I'm new here as of yesterday

I just started on this site and I am looking for fitness buddies that are looking to be encouraged and can be an encourager to me. I know we can lose the weight. I have about 100 lbs to lose. (I am 249). Feel free to friend me and I know we can do this together.


  • penni214
    penni214 Posts: 34 Member
    You've made your first step....lots of over 50's here to help...seems we have to work harder at it, lol. Also everyone here is very supportive. Feel free to add me as friend....we'll all do this together! I just joined 4 days ago, I'm surprised how all the encouragement is really keeping me on track!
  • zlm1987
    Im new too - I've had the app on my phone for a while and have decided I MUST become fit and healthy!
    Good Luck to you with your goal, i have 58lbs to lose, seems a million miles away right now :/ I WILL do it though!!!
    Hopefully ill see you on here and we can see how we've got on in a couple of weeks time :)