Hi From Colorado!!

trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
Hi MFP'ers!! I love what I see on this site so far and it appears that the support is fantastic!! I'm Jill, from Colorado....fixing to turn 47 (ugh!!), but feel much older with this extra weight!! You know the story....constantly fighting weight...yo-yo....success that doesn't stay....start all over again! Ditto, ditto!! My eye opener this time was a trip to Vegas with my dear hubby....sitting by the pool was horrifying with all the little young hardbodies running around! I felt like a beached whale, so decided that when I got back, it was timem to find a reasonable way to dump this way and keep it off! My big successes with weight loss were with Atkins, but it is too restrictive and I can only stick with that for a couple of months. I need something that, if I go to a Rockies baseball game I can have a stadium treat within reason!! You know...real life!! At any rate...thanks to my friend, Robin, who turned me on to this site - love the food diary - can't believe all the things it has in the database!! The exercise diary is a BIT frustrating trying to find where things from my workouts fit, but I'll figure it out!!
I'm very excited about delving fully into this "plan" and I love a site that has great support!! Best wishes all!!


  • PecanTan
    PecanTan Posts: 47
    Welcome Colorado you are going to love this site and the first thing you need to do is just forget about the past because it is in the past. Just take one day at a time and everything should work out fine, also remember that you are doing to have days that are bad just don't stress on those days just pick yourself up and begin again. Hang in there and if you need someone to chat with or need someone to listen to you I'm here and so is the rest of the gang!!! GOOD LUCK!:flowerforyou:
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I go to Akron alot so CO is like a 2nd home. I love it there in the summer, not the winter. Glad you found this site. We're all here with you on your journey to becoming healthy.
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Thank you for the "welcomes" and support!!

    PecanTan...I love the thought that the past is the past...I need to get my head around that and quit setting myself up for yet another weight failure. I just want to live a normal active life..not that I'm NOT doing that...I could just do it BETTER!! ;) Like I said, I want to be able to go to a ball game or something and not feel like I can't have anything...that's just a fact of life that nachos or Rocky Dogs are to be eaten at baseball games!! ha!! My youngest son is an athlete, so I spend many days on bleachers (hence my bleacherbutt!) with nachos/burgers/hotdogs beckoning me! Usually, I can resist at those events, but not pro sporting events!!

    Rhyenblue..where are you from when you aren't here?? I'm with you some years...winter here CAN be brutal...but it can be pretty mild too...unless you're from someplace warm!! ;) We've had a pretty wild spring with some good wet snow, but I'm ready for the nice temps now!! I went out for a 3-mile walk yesterday and it felt extraordinarily good!!