Wheat Belly

Just curious if anyone here has gone wheat/gluten free after reading Wheat Belly.

I did a trial period late last summer and had great results. Increased energy, decreased stomach distension, clearer skin, fewer headaches/backaches, etc. But, it is a complete lifestyle change and I was not ready to adopt it fully just yet.

My husband and I are thinking of getting back on the wagon and making a permanent change, especially now that there's been some success clearing up A.fib (hubby has it).

So, I'm looking for some wheat belly buddies, if you're out there, shoot me a friend request!



  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I haven't read wheat belly but I have been trying very hard to give it up because I too notice all those positive side effects from NOT eating it
  • scalci
    scalci Posts: 3
    I have bad stomach problems and a few years ago my doctors and parents were convinced it was wheat allergies (even tho tests were negative) so I went on a gluten/wheat free diet... I got sooooooo sick though, like worse than usual. The food wasn't that bad, but it made me extremely sick. I want to after hearing about all the issues associated with wheat, but I personally can;t because the diet doesnt agree with me, its also impossible for me to since I go to college and dont have access to anything but dining hall food and I dont have the legit medical excuse to get gluten free foods. But i dont know, I guess its just not for everyone...
  • scalci
    scalci Posts: 3
    oh and random comment... LOVE the Cowgirl Up on the weight loss meter :)))
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    I read it last summer. I've reduced the amount of wheat in my diet and it has helped my irritable bowel be less troublesome. Very hard to go completely gluten free. I think it has to be a process. It takes a while to find the gluten free foods that you like. My son-in-law has celiac so can have NO gluten. It took him 5 years to get adjust completely and he does very well now.
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    Have not read the book but as a suggestion from my Chiropractor I did try a full elimination diet (eating none of the common allergens for a month) and I really noticed the negative impact of the wheat on me. So now I am as good about it as can be - because if I am not careful the entire digestive tract reminds me why I should be.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Just curious if anyone here has gone wheat/gluten free after reading Wheat Belly.

    I did a trial period late last summer and had great results. Increased energy, decreased stomach distension, clearer skin, fewer headaches/backaches, etc. But, it is a complete lifestyle change and I was not ready to adopt it fully just yet.

    My husband and I are thinking of getting back on the wagon and making a permanent change, especially now that there's been some success clearing up A.fib (hubby has it).

    So, I'm looking for some wheat belly buddies, if you're out there, shoot me a friend request!


    Only the gullible fall for Wheat Belly and it's nonsense
  • I am in! I notice a BIG difference in my "muffin top" just by allowing a little wheat. (Which I did over the holiday break)

    While I am not allergic I definitely am sensitive to wheat (among other foods) and feel better not eating them. There are so many products out there, it is much easier being GF and food sensitive these days than even as recent as 7-10 years ago.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    My wife was diagnosed with Celiac a few years ago and I decided to try going gluten free with her. For a while I did great on the diet and lost 15 pounds rather quickly. Lately, however, I haven't stayed on my diet and gained a little weight back -- I am restarting my diet and workouts effective today and am hoping to get back to the level I was at a few months ago and then to continue on from there. I do know that when I am on a low carb and wheat free diet I don't have any swings in blood sugar and I almost never actually felt hungry. It's just hard to stay disciplined. I have Wheat Belly as an audio book and just relistened to it a few weeks ago.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    I am gluten-free out of necessity and it is a pain in the *kitten*. Haven't had a decent piece of bread in years. In addition, gf food is triple the price. So, I just don't do breads or pasta, they are yummy, but pretty much empty calories. It has made me eat much cleaner, fruit, veg, fish & fowl, since I never know waht is in processed food. You will feel better. Good luck to you.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    Just curious if anyone here has gone wheat/gluten free after reading Wheat Belly.

    I did a trial period late last summer and had great results. Increased energy, decreased stomach distension, clearer skin, fewer headaches/backaches, etc. But, it is a complete lifestyle change and I was not ready to adopt it fully just yet.

    My husband and I are thinking of getting back on the wagon and making a permanent change, especially now that there's been some success clearing up A.fib (hubby has it).

    So, I'm looking for some wheat belly buddies, if you're out there, shoot me a friend request!

    I tried to discuss this in a thread yesterday and got laughed at and made fun of. I know all about this. I was told, "there is no research to support this by posters here, etc". I am currently trying to cleanse and take care of this now. Do you believe that this is from overgrowth of Candida?
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    To piggy back on something others mentioned, I'm not allergic or anything. I'm not necessarily gluten free either. I try to avoid pasta and breads as much as possible b/c I feel better not eating them. I also avoid soy and dairy for the most part.

    Small amounts are fine but too much and I have bad reactions
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I do get kind of a distended belly after eating a lot of gluten and sugar. So I try to cut back, if I'm feeling gross. The thought of never eating another cookie or sandwich makes me feel worse than the silly idea of "wheat belly".
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Just curious if anyone here has gone wheat/gluten free after reading Wheat Belly.

    I did a trial period late last summer and had great results. Increased energy, decreased stomach distension, clearer skin, fewer headaches/backaches, etc. But, it is a complete lifestyle change and I was not ready to adopt it fully just yet.

    My husband and I are thinking of getting back on the wagon and making a permanent change, especially now that there's been some success clearing up A.fib (hubby has it).

    So, I'm looking for some wheat belly buddies, if you're out there, shoot me a friend request!

    I tried to discuss this in a thread yesterday and got laughed at and made fun of. I know all about this. I was told, "there is no research to support this by posters here, etc". I am currently trying to cleanse and take care of this now. Do you believe that this is from overgrowth of Candida?

    the best fitness & health research is something that works for YOU, maybe not for others..join the primal/paleo group here and you'll get a better discussion.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I have bad stomach problems and a few years ago my doctors and parents were convinced it was wheat allergies (even tho tests were negative) so I went on a gluten/wheat free diet... I got sooooooo sick though, like worse than usual. The food wasn't that bad, but it made me extremely sick. I want to after hearing about all the issues associated with wheat, but I personally can;t because the diet doesnt agree with me, its also impossible for me to since I go to college and dont have access to anything but dining hall food and I dont have the legit medical excuse to get gluten free foods. But i dont know, I guess its just not for everyone...

    What do you mean by 'the food'? Were you replacing with gluten free products? Why not just not eat bread, pasta, etc? I still understand the problem with going gluten free on a college campus because the cross contamination would be crazy.
  • PaigeJMP
    PaigeJMP Posts: 25 Member
    I try to stay grain-free mostly and feel better than ever. I started reading Wheat Belly and stopped. I couldn't read something, supposedly written with medical evidence, that tells you to cut out honey and use sweetners like splenda. Artificial sweetners are just poison. If it came down to using honey or splenda, use the honey, and your body will thank you for it.
    Wheat Belly has some good info, and people in general eat way too much wheat and wheat products.
  • I read "Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight". There are good reasons to go Wheat free. Even cutting back, I can feel the difference for me. It is challenging to go completely wheat free though. But cutting out most wheat has made me feel lighter and I have had a lot less stomach problems.

    I say try it and see how you feel. Gradually tamper it out and you may be surprised at the results.
  • scrapscot
    scrapscot Posts: 123 Member
    Going gluten free does not mean you have to give up on cookies and pastries! I baked all my Christmas cookies this year with either almond flour (totally paleo) for my daughter or with Gluten-free flour (for my stepson's family). My partner and I have have gone almost gluten free and do feel better for it. I read Wheat Belly about a year ago and it totally enlightened me to the problems we have in this country with GMOs and our "modified" wheat.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I cut down dramatically on wheat and instantly lost weight, felt less bloated, and had more energy. I think there might be something to this. . . :wink:
  • juliedozier
    juliedozier Posts: 184 Member
    Paleo! 5 days in and feel great!