Home Stomach Pump



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Really gross!
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Awesome.... high tech purging! Just what we always wanted! :sick: :noway:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    that sounds like a recipe for bulimia if i've ever heard one
    That IS bulimia.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    That's just disgusting to even think about it. If a person needs gastric bypass, hopefully they go to practice that have a high success rate and not do this. There's so much more to gastric bypass even before you qualify for it. I used to temp in a practice that did it, it was an eye opener for me indeed.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member

    Initial setbacks – and here's the really yucky part – have occurred because the pump struggles to break up large foods. One patient reported "clogging" and had to avoid eating cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese food, stir fry, snow peas, pretzels, chips and steak. No chips? It will never catch on.

    Has chewing gone out of fashion?
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Old news...The Romans beat us to it, it was called a vomitorium.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    My only question is......why?
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    My only question is......why?

    So you can have your cake, eat it too, and then have it again.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    why not skip the expensive equip and purge? Same concept.
  • Findekano
    Findekano Posts: 116
    Just when I thought things could not become any more absurd....

    Eat, drink and pump it out: new weight loss gadget sucks food straight out of the stomach
    Who would have thought that the future of weight loss might lie in the hands of the inventor of the Segway? Dean Kamen, creator of the two-wheeled wonder, along with a team from Aspire Bariatrics, of Philadelphia, has applied for a patent for a pump that can suck food and drink straight out of the stomach.

    Users are able to stuff their face before draining their stomach by connecting the pump to a valve surgically installed in their abdominal wall. The makers hope to use it to treat the morbidly obese, and to provide an alternative to a gastric bypass.

    Initial setbacks – and here's the really yucky part – have occurred because the pump struggles to break up large foods. One patient reported "clogging" and had to avoid eating cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese food, stir fry, snow peas, pretzels, chips and steak. No chips? It will never catch on.

    I once knew a girl that had a feeding tube installed in her stomach and would use it like this. Yup. Real healthy.
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 428 Member
    Pretty sure I just lost my appetite for a month :huh: :grumble:
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I personally employ a staff of feathermen, who approach each of my dinner guests, and tickle their throats with a feather, so as to regurgitate, and thus enjoy even more of the delightful repast I have assembled before them.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    My only question is......why?

    So you can have your cake, eat it too, and then have it again.


  • Findekano
    Findekano Posts: 116
    I have a suggestion: When people go in for this surgery, cut out their tongue instead. There. Now let's see you stuff yourself because it tastes good.

    Much cheaper, too, in both the long and short term.

    I swear, some people can be roped into any magic cure, and some greedy f*cks are always there to sell them one.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    There is no end to the lengths to which human beings will go to avoid the natural consequences of their actions.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I personally employ a staff of feathermen, who approach each of my dinner guests, and tickle their throats with a feather, so as to regurgitate, and thus enjoy even more of the delightful repast I have assembled before them.

    What I appreciate most about your approach is that the guests needn't even excuse themselves from the table, but can actually remain seated, regurgitating in their repose, without so much as a break in the conversation (beyond a gentle coughing noise, of course.)
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    sounds like an invitation for an infectious bacteria.
    Someone's gonna get seriously ill and sue.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    Wow, I was sure this must be a joke, until I read the article. Oh dear Lord....what is this world coming to :noway:
  • My stepmom did something like this thru a test study program at Washington University in st. louis, mo SHe lost a ton of weight. At 1st she said it was uncomfortable, but she got used to it. She didint gorge herself and dump - she started changing her eating habits and working out - she now runs 5k etc... WHilre she got help I am so proud of her. No matter what it takes change and she did it with a little jump start
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    My younger kid asked me about this the other day.
    Just what we need, more promotion of the idea of indulgence at no cost.