96lbs gone ~

Hey everyone! I wanted to share progress pictures with you because I know I'm close to where I want to be. I'm 5'7 and started at 250lbs and I'm currently sitting at 154. ♥ I'm going to try to get into the 130s. Some of my FB friends keep telling me I'm "too skinny" though.. so I feel conflicted. Anyhow, I'm proud of all I've done. I'm going to continue to eat healthy, workout, and find my happy weight when I get there! I'm going to try to block out the negative people, and listen to my body when it comes to finding where I want to be as far as weight goes. :)





  • brittanytraynor
    brittanytraynor Posts: 14 Member
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    WOW...Excellent work....Pretty girl..
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    You look great! Congrats!

    My family tells me I don't need to lose weight even though I know I do, so it was making me feel guilty for a while and like I was wrong for wanting to be a healthy weight. So as long as you keep it a healthy weight and do it the right way, do what makes you feel best. I'm trying to learn to block everyone else out. I know they're trying to make me feel better, but it actually has the opposite effect.

    Good luck and thanks for sharing the photos (good inspiration)!
  • Thanks everyone! @gogo- I need to block it out more. I honestly have body dysmorphia so when people say these things to me it really makes my self image distorted. I honestly don't know if I should lose anymore. I know I'd still be in the healthy bmi range if I got down to the 130s, and being at 154 I'm at the very high end borderlining on overweight. I think I'd feel more comfortable being somewhere in the middle though lol.
  • ksb0702
    ksb0702 Posts: 11
    YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. And here is the good thing. You can lose more weight, and if you don't like it, put it back on. I have a friend who did that. She started at 300+ got down to 180 said she felt HORRIBLE couldn't keep food down, low energy, etc. gained 50# back and says she feels amazing. She said the worst part is that people call her a failure because she isn't thin enough, even after losing 100+ pounds. Moral of the story. Be Healthy adn where you love your body and it loves you back.
  • triff14
    triff14 Posts: 129 Member
    If you want to lose more weight and it will still be healthy, go for it! It's your body! You've come so far and look so amazing, why not do a little more to make yourself happy?
    P.S. what kind of dog is that? It looks just like my dog!
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    You've done amazingly well. You look great now but it's your body so you must do what you feel is right.

  • If you want to lose more weight and it will still be healthy, go for it! It's your body! You've come so far and look so amazing, why not do a little more to make yourself happy?
    P.S. what kind of dog is that? It looks just like my dog!

    He's a Pom ^.^
  • fredgunnerson
    fredgunnerson Posts: 7 Member
    You rock! I say go for it and get totally ripped! See how far you can go. Friends? haha What a joke! You own them!
    I was just talking with my mom this morning, I remember saying. "I rather have one good friend than a million ****ty ones" haha
  • So much love here! Thanks everyone! I'm pretty much going to continue eating healthy and exercising like I am and see where it takes me! If I lose more then so be it. My #1 goal is staying healthy and fit.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    it is tough when your view of yourself is skewed.Started at 252 I got down to 164 and people told me I looked ill. I started putting it back on, and now I am at 185, and very unhappy about it. looking at my pics at 164, I think I looked great. (i am also 5'7") i am aiming to get back into the 160's and building some muscle, which I hope will help to make me look more sculpted than too thin when I get close to my goal.
    good luck, and try checking out this site, helps you realize what you really look like, by comparing to real people.

  • You rock! I say go for it and get totally ripped! See how far you can go. Friends? haha What a joke! You own them!
    I was just talking with my mom this morning, I remember saying. "I rather have one good friend than a million ****ty ones" haha

    :P I'm planning on getting ripped. That's actually my new personal goal. I'm working on going to 16-18% body fat from my current 24%. I'd really like some definition in my muscles. :) I'll remember your quote.
  • Hi Jess,
    Starting this site and setting my goals today...You are an inspiration...follow your heart and your intuition about your own body. You must be so empowered. Good job!
    Thank you.
  • goody2shews
    goody2shews Posts: 129 Member
    Awesome! You did it! You should be very proud of yourself. If you decide to keep going that is just a persona choice don't do it to please anyone else. You are fabulous!
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    Great job! You look like a different person.
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    Beautiful- congrats :)
  • schaskes
    schaskes Posts: 103 Member
    First of all, you look amazing!! Congratulations!! The way you feel about your health should determine whether you lose more weight. I am also 5' 7" and have yo-yoed up and down for my whole adult life. I was determined to get to the middle of the healthy range for my height/age so that if I gained a few pounds it would not bump me into "overweight." Once I achieved that goal, I was motivated to keep going, and now I am at a BMI of 21. I have added in strength training, which means I'm changing my body tone, not just the number on the scale. But you have a lot of options. You could maintain this weight for a month or two and see how you feel then. Maintaining is just as much of a job as losing! But the most important thing is to make any decision based on your own needs and to keep your HEALTH in mind, not just the number on the scale.
  • pippykho
    pippykho Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations! You look beautiful and should be very proud of yourself! :happy:
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Wonderful! You have added YEARS to your life! xo
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