WW vs. MFP



  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    WW really does work! Still a member! Lost 55lbs since 2/15/12 with WW; I don't buy in to their products and you don't have too! MFP is great too! I double track on both programs although MFP is a better tracking program with much more variety and less complications. Both works but its all about dedication...your williness to create a change for yourself! GOD bless!
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Although I have never joined WW, one of my co-workers uses it. Her main complaint is lack of accountability in between meetings. I love MFP, because as long as I have the internet handy (pretty much always with my smart phone) I can log my foods. THis helps when I am out and about and need to make healthy choices. :)

    WW has much accountability! If you have a smartphone and most do...you can log on 24/7.
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    It was too easy for me to cheat on WW. Plus the cost was prohibitive for me.

    MFP is free and I can see how many carbs/fats/proteins I'm eating.

    I am sticking with MFP!
  • mk_hammer
    mk_hammer Posts: 105
    I lost about 60 lbs over several bouts with WW, so it definitely works, but I won't go back. It's expensive, they are all about pushing their products when you go to meetings, and they spam you TO DEATH. Seriously.

    I'm all MFP now!
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    I am currently tracking both (I found some free tools online about WW points and such). If your interested in those tools, and hey it's free, send me a message and I'd be glad to send you the links.
  • I don't think weight watchers is all that useful or healthy to be honest. I know a family that uses weight watchers and they use the points to eat any type of junk and focus solely on these points, rather than macro-nutrients and clean whole foods that should take up a majority of the diet. Any time I see weight watchers foods on the shelves in supermarkets they are processed chocolate bars and ready meals etc, and personally I just don't think that gives the person any knowledge or learning opportunities for healthy eating or sustainability, people rely on weight watchers brand and that equals MONEY because people will keep crawling back because they have no idea how it went wrong.
  • xjanetx123
    xjanetx123 Posts: 5 Member
    www works but personally not for me. not enough points and was starving after each meal. mfp works for me
  • silverthreads1
    silverthreads1 Posts: 11 Member
    Off and on since the 1970's I had been a member of WW and each time I lost weight and followed all their various plans and paid out all those $$$$. The one thing I did find was that there was only support during the meetings, altough you can go as many times a week as you want to, but who has the time. I never did the online meetings. I like MFP better. It seems more realistic to me and I love the daily, if not hourly support that I can find here. A lot of people have told me that WW sets their daily points too low, but I don't know if that is true or not. Someone else made a valid point that fruit ( I guess on the newest plan) is free. How can that be? it has calories and if you are a diabetic that is bad news. I forget to mention that each time I left the plan I also gained weight. I think MFP will work better for me at keeping the weight off, much easier to keep tracking.
  • Rg2324
    Rg2324 Posts: 15 Member
    WW never worked for me and since I travel for work all the time, the meetings are out. I started with the mayo clinic diet last week and am now using MFP to keep track. Love it and am down 3,5 lbs in five days . Putting in what I eat and having it calculate as I go along, automatically, keeps me honest and on track.
  • BreakingBackSunday
    BreakingBackSunday Posts: 15 Member
    I lost weight with WW as well, and liked it well enough. But just tracking calories makes more sense to me. Plus, I think the community and support is much better on mfp.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I've done both and I am so used to WW that I prefer it even though I'm tracking on both. I haven't paid for WW meetings since 2005 or something like that. I was given the points finder and tools that I know worked for me and I am in full belief that once you finally decide to commit and get the work done, you'll lose the weight you want. I used my old points tracker and food journal and did not attend one meeting or pay one cent since I started to finally commit to this journey in 2007...I just dug out my old materials and have lost 150 lbs because I decided enough was enough and it was time to get it done. I still have about 40-50 more lbs to go, but I'll always believe no matter what "tools" you prefer to use, you'll get it done, but tracking your food some way, any way, that you prefer is ESSENTIAL.

    HOWEVER, that being said, I found MFP earlier last year and I like the Community better and use that for support/ideas/motivation if needed or to come share my own experiences. I track on MFP on and off, but still track mainly my points on good old fashioned pen and paper because that is what worked for me. Try tracking both for a while if you have the tools already from WW, if not definitely MFP has worked for many as evidenced by all the posts here. I also think it is completely ridiculous that WW keeps releasing a "NEW and IMPROVED" points tracker plan.

    Good luck - cheers!
  • I have seen MFPer's use both WW and MFP on their weight loss journey. I myself did WW before I found MFP and lost 60lbs and was able to keep it off. I liked the program, yes it was a bit confusing but it did help me make a life style change of my eating habits. Not like a certain diet that you do for x amount of days....and then try to go back to eating without gaining the pounds you lost. Also, I LOVED my WW sponsor...her meetings didnt make me feel like I had to purchase the products. She even gave us alternative ideas to buy from a local grocery store....because we all know we can be on a tight budget. I think it all comes down to whats comfortable for you and what is easier for you on your time management.
  • I used WW a little over two years ago and lost weight fast but gained it all back.

    I like MFP much better for these reasons:

    1. It's FREE
    2. I think the food database is much bigger
    3. The community here is awesome
    4. For me, it's encouraged me to work out more. I did not work out doing WW. When I first started, seeing all of MFP friends working out, it really pushed me.
    5. WW says zero points for fruits and veggies, but there are a lot of calories in some fruits and veggies so I think it's doing a disservice to people who are counting them as nothing.

    I agree with most of what has been said above, especially this. I was successful with WW a few years ago, lost about 50 lbs but then gained most of it back. I went to sign up again and discovered the "new" point system with zero points for fruits and veggies. Veggies maybe I can understand, but I usually have a big fruit smoothie in the morning and I don't think it makes sense not counting the majority of those calories.

    I never went to meetings - did it all online - so this site works just fine.

    The food database here is great. I don't think I've ever tried to enter a brand-name food and not found it in the database (usually multiple entries). And for homemade stuff there are great "generic" and "homemade" listings.
  • I really like WW and did it a long time ago with some success. It annoys me that they seem to keep changing the plans though and there is no app for the phone I use (Windows operating system).

    I prefer MFP now, partly because it's free, but also because the basic calorie counting is so much easier than the points system. There are very few foods that don't list calorie content, which makes it easy when you are out and about rather than having to enter several values to find the WW points.

    I know this site tracks more than just calories, but at least when I'm in a rush the calories are the primary thing that's easy to enter and stops me getting bored of tracking.

    Also, I find the database is much better on MFP. I think WW 'bans' competitor products or something, because I could never seem to find tesco light choices and other similar items in their database.
  • I did WW for a little last year and It's a good plan for some and I have known many who have done well on it. I however, was not a fan of the points system and found their website confusing. I see WW as a diet more than a lifestyle change because you need to know more about foods calories and macro nutrients (I think) to be successful in the long term. Another program that is more structured than MFP is Calorieking so if you need to learn more about calories, coping, controlling binging etc. CK is a good choice (although there is a fee it is very reasonable and the community there can be very supportive.)

    Just my experience but I prefer either MFP or CK over WW any day.
  • smeklc
    smeklc Posts: 94 Member
    I have considered WW from time to time, but I think I will stick with MFP due to comments. I have looked at the biggest loser site that can cost money depending on what you want from it. Anyone have experience with that one?
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    MFP is free and from what I hear less confusing and more convenient. If you can do it without the meetings (hello, forums!), I think this site will work just fine for you.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I have done WW many many times. Loose the weight and gain it back..... I really like MFP it is free, it tracks all the nutrients which I love. I realized when I started MFP I wasn't getting enough protein grams a day in. I like that you can track everything on MFP, calories, exercise, water, vitamins and so on. You can weigh when you want, daily, weekly or monthly.
    WW does have a good program but it can be costly. The last time I did WW I did it on my own and didn't go to the meetings or do the online thing. I lost about 70 pounds in 2009 but gained back about 40 of it in 2011.
    Good luck with your decision.
  • trink68
    trink68 Posts: 48 Member
    Never belonged to WW....But I do use their frozen meals a few times a week.I love MFP,I see no reason to change.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    I eat more with MFP, and am still losing weight, than I ever could with WW. Which is why I think I gained it all back after getting a little lax with weight watchers. I have heard that it is 40cals to each WW point. Which for me currently would mean 42 points a day. I do not EVER remember getting that many points. ever. 38 pounds down now with MFP...I will stick with this.
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