Started a week ago and haven't seen any loss?



  • amgault
    amgault Posts: 16 Member
    The hardest thing to do is lose weight because it happens just like weight gain. It's going to sneak up on you. My suggestion is STOP WEIGHING YOURSELF EVERY DAY/WEEK! You should weigh/measure yourself once a month. You will be able to see progress better this way and feel like you are progressing. One week is NOT enough time for you to see any progression. You have to keep going. Weight loss will not happen overnight, or in a week. If you truly want to meet your goals, you have to give yourself time. Everything will come in time. When you have a child, it takes 9 months to make it. When you work towards your degree, it takes you 4 years.. And when you are trying to lose weight, that will take TIME. Keep it up! You can do this! Don't give up on yourself just because you don't see results yet. Keep going and keep working!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Patience Hunty!
  • grinner30
    grinner30 Posts: 122 Member
    holy crap give it time, a week is not enough. Keep going it will happen.

  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Give yourself three more weeks & you'll be shocked. Make sure that you're eating enough, too. My first month I ate 1200 (net 800-900) & didn't see anything. Now that I'm eating properly (1700-1800 a day) & strength training, I see results after a month! They're tiny, but they're there & slowly building up to something grand. You can do this! Don't look at the scale, look at the inches falling off. You'll feel much better that way :smile:

    This^^^ Also start doing real research on eating healthy and clean. You will learn alot, and it will benefit you in the long run.
  • ToriaStitch
    ToriaStitch Posts: 62 Member
    Don't worry, things will start happening soon, one thing you should never do is give up, there are plenty of people on here that will tell you all sorts of things, but you know why you started eating healthy and you need to keep it up,

    There is a lot of support out there just remember you are doing this to become healthy, please add me and we can keep each other company, I started last week but only lost the 1lb cause I hadn't been eating due to a chest infection :tongue:

    Have you measured yourself?
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    You've only been at it for a week. Give it time!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Give it some time--around 'that time of the month', I gain 7-8 pounds regardless of what I eat or drink, and a week later it's gone. Maybe it's just getting to be around that time for you.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    Man, it took me like 3 months to really start seeing significant changes. Patience and perserverence is critical to this. It didn't come on overnight, you certainly can't expect it to come off overnight. Be very very patient, that is my best advice and never give up!! It will happen if you stay determined!
  • domino38
    domino38 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello, I understand how you are feeling...its happened to me as well. Is this a new exercise program you are following? I found some information on how when starting a new routine your body reacts, in particular muscle.
    A new exercise program changes the chemical makeup of your muscles as an adaptive response to increased activity. The changes that take place in your muscles after exercise prepare them for more of the same by storing additional fuel for energy. Muscles replenish glycogen stores after a workout, and water retention is a natural side effect of this process.
    For every gram of glycogen you store, 2.7 g of water is also retained in the muscle. This happens not only as a result of new exercise programs but also takes place after workouts in an established exercise regimen. Glycogen stores are needed to fuel muscles during physical activity. When exercise depletes glycogen stores, more carbohydrates get converted to glycogen, and water retention results.
    Although replenished glycogen stores continue to attract water after exercise even in established routines, the process may be more noticeable in a new exercise program if you're trying to lose weight. You may see temporary weight gain, for example, or not lose as much weight as you expect initially. However, if you consistently burn more calories than you consume, water retained by your muscles after exercise will have little or no effect on your weight goals
    So chin up! Easier said than done right...hang in there and keep doing what you are doing. If after say a month there is no change including measurements not just the scale then take a look at changing something up.
  • Ginger_Poomkin
    Ginger_Poomkin Posts: 42 Member
    It took me 6 weeks before I started losing weight!!! Especially if you've tried dieting a few times, your body is sort of ''immune'' to it. Keep it up, slow and steady wins the races!
  • Beyond_Value
    Beyond_Value Posts: 46 Member
    I agree with them.

    Did you lose inches.
  • thats how i felt when i just started too, but u have to give it time and keep at it. don't give up!!!!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I started eating Primal/Paleo on 1 Jan.. gave up my diet cokes and grains... I've dropped 7 lbs so far.. waiting for my "official" weigh in on Wed. Maybe try a different approach to your diet and find something that works for you. I never could lose much just counting calories and working out.. but thats just me though... I'm sure my calories were not good calories...
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I've been there a few times. I've tried this website, gotten frustrated with the lack of progress and quit at least 3 times. This last time, I got truly honest with myself. I have a bad habit of incorrectly recording my intake. I'll look up a meal (say salmon) and choose the lowest calorie to log, regardless of the size or seasoning. This time I got super serious and try not to allow myself to do that anymore, or at least I acknowledge that it exists.

    Also, eat ALL of your calories. (as you don't have your diary open, I don't know if this is the case or not). Because I still tend to fall back on the habit I described above, I usually goal for 200 or so below my daily limit unless I am 100% certain that I was honest with my logging. I log my entire day first thing in the morning so I know if I have any wiggle room for tasty treats like the homemade persimmon cookies that were brought in today... yes I had one!!

    It's also a good idea to incorporate strength training and cardio. I've tried just strength and just cardio and it just doesn't work. My ticker below says 8 lbs but I've actually lost 12 lbs since Thanskgiving (had a rude awakening my first weigh in back from the Holiday). That's 12 lbs through my birthday, Christmas and New Years. I didn't starve myself, I didn't deprive myself of the things I wanted. I was just honest with myself.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Slow weight loss = more long term weight loss. You want a quick fix, then don't expect the weight to stay off.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    Slow weight loss = more long term weight loss. You want a quick fix, then don't expect the weight to stay off.

    exactly! my progress is slow as damn molasses but i know that it is a lifestyle change that i can continue with forever which beats any "quick fix" out there. i have a ton of friends who cut carbs for a few months, drop upwards of 40 pounds while i am moving at 10 lbs in 6 months or so. but guess what, they put it back on and i keep losing....albeit it very slowly!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I know it's frustrating, but bodies are weird. It takes time before your metabolism makes the adjustment from storing fat to burning fat. Not always - I have personally experienced the thrill of losing 5 pounds the first week. It's great when it happens, but it's the exception, not the rule.

    Keep at it. I hope you get satisfaction soon! It has taken me one month to lose 3.8 pounds, which seems kind of pathetic, but if I continue at that rate, I'll arrive at my goal next year. That will be a great day!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Your quote on your profile:

    "If you are sick of starting over, you have to stop quitting."

  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    open your diary...we may be able to spot a problem
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    It took longer than a week to put on, it's gonna take longer than a week to take off! I know it can be frustrating but all you can do is keep going! It's gonna take some time but you'll get there if you keep it up!