Week 1 was spot on...and I gained!

I managed to GAIN 2lb this week. Seriously? I ate at or under my calories every day except one, did two small workouts to get back into the workout routine, drank plenty of water and ate healthy! I'm not defeated, just annoyed...


  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    That's not unusual. If you aren't used to working out, starting a new exercise regimen will cause you to retain water. Furthermore, weight can easily fluctuate 5 lbs in one day, but you are probably only losing about 1 lb. of fat per week. Just keep at it and if you don't see results after a month, then start playing with your numbers.
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    I know the usual ups and downs. It's just frustrating because my body keeps losing and regaining the same 5lb no matter what I change. I was just frustrated. Plus these workouts weren't super hard and I usually only gain when I do something like P90X or jogging. A little 20 minute beginners kickboxing video, 4 days ago shouldn't make me retain. I don't know. I was just hoping for a loss on my first weight in. End rant.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Your diary didn't show that you were that spot on and a lot of the foods weren't that great plus alcohol.
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    Minus my one day going out, I was spot on. But thanks for shoving it in my face. I need that.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring you foods to be certain of portion sizes?

    One reason I ask is because you are insisting that you were spot on all week, but the last two days were both over. Perhaps you are doing this with portion, as well.

    It doesn't look like you have much to lose. The closer you are to goal, the more important healthy choices are. It looks like you could use more fruits and veggies, for a start.
  • MmeFlutterby
    Could you be building muscle - It is denser than fat and so you could in theory get fitter but weigh more?? xx
  • Sheilagh85
    Sheilagh85 Posts: 33 Member
    You look amazing already so I'm assuming you don't have much to lose. The only thing I could suggest is maybe trying to eat more whole foods. You eat regularly which is good but maybe not making the best choices even if you are staying within your calorie goal. I always stress clean eating for fat loss with a few treats here and there. No need to deprive yourself. And also I've never gained weight from alcohol (ie white wine and vodka) so keep drinking if its what you enjoy!
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Because your diary is open, I went back in and had a little look through.

    I think that you might find it helpful to add sodium to your tracker. I am always surprised at just how much salt is in a lot of stuff, and how that excess sodium makes my body hold on to extra water.
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    Because your diary is open, I went back in and had a little look through.

    I think that you might find it helpful to add sodium to your tracker. I am always surprised at just how much salt is in a lot of stuff, and how that excess sodium makes my body hold on to extra water.

    Was about to suggest you track sodium. Hate it when I am beaten to the punch :)
  • Libi_at
    I managed to GAIN 2lb this week. Seriously? I ate at or under my calories every day except one, did two small workouts to get back into the workout routine, drank plenty of water and ate healthy! I'm not defeated, just annoyed...

    I assume you followed some "basic rules" for stepping on the scales (Comparable conditions, e.g. same time of the day, same amount of clothes on, after the going to the bathroom), I'd say this looks like a "water only " weight gain from better hydration.

    Hang in there and soon you will see some results!
  • robinaddison
    robinaddison Posts: 232 Member
    I had a look at your diary. You have a lot of processed foods that are full of fat and sodium, not to mention a fair amount of booze which is just plain empty calories. . While your actual calorie count might be in the right neighbourhood, the science is a little more complicated than that. Try eating more unprocessed foods ( yes, this is the dreaded eat clean lecture) and pay a little more attention to your fat and sodium macros. That may help.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    at the risk of getting a response similar to the one you gave Mokey...

    The day you were over was just 2 days ago and you ate 4700 mg sodium iirc plus alcohol. Your 2 lb weight loss is most likely water retention, which can take a few days to get rid of. Eat low sodium for a few days and drink lots of water and you will probably see a loss or at least break even.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Bodies do weird things. I was recently sick, running to the bathroom at least once per hour, didn't feel like eating much of anything, and GAINED 3 POUNDS! How is that even possible? It's gone now, plus an extra 0.8 pounds. Hang in there; I hope your efforts pay off soon.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,637 Member
    Keep goin you'll get it
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Weight loss is rarely linear and one week is definitely too short to tell. If you didn't eat 7000 calories over your maintenance caloric needs, you definitely didn't gain 2 lbs of fat.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I had a look at your diary. You have a lot of processed foods that are full of fat and sodium, not to mention a fair amount of booze which is just plain empty calories. . While your actual calorie count might be in the right neighbourhood, the science is a little more complicated than that. Try eating more unprocessed foods ( yes, this is the dreaded eat clean lecture) and pay a little more attention to your fat and sodium macros. That may help.

    ^^^^This is my thought too. More fresh whole foods. Ditch the juice and eat whole fruit instead. Lot's of processed foods, Reeses peanut butter cups and alcohol. Hey no one's judging, it was a holiday week. Since you are at a healthy weight It's going to be really hard to lose those last few pounds. Also consider just focusing on body composition instead of weight loss. Lift weights, heavy weights, if you can do more than 12 reps it's too light. Compound moves are great. Increasing lean muscles mass will help burn off those last few pounds! Up your protein a bit too...between 85 and 100 grams. Stay consistent and hang in there. You look great already!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Weight loss is rarely linear and one week is definitely too short to tell. If you didn't eat 7000 calories over your maintenance caloric needs, you definitely didn't gain 2 lbs of fat.


    While it may be helpful going forward - all the over-analysing of your diary is irrelevant, except where is explains water weigh fluctuations.
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Shauna - it can be frustrating, especially since we all are programmed to measure our success by the number on the scale. I do it too :( Take your measurements and take pictures of yourself - they can help you on your journey when the scale isn't! I have had weeks where I went over calories on some days and still managed to lose. I have had weeks where I have kept to my plan and stayed the same, or gained.

    I sometimes wonder if the best thing to do is weigh every 6 months rather than weekly - but I am too scared to trust myself to do that.

    Hang in there - you are going to be a healthier you!
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I know how it is to gain/lose the same 5 lbs - I've been doing it for like 9 months now. It is frustrating. Just keep refining what you are doing and don't beat yourself up about any small "real life" types of slip ups (Hey, we all go out and have a few drinks every now and then! :-)) Alcohol, deli meats, cheeses, bacon - can all make you retian water. I second the "lose the salt" comment. Raise your water intake as well.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • fatladysings72
    Not to sound redundant, however, I think it could be a combination of water weight due to sodium intake and gaining muscle. That would be my best guess.