Need Friends for Motivation



  • me23823
    me23823 Posts: 5 Member
    I also need friends for motivation!!! Good luck with your journey!! :)
  • kevinparker66
    kevinparker66 Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me, not only am I trying to lose some pounds but I've gave up smoking too for the last week anyway. So I'm trying to do two things at once
  • wonderwoman1974
    wonderwoman1974 Posts: 66 Member
    I have been trying to get friends and family to join this site with me so I can have some support and no one is really interested. Or they sign up and never post works-outs or food logs. I would love to have some friends on here who actively log in so I can be motivated by their commitment. I have tried MFP before, but find that I am not successful when I am only accountable to myself, if I know others are involved I tend to do a better job at making it a priority. Thanks to everyone who is wiling to share healthy life journey with me.

    I will add you. I am on everyday and also have a group who is currently doing 30DS by Jillian Michaels. We have 93 in the group but about 20 of us are very active daily.
  • wonderwoman1974
    wonderwoman1974 Posts: 66 Member
    Our group is 30 Day Shred Partners if any of you want to join...come on!! :)
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    I was on here before and lost my motivation (for a couple of years actually...booo!) But now trying to get back on track. I too need help staying motivated.
  • eblake35
    eblake35 Posts: 2 Member

    Friends do make a difference! I'm lucky enough to have a friend that often goes with me to the gym and bugs me about going.
    Having e-friends is a great idea and I think will motivate us all! I'm not sure how this works, but you are welcome to friend me!
  • I have the very same proble. glad to see i'm not the only one. I'd gladly be ur friend:smile:
  • Friend me .. i am new to the site and need all the support i can get.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Feel free to add me! I've logged on every day for 195 days now, and my food diary is open.
  • You can add me, I don't have any friends yet either. Keep your head up!
  • Feel free to friend me too!! I've lost weight in the past too, but it's totally helpful to have friends who care about getting in shape and eating right as well.
  • bakergirl_14
    bakergirl_14 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I signed up a couple of years ago, and pretty much gave up. Now that i've finally started getting myself on track again, I decided to try myfitnesspal again for motivation. Good luck! Hoping we can all help each other out:)
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    I'm here everyday! Would love to help motivate you!
    Iron sharpens Iron!
  • I have been trying to get friends and family to join this site with me so I can have some support and no one is really interested. Or they sign up and never post works-outs or food logs. I would love to have some friends on here who actively log in so I can be motivated by their commitment. I have tried MFP before, but find that I am not successful when I am only accountable to myself, if I know others are involved I tend to do a better job at making it a priority. Thanks to everyone who is wiling to share healthy life journey with me.

    Hi there! Feel free to add me. I've logged in every day for about 6 months or so and could use some motivating support as well. :)
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me! Good Luck! :)
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    That's what we are here for...please feel free to add me. We all need motivation and to be motivators in this healthy lifestyle that we have chosen.
  • jmilano
    jmilano Posts: 10 Member
    I see you have alot of reply already... I have been fooling around with MFP for a while and now have made it a goal to log in every day.... so today is my day 1... feel free to add me if you want!
  • Hi! Support makes all the difference in the world! Nice to meet you!
  • daco79
    daco79 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes please add me also I need some motivation also and I am ready to give it
  • nickielouise36
    nickielouise36 Posts: 38 Member
    hiya hunni .. will add u now theres loads of fab people on my friends who offer me so much support too.. im sure u can add them too.. goodluck xx