WOMEN; that time of month & exercise!



  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    Yeah, studies are great, and it's fabulous that olympic athletes feel better during training. I have had absolutely no correlation personally between what I feel and how hard I train. My monthy issues are just as random and inhibiting as ever.

    I was running an 8 mile trail race on frigging Thanksgiving last year, cramping so hard twice I actually screamed out loud and doubled over, almost fell (thank god it was towards the end and nobody saw - mortifying!). Had a lousy time, and yes I finished, but I'll never accuse any female of using it as an excuse - for all the pain I manage to work through, there are women who have it way worse (I couldn't handle it any worse). I wouldn't think less of them for choosing to bow out.

    And claiming that "Your performance is not hampered by your monthly cycle" based on a survey of top athletes is a little like claiming a survey of frat boys proves alchohol doesn't inhibit sexual performance. The people to ask is their coaches.
  • kristanb05
    I usually spot for a week before AF shows in full stride and I had a REALLY rough run on day 1 of that last week. I thought it was because I was running in the morning vs. the evening like I normally do. It makes sense to me. I was still motivated to be there and get it done, but it was surely a struggle and wanted to do a brisk walk instead of a run.
  • feliligram
    exercising actually helps with my cramps. :)
    So it makes it easier for me to want to exercise specially when I cant stay away from salty things. :laugh:
  • av0cad0
    av0cad0 Posts: 20
    Well while the cardio was super hard, I must say yoga is the BEST for this time!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Really? I usually just keep on truckin. I think some women (actually I personally know a few) use their periods as an excuse not to exercise. Sure I'm cranky and a little bloated, but I work out hard anyway. Sometimes I work out extra hard if I'm pissed off about something.

    Exactly. I work out the same, regardless of what time of the month it is.
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    It might be more difficult to find the energy, but you should feel better after. I usually get brutal cramping for one day each month, but this past month I started doing my weight lifting in the mornings. That day I got up, took some Advil and did my lifting...didn't have a single cramp. I will be doing this again next time.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Really? I usually just keep on truckin. I think some women (actually I personally know a few) use their periods as an excuse not to exercise. Sure I'm cranky and a little bloated, but I work out hard anyway. Sometimes I work out extra hard if I'm pissed off about something. It's better to take out my PMS aggression on the treadmill or weight machines than on my fiance or someone. I used to have a heavier flow and get bad cramps, but working out has actually helped a lot. I've run a couple of 5Ks and a half marathon while on my period and it didn't change my performance at all.

    Ditto - I'm 38 weeks pregnant and certainly don't have the energy to work out - I have some rough hip pain and other assorted lady part pains. But, I won't let myself use it as an excuse because I know no matter how badly I feel before the gym, I'll feel a million times better afterwards. I always promise myself "just 10 minutes" and only once have I actually stopped after 10 minutes and gone home.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I get anemia during my period so I can't get crazy cardio or long lifting sessions done but moving a little and not just giving up during that week really helps with both cramps and with me not feeling bad about skipping 7 workouts!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I have some days where it just feels harder to work out and some days when it feels easier. These aren't associated with my cycles, tho. I think it's just reality...sometimes you're amped and sometimes you're pooped. Good on ya for hitting it anyways!!!!! It usually does make you feel better!
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    One element of my strength session was a total bust today....It's weight I have been able to curl before but today I just didn't have the energy for it.

    I pushed through the rest but it is an annoyance.

    Cardio is no bother during this time though
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I even run through cramps. For me excuses are no longer an option. Once I get going, there is no stopping me. Take some midol and work your butt off :). I also get ravenously hungry around that time. I no longer use that as an excuse either. Us women have to put up with a lot but it is my time to dedicate to me now and nothing will get in the way of that.
  • veggiesandkate
    veggiesandkate Posts: 21 Member
    I get pretty horrible cramps so I definitely ease up on the exercise during the first 2 days of my period. Usually I just got for a walk or something.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    I get super tired in general for about 3 days leading up to it and as much as I don't want to work out, I know that when I do, I end up feeling better. I do feel that my workouts are not as productive but it's still better than sitting on the couch and eating junk food (which is what I really would rather do) LOL
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    I actually have MORE energy the day before, then feel like I was run over by a truck (exhausted) and simultaneously stabbed in the gut (cramps) the day of. It's the only day I will take advil. However, if I am scheduled to work out, dammit, I'm working out. Maybe not for as long or with the same intensity, but I'll get out there!
  • bigmamma29
    I have a question does anyone know the amount of calories you burn when you do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred Levels 1, 2 and 3 - does anyone know????
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I feel the same.. I usually feel more exhausted during my workout during my period, but afterwards I feel a lot better. My mood and PMS symptoms seem to lessen after working out.

    And, I have no idea if it's true and haven't done any research to see if it is, but I heard that we are able to lose more weight during our period than any other time. Anyone out there know if it's true or not? I'd love to know, it gives me just that much more motivation to workout when I'm not feeling up to it!
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I heard the same thing about losing more around your period time.and. I have loss more weight when its over but I also gain 2 lbs before it starts. I always workout during that time of month it helps with pain. the first day is hard but I just push threw. In the past I would not workout for a whole week and I felt worst and it was hard to get back to my workouts. I only have one rest day and that is sundays no matter what even if I have to crawl.
  • Ghadah88
    I personally don't workout during this time of the month (or let me say I won't) It was horrible in the last time because I kept insanity workout.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    I'm in PMS stage right now and just finished an HIIT workout that, while still is difficult, I was able to finish through way easier a few days ago. Now that my period is approaching, it seems almost impossible to finish and I'm getting way more exhausted during my workouts! Does this happen to anyone else?

    Just push through it and do your best. I don''t know about you but I've never regretted a workout :)
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    during that evil time....you need to maybe increase your iron & vitamins since our bodies are running at a deficit during the evil few days we're on it.....