Need help

I want to know how long after a meal can one exercise. And if working out early in the morning then should one eat a little and then exercise?? Also I am currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I am on day 5 of level 1. Plus I walk for 50 minutes. I am thinking of doing abs for ten mins daily in addition. Would that help to flatten my tummy?


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I want to know how long after a meal can one exercise.

    That's entirely personal preference. Experiment, go with what you prefer.
    And if working out early in the morning then should one eat a little and then exercise??

    Same answer as above.
    Would that help to flatten my tummy?

    Losing bodyfat will help flatten your tummy. Exercise and eat in a caloric deficit.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    It depends on the person. I can't exercise until 1.5 hours after eating. If you workout in the AM, then you can workout fasted, it won't matter. As long as you don't feel nausea then you are fine. Also, the only thing that helps a flat tummy is a moderate calorie deficit. Weight training or resistance training can help you maintain your muscle. With as little weight you have to lose, I would set your goal at 1/2 lb per week and eat 50% of your exercise calories. Or set your account to moderately active and not worry about exercise calories.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Varies from person to person and meal to meal, general advice is leave at least an hour after a full meal. Depends on the ab work, what exercises you choose and the quality of your work - Pilates with your stomach drawn in not crunches with it doming out.
  • lilithgodiva
    One thing to keep in mind is that your abs are a major muscle group because they run the length of your torso and you need to rest between days of working out major muscle groups so they can heal and build more efficiently. Most people do not realize this because they think the '6 pack' are individual set of muscles, but they are not. You could, however, work out your rectus abdominus/front abs/6 pack area one day and your obliques/side abs the next day, alternating that way and still doing ab work every day if you like. :smile:

    And other than that, Sidesteel is right on...every one is different but unless you lose fat by exercise & caloric deficit, you won't see the muscle you build underneath.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I cannot eat before a workout - it makes me feel sick. So I have coffee first, workout, then about an hour later I eat.
  • Wari87
    Wari87 Posts: 45
    Thank you so much everyone. I am working out and trying to eat a proper diet. Just new to all this. :)