Has the 30 day shed worked for anyone?

Hey I am just wondering if anyone has actually stuck through the 30 day shed and seen results???? Thanks

If so will you post your pics????


  • HalloweenMom
    What is the 30 day shed?
  • nikicoleman
    nikicoleman Posts: 55 Member
    I am not quite finished so I don't want to take pictures just yet - but I started the 30 Day Shred at the end of February and did 30 days of Level 1 and now I'm onto Level 2 and just about ready to move on to Level 3. I have LOTS of results - I have lost a majority of my weight during this time and I haven't done measurements in a few weeks now but I have lots quite a bit in waist and hips. I would really recommend the program along with a good diet!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    I lost 6 inches overall when I did the Shred. 1.5 on my stomach alone! Don't have pics but I will be doing the shred for another 30 days, that's for sure!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Hey, the 30 day shed is the Jillian Micheal's from the biggest loser she has several DVD's on exercise and the 30 day shed is her most popular DVD.
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    Im interested in seeing/hearing results too...I love the dvd but I find that I cant do it *everyday* I get very bored of the same thing each day...I do a few days a week and I mix up the levels to get more variety.
    Im also at the gym and lifting/cardio for exercise 5-6 days a week so the shred gets to be a bit boring. But, as I said I do have it and throw it in for my at home workouts.....
  • Nener
    Nener Posts: 116
    I hurt my knee really bad doing the shred. Just a word of warning,that if something hurts,not as in muscle ache, do not continue