Fruit & Veggie 1-Day Challenge-Saturday Jan 4, 2013



  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Cingram03 – My daughter and I were discussing recipes today that include more veggies in our daily meals. She brought her American Test Kitchen cookbook with her, and I have copied a few recipes. One for “Acorn Squash” and one for “Stir-fried Broccoli and Red Peppers”. I would not be surprised if you can google for them.

    Mouth5667 – that is such a good thing to load up on the fruits and veggies. If you have it handy you are more likely to utilize it. A farmers market in January? You are so lucky! Best thing to buy farm fresh.

    Rduhlir – Nice planning for the day, and wonderful follow through!

    LinChrpentie – I figure too, if you can add veggies at other meals and use fruits as snacks, that sets the tone. Love vegetarian spaghetti sauce on spaghetti squash. Until recently, I had never even eaten spaghetti squash before. Now I love it.

    Djhobs – anytime and any day you want to jump in is fantastic!

    Michele – Thanks for joining. Yes I agree, we can always get more good ideas

    Rcolours7- I love your idea for the salad. I think I will experiment with different dressings like the raspberry walnut vinegrette.

    Amandaepope – Great that you jumped in. Raw only is fabulous. Post how you did with it.

    X_ItNeverEnds – I used to posts these challenges in years past, then got away from it. I am glad to have started it again. How did it work out for you?

    Serryrona – That’s the idea!

    Yoyonomore55 – Thanks for joining. You are an inspiration, given how much weight you already lost.

    cOcOnnOr – Yay that you are doing well with the veggies. I would be interested how you prepared the asparagus. Those have been a bit of a mystery to me.

    Ileen327 – First day?? Love it!!! I remember when I joined. One of the first things I did was try to find a group of supportive women in my age group. This can be different for each person however. All the best on your journey. MFP is certainly helpful.

    Auntiebk!!!! – my friend. You may have missed today, but really, you can do this any day (even tomorrow). I hope to faithfully start a thread every Saturday from now on. And we both will see how things go.

    Lizmil79 – You are so right, you can apply this to the rest today, or any day. I love how you do this already and want to kick it up a notch. Sounds like me!

    :heart: Renny
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    OK, completed the day, whey isolate protein shake, almond milk and blueberries for breakfast, vegetable soup for lunch, fruit for snack, some almonds, and because I got carried away with the veggie soup making, I had it for dinner too. I liked doing this and will be on board for next weekend.
  • mouth5667
    This was (is) a great challenge for me. I tend to not eat as many fruits and vegetables as I should so this really helped me focus on that. I still had a little meat (1 ounce in my egg this morning) but one of my best days for not feeling hungry and I just looked at my calorie count and I still have 300 to spare! Thanks Rebel for the challenge!
  • Clauduchinno
    Looks pretty good. I'm trying the juice diet actually, which consists of the exact same ingredients although there's more cleaning involved lol
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I tried to it but by three in the afternoon was dizzy and not feeling good but that could be just me and not the food. I will have more veggies but need a bit of meat for me that is. But then your not saying not to. Your saying up the veg. and fruit. I will do that. But do a lot of that as a whole.

    Linda C.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good Morning!

    Sasha4427 – Lila, so good to see you. You did very well. What all did you include in your veggie soup? Care to share the recipe? I know more people who drink almond milk, and am wondering how you like it. Happy to have you on board for next week.

    Mouth5667 – Glad you liked the challenge. I also tended not to eat as many fruits and veggies as I should. The challenge helps put the focus on plant based foods.

    Clauduchinno – Welcome. I heard that a juice diet gets the cleansing going. It is all about discovering what works for you. A big part for me was learning how to eat healthy hi-nutrient foods.

    Linda C – You are right, you don’t necessarily need to cut other things out, although if a person eats processed foods, that would be good to substitute with fresh fruits and veggies. The idea is to put the focus on fruits and veggies with the emphasis on fresh. Drinking enough water is also important.

    Personally, I chose not to eat meat and bread for the day, but had an eggwhite omelette for breakfast, a huge salad for lunch, fruit in between and a 9 bean ragout for dinner. In addition, I ate some nuts and seeds. The beans, nuts and seeds are high in protein, without the animal fats. Furthermore, legumes, veggies and fruit are very high in a range of nutrients and fiber. What I have also learned that, in general, we north-americans do not take in enough fiber. It should be set at 30g per day. I find it is a very good gauge for me. If I hit that, it means I have most likely also have had sufficient whole plant foods.

    I lost 2 lbs this past week, and I logged my new weight this morning.

    Best of luck to all of you on the rest of your journey!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Veggies for breakfast? To me, that might be hard. The only thing I can think of is to incrporate them ointo an omlet.

    Say, does anyone have a good recipe for chicken soup with lots of veggies? I find that if I have a lot of protein first thing in the morning, I'm not nearly as hungry as the day goes on. Perhaps I can incorporte chicken (or turkey or even beef) with veges. I would like it to be fairly low cal.

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all
    Renny - I threw every veggie I could find into my soup which was in my fridge or freezer

    Saute for flavour in vert small amount of EVOO (I have a pump spritzer that I use)
    1 chopped onion
    1 cup chopped celery (3 or so sticks
    1 medium/large chopped carrot

    3 cups of veg (or low sodium chicken broth)
    sage or thyme or tarragon, star anise, basil - any type of herb you happen to like
    1 small chopped jalapeno
    1 cup chopped savoy cabbage
    1 cup chopped kale

    when the vegs are mostly cooked, add
    frozen green beans, edamame, peas, whatever you have in the freezer
    simmer for 5-10 minutes more for the frozen vegs to cook

    This makes a lot of soup, so scale it down if you don't want it for a couple of meals or to freeze.
    I usually serve it then add a tiny bit of butter or greek yogurt or sour cream and 1/4 cup milk in the bowl (Mennonite thing).

    To change it up you can thicken with some mashed potatoes (adds calories though)
    Today I plan to add low sodium canned tomatoes just to change it up a bit.
    Works out to about 130 or so for a fairly large serving.

    I agree that focussing on adding whole veg and fruit will up the fiber intake, which is usually a challenge for me.

    Michele - I'm not sure about veg for breakfast although I know Nancy on the 50+ board has a green veg shake in the morning. I tend to think protein and fruit in the morning rather than veg.

    I think I'll do this for today as well as I would like to get rid of a bit of bloat. But I really like the idea of adding a whole lot more veg so I will attempt to have at least 6 servings per day this week. The fruit might be harder for me - we'll see.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Today was my first attempt at a challenge like not perfect but this is what I did...
    breakfast was Greek yogurt with homemede unsweetened muesli
    snack was baby carrots
    lunch - homemade Manhattan style clam chowder, large salad with 1oz chicken breast, clementine and apple
    dinner - homemade chicken /rice soup, large salad with 2 oz chicken breast and 2 oz cheddar cheese

    I felt pretty hungry most of the afternoon but kept pushing water and doing chores around the after dinner I feel pretty full. We normally have a regular dinner but dh is under the weather so soup was the order of the day.

    Glad I did this and will try to do a better job next week

    Thanks Renny!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I missed the first week, ( it was just too busy with the holiday company...still) but I would like to try for next weekend!

    BJ, SWO, CA
  • Strong_Heart
    Strong_Heart Posts: 32 Member
    Jan. 7th

    :smile: I am in!
    I hope it is not too late to start this challenge :frown:

    I will be giving up bread, dairy products, and animal flesh (meat) every day this week [Jan. 7th - Jan. 14th].
    I plan to eat assorted vegetables and fruits (trying to get in as many colors as possible) throughout each day.
    My drinks will be of the non-caloric, caffeine-free variety (mostly water :smile: ).

    I'll check back in with you all each morning and let you know how it went the day before.
    Best wishes to all of you who are participating in this challenge.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    who's on for tomorrow's challenge?
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    here is the link to the new challenge. not sure if it works, because some folks have said that it does not.

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member