest as the main dish.
    Drinking a glass of water before eating often will help you feel fuller sooner as will eating slowly.
    Hope this helps.
  • fauxdetresse
    add me as a friend and look at my diary. i eat a good amount of food and still manage to stay within range. i always go over a bit to make sure i don't go into starvation mode.

    just ignore today because i binged on cookies!
  • wettak
    wettak Posts: 16
    fiber one bar & piece of fruit for breakfast
    turkey sandwich on sandwich thins with light mayo and avacado for lunch. sometimes i'll have a side of fruit, cottage cheese, or pretzal thins.
    some sort of 100 calorie pack for an afternoon snack.
    chicken or fish with salad or rice for dinner, it just depends.
    then maybe frozen yogurt or jello for dessert. i usually top mine with frozen raspberries. hope this helps. if not, friend me and check out my food diary.
  • lia76
    lia76 Posts: 2
    Thanks so much everyone. I will check over your food diaries and get some ideas. I really gotta lose this baby weight before summer!