Zumba Core

I just played my new Zumba Core wii game for the first time, such a good workout once you get the hang of it, anyone else play this or had any good results from using it? x


  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I love this. I have done both Zumba 2 and Zumba core. Zumba 2 burns more calories, but I am finding Zumba core is changing the shape of my body.
  • justinelalalaa
    justinelalalaa Posts: 16 Member
    ohh coolm i've got the first zumba and core but not the 2nd, may have to get this too sometime. there is defo a change between the first zumba and zumba core though i feel, just gotta keep at it
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I just got it and I'm trying to learn the steps lol. I'm not very co-ordinated.
  • karimah_jamila
    karimah_jamila Posts: 16 Member
    Just got it and love it. I also have the Zumba 2, but I haven't really played it much. It's hard work.
  • justinelalalaa
    justinelalalaa Posts: 16 Member
    yeah i find it really hard ocmpared to the first one, defo a better work out though! just done my 2nd day of it :) and ordered just dance 4 so that should be here tomorrow