what was your "a-HA!" moment?

Everyone has a story....what's yours?

What one moment made you say "a-HA! I need to do something about this and get healthy!"

Mine was when I bought some clothes online ( because I was too lazy to get dressed and thought ordering a pizza and shopping online was the ultimate Saturday!)
Even tho they were the size I bought before, after only a few times wearing them, they became too tight!
Then I went to do some more shopping and it was like a slap in the face on what size I would need! So here I am! :)


  • kristanb05
    I saw a picture of myself and didn't realize how big my arms were.... or my butt. I realized that I was rushing to take care of everyone else and had just started shoving food in my face and calling whatever daily tasks I had "exercise." Also, when my kids refused to let anyone else help them, with anything, I knew something had to give. I'd been there on every little whim for them that I couldn't do ANYTHING for myself. I had to let that go and take care of myself too, it wasn't healthy for them either.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I went to my doctor in March of 2012 becuase my chest was hurting when I ate, and was diagnosed with reflux. He gave me meds, and talked to me about diet. I walked out of there, and it hit me that at age 42 and 338 pounds, it was only a matter of time before I was being given meds for diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. I decided I did not want to take medication for something I could prevent myself, and I vowed to change.
  • lacey_diane
    lacey_diane Posts: 20 Member
    My a-HA moment was when I quit smoking. It gave me confidence that I could do other things to make my health the best I can. If I could kick an addiction, I could kick bad eating habits and start working out too.
    Also, though I hate to say it, unfortunately the media has made me self conscious about my body. I want to feel comfortable enough with myself that I don't find myself getting jealous of another womans body.
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    I weighed the same as my ex--not good!
  • cerrydwenn
    My moment was when I went dress shopping for a bridesmaid dress with my best friend. She's getting married in June and found a dress she would be interested in. When we went to try it on, the dress was not even available in my size. Then the sales lady tried to put me in this ghastly dress and it was so embarrassing. That night, my best friend sat me down and talked to me about how she was worried. The next day I went on my diet. Every success I have keeps me going!
  • Jem97
    Jem97 Posts: 54
    It wasn't one thing, just kindof everything building up. I'd been unhappy with my weight for a while, but then i began growing out of all my old jeans. Finally I weighed myself, and was up to 158 lbs. I have never been over 150, and to me this just seemed so much bigger then i had ever pictured myself, as I am so short.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I didn't recognise the fat girl in my pictures with jiggly arms and a belly pooch... she is gone now :)
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    I had someone ask "when are you due?"~ um...NEVER!!~ My most embarrassing moment ever!
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    My aha moment was when I couldnt wear my jeans anymore and I looked FAT in my photos from turkey. When I spent my nights at graduate school eating an entire pizza by myself and watching netflix. not Good.

    I moved to Rhode Island for an internship and began my change and havent looked back
  • rootsieone
    rootsieone Posts: 3 Member
    I went to spend the holidays with my Aunt who I unfortunately follow physiologically. She is on a waitlist for knee transplants, has arthritis, osteoperosis, herneated disks in her back, etc, etc, etc. After 6 days with her, I knew it was time for a change or I would be just like her in 20 years. No way, no how!
  • macijojo
    i have had a couple of a-HA moments
    first one was with my boyfriend,,,, we been together 6 months and he has a little girl, we all get along but then on one occasion i got introduced to sam (his ex) and omg she must been a UK size 6, i fekt huge and got the impression he had just chose me for the comany.
    a few weeks after the meeting i was on my facebook and i had a notification saying that my boyfriend had liked a picture, so i clicked on it and it was agai a lady UK size6 maybe 8 And she was wearing a bikini, i felt so low and spoke to him bout it but it didnt help.
    second a-Ha moment was recently, i went to doctors and he said i have got the start of arthiritus in both my knees so it finally sunk in and im now doing this for my health and not for anyone else
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    Had trouble getting out of the bathtub, how pathetic was that!
  • lc52820
    lc52820 Posts: 76 Member
    I had someone ask "when are you due?"~ um...NEVER!!~ My most embarrassing moment ever!

    I haven't had that happen but it sucks when my friends post their pregnancy pics on FB and my non-pregnant belly is bigger than their cute little "baby bump" :tongue:

    My moment of awakening was when I had to get a health screening as part of signing up for my health insurance & according to my BMI, I was officially in the obese category.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    My "A-HA!" moment was the day after my friends Halloween party. Here I thought I looked cute, but no! My arms, face and thighs looked HUGE :noway: in every single picture. I felt so gross :cry: That's when I decided enough was freaking enough. I started eating better the next day and about 2 weeks later I joined 24 hour fitness. I have since lost 13 lbs. Half way done!!! :drinker:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    Going to the doctor and getting weighed... being mortified at being over 200 lbs. I didn't have a scale at home; I knew I was overweight but didn't quite grasp just how much.

    The funny thing is my doctor really never said anything about my weight, go figure. It was just the stupid number on the scale that hit me hard.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Two numbers got my attention... the number on the scale, which I had been avoiding for far too long, and the number on the glucometer which was WAY higher than it should be (I'd also been avoiding testing). Eighteen pounds lost since then with 2 to go!
  • SkinnyNails
    I am wearing my a-ha right now. As I type this, I am at my desk with my pants unbuttoned. They are uncomfortable when buttoned. I have had them for a while now. They fit last month but looking back I was in denial about my waistline expanding because the scale was just slightly creeping up. Hello fat weight. Goodbye lean muscle.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Looking at my daughters and realizing I was being a bad influence on them.
  • jaztoderan
    jaztoderan Posts: 71 Member
    I was so focused on my insecurities that it was affecting my sex life, always hyperaware of my stomach.
    & I saw a picture of me in a bikini that I didn't know was being taken.. and I looked simultaneously scrawny and soft.
  • themutineer
    themutineer Posts: 117 Member
    It's strange, because two years ago when I was 20 and 180 pounds I remember being happier than I am now, in some aspects. I was an overweight binge-drinker that smoked a pack a day and ate whatever I wanted without any issues about my body image. I knew I was unhealthy, I knew I was overweight, but I was okay with it.

    Enter: A boyfriend that came along with an ultimatum: Quit smoking, quit drinking, lose weight, and we got ourselves a deal.

    There's my A-HA! moment.

    The only problem is that even after I quit smoking and drinking, lost 30 pounds, moved out of state to be with him, lost another 30 pounds to reach my (his) ultimate goal weight of 120, went vegetarian, became a yoga addict (I'm now YA 200hr certified,) went vegan, and ultimately became a super-fit health-nut per his deranged requirements, I was never "good enough" and found myself: 1. Alone 2. Severely Depressed 3. Physically ill, at 114 pounds.

    One could argue that if I were truly happy before, I wouldn't have gotten myself into what turned out to be such an unhealthy relationship - but I would argue that it's beside the point. It took a huge toll on my mental and spiritual well-being, from which I'm still recovering.

    That being said, I am beyond grateful to have gone through this experience because it led me to optimal physical health and taught me so much about life. It feels good to say I've accomplished as much as I have, though I wish it would have been more for myself and my health than to gain someone else's approval.