Menu planning??? Anyone???

Just wanted to see if anyone here makes a weekly menu plan and acctually sticks to it?

I know I have tried in the past to make a weekly plan and I just never am able to abide by it, something always comes up that prevents me from following it.

Does anyone else have this same problem? and for those of you who can stick to one how on earth do you do it???


  • LadyZo
    LadyZo Posts: 7 Member
    I always do a weekly menu for our meals as it helps me budget for the week, but I also find that due to things happening I have to move meals around based on how quickly they can be prepared and cooked etc etc. However, this week I have been very careful when planning my meals so that even if I have to shift them around to other days I know I will still be ok on the calorie side of things. Would you be able to work it out as x amount for breakfast, x for lunch, and x for dinner each day? If you know all the meals work out very close to each other across the board then you won't be risking any potential losses.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    I was never able to stick to a menu plan on a diet or not and not with mfp around either.

    I do however make some soups or meals i can defrost if time is a problem!
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    Yup...dinners are planned through the end of the month. Breakfasts are pretty consistent and dependent upon how much exercise I achieve, I plan my lunches.

    Somehow it seems to help to post it the day before and 'play' with the numbers. (ie. two nights a week hubby fends for himself so dinner might be a protein shake for me. On Saturdays we usually have homemade pizza so that's my big cardio day)

    Hope that helps
  • NoExcusesJenn
    NoExcusesJenn Posts: 24 Member
    I know that I am going to try harder to make a menu plan, or try to anyhow. breakfast and lunch is prity much the same every day monday to friday cause of work, its when I get home from work and am soooo tired I have no energy to cook that things start to fall apart for me. What can I do to avoid that, I dont eat frozen/tv dinners, I think they are nasty and full of unhealthy crap, and making them myself just isnt the same caus they loose so much after they have been frozen.

    Does anyone have any recipies that might be good that I could easily do?
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    The crockpot is your friend :-))) Also, on Sundays I do a lot of prep...cut veggies for stirfries, make casseroles. Monday night is soup night in the winter. That sort of thing.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Yup, prepare in the weekends and heat up during the week.
    Spagettisauce is good for so many things. goes with rice, too or maybe even for chilli depending on how you do those.
    Well that means you just have to put in beans, pasta or rice.
    Soup is always great :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I do a sort of plan for the week - not every night (cos there's always something that comes up), and I might not have every meal on the night I planned. But it allows me to have in the fridge enough foods to make a good selection of meals.

    Menu planning to me doesn't mean "Monday we HAVE to have this, and Tuesday it must be this...otherwise we've failed"

    Menu planning is more like "OK, over the next week I'm going to cook steak, chicken (maybe that recipe we like in Jamie's book), some smoked cod cos we need a fish night once a week, maybe seared haloumi salad for our veggie night...."
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I have fish, chicken and lean ground turkey constantly stocked in the freezer and during the weekly shopping trip pick out a vegetable for each day. I then pick out some combination of these for dinner each night.

    I try to follow my partner's lead and eat salad for lunch everyday. I do OK as long as he makes me a salad with his in the morning, but we also usually have hummus on hand, as well as Madras Lentils, so I do have healthy options.

    Breakfast is the hardest for me. Today I had two cups of warm milk (don't judge me). Most of the week it was V8 and string cheese. At some point last weekend, I did have an egg white omelette, but I just can't do it every day. We will probably pick up Greek yogurt when we go shopping.
  • CKJ118
    CKJ118 Posts: 54
    I am never one that can stick to a weekly menu plan because I am not that organized to get it done. On Sundays I will go through and make a big pot of soup and roast a chicken so that I can have the chicken that day and then I can have the soup for lunches as well. There are so many things that you can do with baked chicken that the leftovers can be transformed as well or the meat can go onto salads for lunch. We do beans for one night also so that we are meat free at least one day. If you roast off a big pan of vegetables you can have a healthy side and then puree it for smooth soups for future meals like butternut squash.
  • Mara_
    Mara_ Posts: 104 Member
    I always make up a meal plan, for just four of five days a week. As a student, i receive every an invitation to eat somewhere almost every week, so this way I always have food for the rest of the week.
  • jbdowns35
    jbdowns35 Posts: 352
    I try try try!!!! Got one down for this week, took all weekend of menu planning, doing inventory, making a list, grocery shopping, prepping meals, chopping veggies, etc. I hope it all follows thru the way I want it to.
  • Rusty675
    I cook and eat the same thing everyday lol. I kind of like keeping everything simple and prefer it this way. Makes going shopping easy as pie too.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I make a menu and corresponding grocery list for either one week or two weeks, just depends on my mood. I don't always follow it to a tee though as some days I may not feel like cooking and will go with another option. But I find that making the menu and doing some prep work the weekend before helps a LOT. As it stands for this week I have minimal cooking because I have so many leftovers and did prep work for the other meals. Meal planning alleviates a lot of torture in my house. If the meal isn't planned we end up with Chinese or pizza...when I meal plan weekly we can go for nearly 2 months without eating out. :drinker:
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I plan all of our dinners.. Lunches and breakfasts vary between salads, sandwiches, eggs and soups... But I grocery shop around specific dinners and stick to them each day. makes it so easy to plan and syncs it with a grocery list. I prepare as much as I possibly can when I have the time and energy to make my week so easy! I will premake sauces, chop veggies early and measure out meats in ziplock bags and write what day and meal they are for.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I do. I'm a pretty organized person so it's easy for me (and honestly couldn't have it any other way or I'd go nuts!).

    I eat the same thing for breakfast (quick oats mixed with water, raisins, a little coffee creamer and splenda) and I keep all of that at work. My boyfriend eats english muffins or Clif bars so I buy those for him.

    If you look at my diary, my lunches are a "little of this, little of that". That's the way I like it. My boyfriend likes turkey sandwiches and granny smith apples, and sometimes he'll buy lunch.

    I plan dinners every Sunday before I go grocery shopping. I figure out our schedules for the week and decide how many meals we'll need. Yes, things do come up and you just rearrange them or freeze meat if you need to so it doesn't go bad. I've been doing this for a few months now and it really helps me to continue to eat healthy and get into a routine.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    He he he... I was beginning to think we were the only ones! I think it takes practice.
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    I find life is easier when I stick to a menu plan, though it hasn't happened lately. Things that have helped:
    Have your family help plan meals. I sat everyone down once and gave them index cards and each had to come up with 2 different dinners (with some parameters, like a vegetable had to be included). Then I would plan a week from the stack of cards. I fleshed out the stack with other meals we often eat, or sometimes recipes I wanted to try.

    The week had to be planned before I grocery shopped for the week. And each evening before I went to bed I'd look at the meal for the next day and make sure things were thawed if needed.

    Lately, I've been working late 2-3 nights a week, so the kids cook. And after cooking themselves, and planning meals themselves, they don't complain about what I cook nearly as much!
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Yes, I try to meal plan each week. I look at what I already have on hand and try to find recipes to use those items. Then I grocery shop for the items in the recipes that I do not have. I make enough for dinner to be able to have the left overs for lunch the following day. I have started planning my breakfasts and snacks. I will decide what fits, and prepare them the night before.

    Here is my dinner menu for this week:

    Monday- Turkey and brown rice stuffed red peppers
    Tuesday- Pork chops with sweet potatoes
    Wednesday- Swordfish with lemon garlic Swiss chard
    Thursday- Korean style sesame beef and rice noodles with stir fry veggies
    Friday- left overs or dinner out

    I had all the proteins on hand, and most of the veggies.
  • shellyann1180
    I love to plan and be organized, but it usually lasts 2 days. My SO works from 230a-1130am so by the time I get home from work, he is ready for bed, which makes meal planning difficult. This weekend, I planned out my dinners for the next two weeks and went food shopping. I am trying something new. Sundays-Home cooked, Monday-crockpot (I am starting Pilates for the next 10 weeks, so this will make it easier to eat when I get home), Tuesday-Leftovers (I tap on Tuesdays so he has to fend for himself), Wednesday-pasta, Thursday-meat, Friday-pizza, Saturday-soup & sandwhich. I find doing it this way will be easier because I can plan healthier meals without overdoing one type of item over another (ie too many carbs or too much red meat). Plus I am hoping it will cut down on buying junk and binge eating when I get home. Keep your fingers crossed that this will work! *FEEL FREE TO FRIEND ME! I NEED ALL THE MOTIVATION I CAN GET!!*
  • rgchildress
    rgchildress Posts: 5 Member
    Yes I make a weekly meal plan based on our schedules for the week and most days I can stick too. Sometimes though I have to switch out days and once in a while it might even be fast food. I have really been working to lower my grocery bill and I have found that making a meal plan helps me to spend less.Most of the time i make it based on what is on sale that previous week and how quick the prep needs to be.