Biggest Loser - on last night



  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    I like that this season they are having a partial focus on childhood obesity and prevention rather than just reactive treatment of existing obesity in adults. I watch it purely for entertainment, though.
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I thought it was coming on tonight. I guess I missed it too.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Watching it on dvr now.

    Make it more fun-every time one of the trainers says "biggest loser" or plugs a product, take a shot.

    see how long it takes before your liver jumps out through your belly button.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I don't like the fact that they count fruits and veggies into calories. I think the nutritional value that comes with them out weigh their caloric value.

    ummm... what?

    Calories are not a "negative" attribute to be balanced by nutrients. If something is nutrient filled with calories that is fine. What you just said makes it sound like things like olive oil and nuts aren't worth it because their calories "outweigh" their nutrients. Calories are not evil! We need a certain amount to live, that includes the calories found in fruits and vegetables.
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    I watched and I like it. I find it highly motivating, but people have to understand, these people are there to work out. They are working out 7-8 hours a day, meals are set for them.They pull high numbers because they burn a tremendous amount of calories per day. Us "normal" people who work 8 hours a day and get to work out for 1/2 hr -3 hours cannot expect to pull those numbers, no way, no how. They are there for a transformation, so when they do come back to the real world that's where the struggle is, still burning those cals and working out in the little time they can.

    I still find the show interesting and motivational and I like Jillian. Yeah she gets flack for her ways but she gets the job done. Just my 2 cents.
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    Love it but sick of seeing the same shows all the time! The one that started on skyliving on Saturday was a repeat. Still on the biggest loser, but UK this time, Poundland are selling a few of their exercise dvd's :smile:
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    I watched the last 10 minutes. I used to put that show on a pedestal. Now it's laughable to me.
  • jwoods31822
    jwoods31822 Posts: 12 Member
    I watched the very beginning and saw the contestants chosen, but once they got to the ranch and got moving, I wasnt getting into it at that point.

    Sad to say that my neighbors down the road watch it just to watch the people fall apart physically and emotionally and think it is funny and make fun of all them because "they never tried and did it to themselves". I dont go anywhere near them due to them making fun of every one of us that struggles in losing weight and cant drop thousands of dollars and have it done medically.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't normally watch the show but I watched it last night. It was weird! People were losing between 10 and 30 lbs just in the first week! And the ones who didn't lose at least 20 were DISAPPOINTED! Talk about strange and unrealistic expectations...

    they don't lose 10 or 20 pounds a week. the show is edited to make a longer time period look like a week. its a disgusting distortion of reality.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Did anyone watch it? Thoughts?

    It upped the awfulness. That red line thingy? Sure that won't cause them to undereat and dehydrate even more. The douchey hipster Bob? Obviously the fatty who only lost 9 lbs didn't work hard enough. How much did they talk about diet or show anything about what they ate, oh yeah zilch

    Yea, it was pretty bad. I didn't think they should have eliminated anyone since somebody from the white team had already quit and probably would have been the one to leave anyways.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Did anyone watch it? Thoughts?

    It upped the awfulness. That red line thingy? Sure that won't cause them to undereat and dehydrate even more. The douchey hipster Bob? Obviously the fatty who only lost 9 lbs didn't work hard enough. How much did they talk about diet or show anything about what they ate, oh yeah zilch

    i remember reading an interview with an ex contestant that said their "week" was more like 20 days. and that Bob decided not to dehydrate them before weigh ins-until his team lost two in a row.

    and they ALWAYS talk about food, silly! dont you know jennie o turkey, subway, and yoplait yogurt are the only three things ypu need (except water-but only out of THEIR water bottles).
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    It was kinda funny that the one guy lost 30 pounds in "one week" or a few depending on the actual timeframe they did between weigh-ins. I've lost about that much in almost 8 months! (Of course I understand I started much smaller but still it's hard to wrap around).
  • 253down
    253down Posts: 13 Member
    I have always watched and still watch, It is a great motivator for me, but I don't expect the results they get. I picked out the lady who weighs closest to what I do, so I can see on her what the weight loss looks like as it is hard to see in myself. I do like the recipes and tips they give you.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I like that last night the person with the least weight loss on the losing team went home.. no more voting and sniviling cry babies... and no gameplay/alliances.. that makes the show just feel trashy....

    Hope they keep with this format.. you dont lose, you go home.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I don't normally watch the show but I watched it last night. It was weird! People were losing between 10 and 30 lbs just in the first week! And the ones who didn't lose at least 20 were DISAPPOINTED! Talk about strange and unrealistic expectations...

    ding ding, one of the best replies in this thread.
  • kimimila86
    Did anyone watch it? Thoughts?

    It upped the awfulness. That red line thingy? Sure that won't cause them to undereat and dehydrate even more. The douchey hipster Bob? Obviously the fatty who only lost 9 lbs didn't work hard enough. How much did they talk about diet or show anything about what they ate, oh yeah zilch

    Agreed! I was amazed by the 9 lb loss, but everyone was cringing at it. So unrealistic, but it definitely motivated me. These are still real people with real problems. I wish them the best!
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I hate Jillian. I like watching it, it is a bit motivational. But I'd love to see one person knock her butt down once. On another note, for some reason she is showing up in all the sidebar ads today... :P
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Over the years I've only seen a couple of episodes. I watched most of last night's episode because we were at someone else's home. I doubt that I will watch any more. I don't find verbal and physical abuse entertaining. I am actually shocked that nobody has died on that show yet.

    I was surprised that Planet Fitness is a sponsor when Planet Fitness's "product" is a "judgement free zone". Which is a complete opposite of the show.
  • patchover
    patchover Posts: 4 Member
    I watched it and I was more motivated today. I have really been a slacker since Thanksgiving and was looking forward to going to the gym today. I remembered last night's episode several times today when I wanted to stop. I just thought of Dolvett's smile. I love him but Jillian is my hero. I think I need someone like her to rip me up one side and down the other. What did you think of the first show?
  • Jane61849
    Jane61849 Posts: 30 Member
    I was disappointed that one of the contestants had wanted to lose weight for 2 years, and only started once he was on the show. PUT DOWN THE FORK! FOOD DOES NOT HAVE TO BE YOUR LIFE!

    I was also peeved that Jillian was so hard on the girl and she ended up quitting. That just didn't seem necessary.

    My favorite part is at the end, when they show how the contestant continued losing after they left the ranch, and they have new video of them.