Team UK - April 2010



  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    :bigsmile: Lee - Good to see you back on the board.. well done for sticking with the gym.. honestly burning over 1000 cals is something i would love to do.. but i get very bord at the gym after 1 hour...!! :yawn:

    Thanks hun! :happy: Luckily I have plenty of TV shows on my iPod to stave away the boredom! :laugh: xx
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    *Pokes Head Round Door*

    Good morning everyone!

    I hope your all ok? I had a very good day yesterday food wise.. I probs could have pushed myself a bit more at the gym but i still burnt 450cals which im happy with!! Going for another 550 today!! Fingers crossed!! :laugh:

    I used Mimi's Graze Top Banana in my porridge this morning.. didnt like it.. not nice.. i "binned" that one!! :laugh:

    The lady that i sit next to is buyng cakes later on this morning.. i really dont want to be rude and refuse one as she literally sits a meter away from me and our desks are joined at the hip!!! WHAT TO DO? HELP!! :sad:

    KP X
  • CarylMc1991
    Hey guys!

    I've been missing for a few weeks.... it's because I had a bad easter and was so ashamed of myself I couldn't bare to log in! I think back and really, it wasn't that bad, but I felt that I kept failing cause I kept ruining a good day by having chocolate... damn!

    Buuuuut I've been back at my parents for the past few days, thought I'd visit since I've still got a week off university! I've exercised everyday since Monday and have not touched chocolate! I feel good :) ooh! and I'm back on the Lateral Thigh Trainer (thanks to Mel Gibson updates!), burned 400 in just 30 minutes last night, excellent :)

    Hope everyone else is doing well! I'm off to Bangor with a friend today... we're eating in Varsity. Anyone know any semi-healthy meals I can eat in Varsity?

    Caryl :heart: xxx
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320

    The lady that i sit next to is buyng cakes later on this morning.. i really dont want to be rude and refuse one as she literally sits a meter away from me and our desks are joined at the hip!!! WHAT TO DO? HELP!! :sad:

    KP X

    Tell her you feel a bit delicate today and you want to take things easy with food today. That's what I do.
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hey guys! Happy Thursday!!

    I'm sooooo tired today!! Shouldn't drink on a school night!!!!!

    Hope you all have a fab day :heart:
  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Afternoon all!

    I hope you are all well, I have had a bit of a crap morning. I weighed myself and was up to 53kg. :-( I have not logged it though as it is not my weigh in day. BUT I went to the gym, did Body Step, came home, had a hot bath and am feeling a little better. I am going to a friends for dinner tonight and am going to relax and not worry about calories too much, I will probably have a couple of glasses of wine too!

    Have a good day everybody, Clara xx
  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Double post.
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Did the first day of couch to 5k yesterday....and i didn't die! :noway:

    It's a start!

    Clara - don't worry about your weigh in. It's probably excess sodium from your meal out.

    KP - Be nice, but just say you don't want one. Good luck!

    Erika x
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Cor blimey, it's an absolute scorcher in WA12 today! Went out for yet another walk on my lunch and felt the sun burning a hole in my back! :laugh: It should be scorching in Warrington this weekend, so I think me and the missus are going out to Walton Gardens for a few hours, have a bit to eat, wander around the zoo and play a bit of pitch and putt golf! :smile:

    Doing okay with the food and exercise. Got a right sweat on when I went Skiing last night, must have burnt a few cals but suffered a slight injury after falling from the top of a slope and landing right on my back at the bottom. :frown: Giving me some jip at the moment but I'll live!

    Hope everyone is doing okay! :happy:

  • crispy1990
    Afternoon all :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is having a good Thursday ?

    Kendra - Good luck with your grading, and I hope the scales were kind last night :smile:

    Katherine - I hope you resisted those cakes :huh: or you'll get your a** kicked again by Mimi !

    Caryl - WTG on coming back, don't feel ashamed, we've all been there at some point :wink:

    Erika - Congratulations on the supreme effort of Couch to 5k - that's amazing :drinker:

    Lee - It was a beautiful day down South as well, but that volcano ash is hiding the sun at the moment. :ohwell:
    its still warm though !

    Having quite a good week, the scales showed another 1lb lost which makes that a stone in 6 weeks. :bigsmile:
    Still feels really odd being able to eat this much and lose weight. Really pissed that I have spent countless years living on precious little thinking I would lose. When all the time all I had to do was bloody eat !! :grumble:
    okay better now :laugh:
    take care & have a good day
  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    Afternoon everyone,

    Sorry I haven't posted already today but I feel awful - totally awful. I have glands the size of tennis balls!!!:sad: I woke up this morning and couldn't breathe they were so swollen, randomly over night?!

    Now I have the biggest headache you can imagine, and my glands are still killing me. I couldn't even eat my frigging lunch :frown: !

    Hope I feel better tomorrow, I have a bloody wedding on Saturday!

    Hope your all ok?

    Tanya x
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi everybody, hope you are all well!!

    Friday tomorrow!!! Yeahh!!!! :laugh: :wink:

    I am going to try and be really good this weekend. Am getting very bored of not seeing the scales move. I havent lost for a few weeks now!!! :sad: :sad:

    Went to Boots at lunch looking for a little motivation, got weighed on there clever scales that do your BMI and Body Fat etc. So, although I am delighted to be under 11 stone for the first time in a long time, as I am 5.4 I am still officially overwieght, :sad: :sad: by about 4 lbs. My body fat was 35.8% which is pretty high :grumble: . So my aim to going to be to go again same time next month and work on getting back into the healthy weight range and reduce my body fat!!

    Think I am doing my usual of getting to a certain weight i.e below 11 and thinking I can ease off, then before I know it a couple of lbs have come on and I'm back over 11. Need to try and keep going!! :huh:

    Tanya - Hope you are feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Chrispy - Well done on you loss!!

    Erika - Good work with the coach to 5k!!!

    Enjoy the rest of the day everybody, I'm planning to do aerobics followed by aqua aerobics, Thursday is my new aerobics night, planning to go with my bridesmaids every thursday until the wedding!!! Well thats the plan!!! Ha :laugh: :laugh:

  • paulo79
    paulo79 Posts: 25
    Afternoon all

    hope everyone is well. Well amazed i lost another pound this week as on friday on the way to norwich at 1am got a large double cheesebeurger meal and went to pizza hut with a mate before the football on tuesday but i'm not complaining.

    Nearly died on the way to teh game when the train doors i was leaning against started to open whilst the train was moving between west ham and stratford station, it had opened about a foot and if the blokes in front of me hadn't noticed it would have opened more and that could have been messy :ohwell:

    Off to a quiz night tonight, so have a great evening and weekend

    Paul x
  • ragster
    ragster Posts: 20
    I misread one of those posts as 'do you have to be a virgin'! Didn't realise there were such stringent tests for marathon runners:smokin:

  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Evening all!!

    It's been a hectic Thursday - y'know, one of those days when you have far too much to do and not enough time to do it, yet time still drags by :tongue: I never said I made sense :tongue:

    Weight-wise I lost 0.5lbs this week - which is better than none, but not the 1lb I was hoping for. BUT better off than on.

    Cheers all for the luck and good wishes for my TKD grading - had a class earlier and I sucked BIG time :sad: As my instructor told me, I'm thinking about it too much and if didn't think I was good enough or ready then he wouldn't have put me forward to it :noway: :noway: :ohwell:

    The lady that i sit next to is buyng cakes later on this morning.. i really dont want to be rude and refuse one as she literally sits a meter away from me and our desks are joined at the hip!!! WHAT TO DO? HELP!! :sad:

    KP X

    Tell her you feel a bit delicate today and you want to take things easy with food today. That's what I do.
    That's damn good advice!! Thankfully in our office the cakes n stuff are usually in the kitchen and since we take turns to make coffee for each other, I only had to go into the kitchen twice!! I was good btw, didn't succumb.:drinker:

    Sparkle - Hiya *waves*

    Clara - have a fab evening!! Sometimes you just need to forget counting calories and watching what you eat :happy:

    Erika - I'm waiting for warmer weather before I start something like that :tongue: though given my mad schedule of stuff at teh moment, it may just be wistful thinking!! Good luck with it though, will be thinking of you x

    Lee - glad you're have fab time skiing - something on my to-do list for life x

    Karen - WTG!!! :flowerforyou: A stone in 6 weeks is fantastic :happy:

    Tanya - awwww take it easy *hugs* and get well soon :flowerforyou:

    Plantpot - don't give up!! We're here for you!!!

    Paul - OMG with the train :noway: :noway: :noway: glad you survived and WTG on the weight-loss. Have fun @ the quiz.

    Hmm I think i've gone on enough for now, so, until the next time, TC folks & b'bye for now
  • bobbyboy16
    Morning Folks - back from the buisness trip of two days and amazed that I kept reasonably to the cals - Had a bit of a laspe last night and had a few cheeky wines and one beer !!! honestly :drinker:

    Back to norm today and in the office after a bugger of a trip in through roadworks - plenty of pot holes here in oxfordshire:sad:

    Weekend coming and thats when I find it really hard - normally would have a take away sat and settle down with the wife - is britain got talent back on:yawn: - but little does she know that I am going to Sainsburys on way home and going to surprise her with a helathy fish meal on the night.:bigsmile:

    You take care out there and good luck with the temptations of the wekend - how its sunny - more probably there will be an ash fall around about mid day::glasses:

  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    It is here....:devil: the WEEKENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.....

    Dun DUN DUNNNNNN! Who's with me here to try and have a Perfect Weekend again? I need to do something to regain control and I figure being good on the weekend is a good place to start! :drinker:

    Happy Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Team UK I :heart: you all :laugh:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Mimi :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Carrie181
    Carrie181 Posts: 18
    3lb off - yay! Have been very good this week to try and kick start the weight loss so am pleased. A few more to go tho!!

    Am hoping the weather stays good as hoping to do some more gardening. I too find the week ends hard if I haven't planned anything as I pick when I am bored and by picking I mean I can demolish shed loads !! Kids all out tomorrow doing their own thing or with their Dad so temptation will be strong.
    Manta to self ......nothing tastes as good as being slim feels!!

    Take care all, have a good Fri

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    It is here....:devil: the WEEKENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.....

    Dun DUN DUNNNNNN! Who's with me here to try and have a Perfect Weekend again? I need to do something to regain control and I figure being good on the weekend is a good place to start! :drinker:

    Happy Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Team UK I :heart: you all :laugh:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Mimi :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Actually Laughed out Loud at this Mimi! Very funny...:laugh: :laugh:

    I want to have a perfect weekend.. but i dont know if its going to happen :grumble: .. i really really want to be good and go to the gym after work, but i feel gross... wine head from 2.. YES 2 Large glasses of wine.. and i feel like i've had a heavy sesssion.. Light weigh or what!! :laugh: so needless to say my motivation has gone out the window, down the road, hopped onto a boat (because we cant fly atm) and skipped down france never to be seen again! :grumble:

    :devil: :devil: WEEKENDS ARE EVIL! :devil: :devil:
    I might just lock myself in my room for the entire weekend n not get tempted by anything! lol Ill become a recluse! :laugh:

    Ho Hum..

    Havent had a cake yet.. so we shall see how long i last out.. half day today ... MUST GO TO THE GYM.... :sad:

    x x x
  • crispy1990
    Bumping for later