
I am consider adding this to my diet plan... anyone ever use it? What kind of results have you had? What kind of side effects? Would you recommend it?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What is Hyrdoxycut going to do for you that you can't do on your own?

    Take a look at the "Success Stories" section. Tell me how many threads you find where someone credits their success to a supplement.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    It doesn't work. If it did no one would need to be here.

    I haven't tried it because I have seen what it does to people. It can land you in the hospital... it can mess with your heart.

    It's not a safe thing to take and won't actually give you results regardless what the bottle says.
  • LindseyLinea
    LindseyLinea Posts: 52 Member
    Thank you both for the reply. I am new to losing weight and didn't know if a supplement would help or not really. I appreciate your comments and your advise.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    It doesn't work. If it did no one would need to be here.

    I haven't tried it because I have seen what it does to people. It can land you in the hospital... it can mess with your heart.

    It's not a safe thing to take and won't actually give you results regardless what the bottle says.

    Could you identify which compounds don't do anything beneficial for weight loss, the actual profile isn't terrible

  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Thank you both for the reply. I am new to losing weight and didn't know if a supplement would help or not really. I appreciate your comments and your advise.

    You're welcome - and trust me when I say that YOU can do this all without supplements or pills.

    I've lost 46lbs by eating less and moving more. Yes, it's a struggle sometimes and your weight will go up and down. But as long as you keep working on it, you'll get the results you want. It may take longer than you expect, but it's worth it.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I've tried Hydroxycut in the past and hated how it and other "weight loss supplements" have made me feel. There is only one that i have ever tried that didn't make me feel nauseated. That was the supplement from Monavie RVL system. The weight loss blend in it has green tea extract and it also has a freeze dried vegetable blend in it. One of the few diet products where you are familiar with everything that is on the ingredients label.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    There are diet friendly compounds in real food - calcium in dairy, omega-3s in oily fish for example.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Save your money and use it to buy yourself a reward after you lose all the weight without supplements.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    :angry: srsly?
  • Trich25
    Trich25 Posts: 20 Member

    Disclaimer: This review is solely my opinion and this product is not for everyone.

    Now that that's out of the way, I'm just going to say this. I am currently using Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Max for Women, and have been for the past 3 weeks. So far, it works for me. I have not had any negative side effects. All I can say is, ask your doctor first and try it for yourself.

    I understand that some of us need that extra boost, or extra help controlling our appetites or motivation to workout, and this has definitely done it for me. I have not had this much energy and desire to work out in 10 years. But that's just my personal experience.

    But regardless if you try it or not, I wish you the best of luck and I hope all works out for you!

    If you like, you can check out my review for this product on my blog.

  • LindseyLinea
    LindseyLinea Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks everyone. I was considering buying it but I really like the idea of buying myself a treat after I lose the weight on my own instead of buying these pills.
  • JozefTorba
    JozefTorba Posts: 17 Member
    I would stay away from it !!!!! The worst headaches you can imagine even when drinking up to 5 liters of water daily. All you have to do is change your diet and exercise more i would never ever take any fat burner again.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I try not to do pills. The only thing I'm taking right now is Shakeology from beach body. It's just a shake. All you have to do is put healthy stuff into your body. Don't rely on pills. I've lost more weight without them.
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I will admit to use Hydroxycut several years ago. And while at the time lose quite a lot of weight, I do not contribute it solely to Hydroxycut. And after only 3 weeks of use I stopped because the side effects started to scare me. I would constantly feel my heart beating. When I laid down to sleep, the beat of my heart would literlly keept me awake it was beating so fast and so "loud."

    So in my opinion it isn't worth it. I have sworn off all "pills" like that since that experience and will do it the "hard way."

    Good luck.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    i have used some supplements with few results. however, in the past, i went to my doctor who prescribed a 3 month cycle of Phentermine. i had to have my blood pressure checked weekly, but it was great for jump starting my diet. if you see it as a short-term tool to help get you kick started, it can be useful. if you think it's a magic pill, don't bother. you still have to do the work of food journaling and exercising, but it did help curb my appetite and get me accustomed to eating much smaller portions without hunger. by the time my 3 months was complete, i had lost 17 pounds and no longer felt ravenous on a 1200 calorie a day diet. it also is a stimulant, so you will have a little more energy for exercise. but, it can interfere with sleep too. if you have more than 75 pounds to lose - you may consider visiting with your doctor about it. but again, only if you view it as a tool to kick start your new lifestyle until you can hit the ground running on your own. it was beneficial for me, but a lot of people gain back their weight after they stop taking it because they were relying on the med - not the lifestyle changes.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    It looks like a high caffeine diuretic to me. A supplement like that won't bring you long-term success. You'll lose water weight. It isn't horrible for you, but it won't burn fat and build muscle, which is what we're all after long term, right?

    My solicited but unscientific advice: drink a couple cups of coffee and go exercise. You'll get more benefit from that in the long run.

    Also, my experience is that supplements are useless for long term results. I was one of those people who used metabolife way back when, and I spent years trying to overcome the damage that stuff caused to my metabolism and my sleep cycles. I'm pretty much against weight loss supplements now. I do take a daily iron tablet because I'm prone to becoming anemic, but that's it.

    Work hard, eat a sensible diet, work at it for the rest of your life, and see results. Sorry, but that's the only way this whole thing really works.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    I would must rather spend the money on a gym membership and yummy, healthy foods that will help me with weight loss: fish, veggies, eggs, oatmeal.......yum!

    If you're sucessful losing the weight on your own, don't waste your money. You don't know what long term effects this stuff could have on your metabolism. (ie. One common thing with weight loss supplements: once you start taking it, you can't stop because you'll gain all the weight back.)
  • eichhorst
    eichhorst Posts: 35 Member
    I have taken 3 different types of hydroxycut- original, max & hardcore. If you are looking to take it to aid in loosing weight none of them work, actually the original formula don't work for anything at all. If you are having a problem with energy though I would definitely recommend the max or hardcore, they do give you an amazing energy boost but don't take them as directed on the bottle because you will be wasting your money taking more then you really need. I took 2 pills when I woke up & 1 about 6hrs later. They do help to suppress your appetite also. If you want something that both gives you energy & aids in weight loss try Oxy Elite Pro. It use to be sold at GNC but now I think you can only get it online. This is by no means a miracle pill though, you still need to eat healthy & exercise every day but if you are like me with a very low metabolism it really does help. Just don't take it for more then 1 month at a time with a 1 month break in between or your body will become immune to it.
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    ugh YES and CRAP!
  • Srardon82
    I tried Hydroxycut a few years ago, and it really wasn't worth it. I did drop weight rapidly; however, once I discontinued its use, I gained back twice the weight I had lost. It wasn't worth the money I spent, and the health side effects are dangerous, too.