Started a week ago and haven't seen any loss?



  • Carri1
    Carri1 Posts: 82 Member
    "If you are sick of starting over, you have to stop quitting."
  • lamby284
    lamby284 Posts: 167 Member
    It takes more than a week for most people. For me, I had to get rid of foods my body wasn't handling well like meat and dairy. I'm vegan 90% of the time now and the lbs have been dropping over the last few days (see ticker)
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    What are you eating? And what are you doing for exercise?
    It's about baby steps.. make 1 change this week.. then make another
    My goal has nothing to do with weight, but the steps to reach it are still the same.
    I started tracking, then joined a gym, and am now working on eating breakfast and eating more overall.
    Baby steps leads to big changes.

    Also, read labels on everything. There is hidden sugar and calories in so many things people think are good to eat or healthy. Not true. Don't have to be perfect, but if you make the good chocie 90% of the time it will compensate for the other 10%.
    Watch sodium too.. too much sodium creates water weight, so the scale won't be accurate.

    Also.. measure yourself. I find when I'm not losing weight.. I'm losing inches. fine by me. No so good for my bank account. LOL
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    If you are ready to quit after a week - then you're not ready for this task.

    One week..... you can not be serious!! If you are upset over one week and no loss, how are you going to take it when you go two or three weeks without a loss? Its a process - it takes time.

    What are you eating? If you are still eating junk and going over calories you will not lose. Are you drinking enough water? Are you eating enough or are you trying to starve diet? So many factors to consider on why you didn't lose in your first week!!!

    Take measurements and pictures. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, and move more!! Simple. But on that still need to have patience!!
  • superstar_commish
    I started a week ago and I was fortunate to drop some weight.
    I keep my diary open and I log everything I eat.
    When I'm slacking, I have friends on MFP telling me and last night, they really helped me out getting a few workouts in.

    I believe that once you start using the resources on this website, it should help you maximize your potential weight loss.
    Just look at what other people are doing to lose weight, view their diary, and hold yourself accountable for every diary entry.

    Don't give up, one week isn't enough time.
    You're more than welcomed to add me if you want little tips here and there.
    Good luck.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Give yourself some time...and realize it'll take time as well as you might not lose anything for a couple weeks in the middle of everything. You didn't gain weight over night, you're not going to lose it over night either.

    Instead of the scale, go by how your clothes fit, measure yourself and measure your food so you know that you're right on with the amounts and not guessing
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    My guess is you are eating too little for the exersice you are doing
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    Slow weight loss = more long term weight loss. You want a quick fix, then don't expect the weight to stay off.

    I agree. Did you put all the weight on in 1 week? If you want a quick fix, maybe this isn't for you.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I have motivational quotes posted all around my office. This one comes to mind:

    "It takes 4 weeks for you to see changes.
    It takes 8 weeks for friends and family.
    It takes 12 weeks for everyone else.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    How about celebrate that you made it a week of making good choices....honestly, this is a lifetime...not a weektime...
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I have that feeling again and have not lost any weight this week and this is the time I feel like giving up? I am still at my original weight I was when I started. I have been logging and exercising for about a week and feel I should see some kind of loss.... this is when I get depressed and want to quit.

    One week?? You're expecting miracles. If you're consistent you WILL get results. Change your mindset and make this a lifestyle and ditch the oh poor me I'm quitting attitude. But then again if you're ready to throw the towel in after only 7 days...maybe you're not cut out for this. Make a decision to be fit and healthy or fat and out of shape. It's all up to you.
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Not every week will bring results on the scale, so you really need to get your motivation from somewhere else. Personally, I get mine from feeling better, more in control, generally pleased with myself for doing better for myself and my family. The changes I see are not big, and I doubt many other than those really close to me can see, but I know my body and health have changed. That keeps me going...but I have quite a few days where I just wish I was skinny already :)
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    You've only been at it for a week. The weight you're trying to lose, you didn't gain overnight so you can't expect it to come off right away. You have to change your attitude and realize it's going to take time and patience. You're going to lose and then you're going to plateau. As long as you keep at it, you will see the change.
  • mercymarque
    You're diary isn't open to see what you've been eating. MFP is a mind opener. I've eaten pretty healthy for the most part. When you start logging and really see how much calories your really taking in it's an eye opener. You have to give this time. It's process, a lifestyle change. Slow wins the race. You want to keep it off. Drink your water.. it is key to your weightloss success. Log your food, weigh you food to be accurate, eat as clean as you can (fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains), limit your sweets, healthy snack choices and get moving. Get a buddy to go walk with you, exercise at the gym or do a DVD with. Set small goals for yourself, take pictures and measurements. "If you are sick of starting over, you have to stop quitting." Those are ur words... Don't quit keep going. You can do this. Good luck
  • BorgieMN
    BorgieMN Posts: 116 Member
    My first week I lost 1 pound. Didn't give up. Look what I would have missed out on if i gave up, because the first week was only a pound.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    It took you longer than a week to gain it, so it's going to take longer than a week to lose it!

    Stay with it! If you need encouragement, the success stories is a good place to look. You can do this!
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    I think you already know what we're all saying -- that quitting won't get you results, but persistence, patience and hard work absolutely WILL! Just maybe not as fast as you would like.

    Take your measurements, figure out your body fat percentage. I find it very motivating to have more than one measure of success to go by. That way, if I'm having a "dry spell" per the scale, I'll keep pushing, knowing that my measurement day at the gym is only X days away and I'd like to see some measurement losses :).
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    As others have said, 1 week isn't enough time. I just went 4 weeks with no loss and then in the 5th week I lost 2 pounds. That's just how things go sometimes. Any number of things could be affecting the number on the scale. Give it more time. It would be a good idea to open your diary, at least temporarily, in case there's some adjustments that can be made.
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    Um I would not give up after a week, give yourself a years time to transform!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Ummm... one week and you're ready to quit?! No. You can do this!