AmazingGrass, Green SuperFood- Anyone tried it?

Let's face it, I hate vegetables. 2 years into this lifestyle change and i still avoid veggies like the plague. So... I'm looking at this amazing grass stuff as a supplement. Any one tried this? Feedback/suggestions?


  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    You hate every single vegetable, all colours textures and flavours? Don't you enjoy or tolerate them in any form - Thai or Indian curries, stir fries, soups, stews/ casseroles, tomato sauce on pasta, grated carrot and onion in Bolognese or chilli con carne?

    Have you made any green smoothies? Hand on heart frozen spinach plus avocado are completely disguised by a couple servings of berries. Remember you need more than just greens for health, also blue/ purple, red and yellow/ orange produce.
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    I use this and love it!

    I'm used to the taste now, but it does take a while.... it tastes like grass for sure. When I first started using it, I added it to my protein shakes.
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    Ok I exaggerated, haha. I do eat a serving with dinner usually, broccoli, asparagus or carrots. And occasional salads. I just know its not as much as i should be having, and the thought of getting 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies in this all natural CHOCOLATE flavored drink sounds pretty cool.
  • AMYJK7110
    AMYJK7110 Posts: 126 Member
    I use Amazing Grass everyday and I LOVE it! I add it to my protein shakes. It does taste 'grassy' at first, but you get used to that quickly (or at least I did) It just makes me feel good. Don't know how to explain it. After I kept raving about it, my 16 year old son wanted to try it so I made him a smoothie with almond milk, banana and the amazing grass before one of his football games. He said later that he could feel a difference. That it made him feel more energetic and just healthy.
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    I use Amazing Grass everyday and I LOVE it! I add it to my protein shakes. It does taste 'grassy' at first, but you get used to that quickly (or at least I did) It just makes me feel good. Don't know how to explain it. After I kept raving about it, my 16 year old son wanted to try it so I made him a smoothie with almond milk, banana and the amazing grass before one of his football games. He said later that he could feel a difference. That it made him feel more energetic and just healthy.

    Ok... I was hoping to mix it with water and sip at my desk before breakfast... is it not meant to do with water?
  • AMYJK7110
    AMYJK7110 Posts: 126 Member
    I use Amazing Grass everyday and I LOVE it! I add it to my protein shakes. It does taste 'grassy' at first, but you get used to that quickly (or at least I did) It just makes me feel good. Don't know how to explain it. After I kept raving about it, my 16 year old son wanted to try it so I made him a smoothie with almond milk, banana and the amazing grass before one of his football games. He said later that he could feel a difference. That it made him feel more energetic and just healthy.

    Ok... I was hoping to mix it with water and sip at my desk before breakfast... is it not meant to do with water?

    You can certainly mix it with just water. Will prob. just taste more 'grassy', but not bad imo.