Week 1 was spot on...and I gained!



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Could you be building muscle - It is denser than fat and so you could in theory get fitter but weigh more?? xx

    She did not gain muscle.
  • MissTD
    MissTD Posts: 40
    Might sound crazy, but when I workouted and ate under 1300 cals a day, I gainned too. After doing the research it was because I was depriving myself (stravation mode). Your body needs more food the more you MOVE. I suggest eating more, about 200 more cals along with the same workout and see how that works. If you dont workout at all, then the 1250 or so cals will be fine and your body will react to that positively, but if you are working out you MUST eat more. I recently started eating 1400 cals and working out burning 200-250 cals doing circut training and In 5 days I loss 1.2 punds, which is good!

    Good Luck!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Not to sound redundant, however, I think it could be a combination of water weight due to sodium intake and gaining muscle. That would be my best guess.

    There is no possible way to build significant muscle in a week.

    However, 2 pounds of water weight is completely possible (maybe even more, masking a loss) and probably even expected after eating so much sodium and alcohol. For reference, I "lost* 7.2 pounds in two days after New Years by getting back to cleaner eating.
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    The day you were over was just 2 days ago and you ate 4700 mg sodium iirc plus alcohol. Your 2 lb weight loss is most likely water retention, which can take a few days to get rid of. Eat low sodium for a few days and drink lots of water and you will probably see a loss or at least break even.

    This definitely caught my eye. Although I typically keep my sodium to under 2400 mg, I've had a couple 5000 mg days since I started. For a couple days after that happens, my scale can easily show an extra three or four pounds of water weight. If I keep my sodium levels reasonable and drink extra water, it drops back off as quickly as it arrived. Track your sodium and try to keep your levels more consistent - or at least wait three or four days to get on the scale after you consume a lot of it!
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I managed to GAIN 2lb this week. Seriously? I ate at or under my calories every day except one, did two small workouts to get back into the workout routine, drank plenty of water and ate healthy! I'm not defeated, just annoyed...

    Oh god honey, I know EXACTLY how you feel. Every time I get down to 172, that's what has happened. So after a week or more of being stuck there, I get mad, eat like a sailor for two weeks, then have to re-lose the nine pounds I gained in protest. SO frustrating.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    Keep at it, just watch your sodium and sugar, you seem to run high on both
  • like_milk
    like_milk Posts: 79 Member
    It looks like you don't have much to lose so it's going to be slow losing that weight, not to mention hard! It is possible but you have to keep at it for longer. It took two months before I saw the scale go down so don't give up.

    I would set your goal to just .5lb loss a week and increase your exercise. At just .5lb loss you will have to be very good at logging/weighing/measuring but you've got a little more space to eat and keep it up. Those last few pounds are the hardest to shift and sometimes taking it slower is better.

    Could it also be "that time of the month" related weight gain?
  • BrianBarrett79
    BrianBarrett79 Posts: 17 Member
    Your diary didn't show that you were that spot on and a lot of the foods weren't that great plus alcohol.

    LOL Monkey you are an *kitten*! =) We should be friends! hahaha
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Um not spot on at all, actually. I scrolled back through, you have several days where you have more than one serving of crappy alcohol (Franzia, really????) and LOTS of salty foods, and a moderate level of sugar at the least. I would say you really need to re-evaluate your food choices.

    That and the fact that your one bad day was almost worth 2 days of calories on your current plan is going to make you retain water like crazy.
  • dollyblueuk
    dollyblueuk Posts: 14 Member
    When I start a new diet I don' t weigh myself the first week as I tend to show differences the week after same if I have a really bad week I don' t seem to show the gain til the week after. Anyway my point is don' t get down hearted and keep with it
  • BrianBarrett79
    BrianBarrett79 Posts: 17 Member
    I think the thing to keep in mind is that poor choices have an even bigger impact when you are close to your goal weight. So where that intake might have caused you to lose weight in the past, now it may not.

    I love my Johnny Walker at the end of the day so this is more of a "Do as I say" comment. But the alcohol stops your body from burning fat the entire time it's processing the poison out of your blood. So even though you might meet the calories for the day, you have to also decide that you are ok pulling your body out of fat burning mode for the night.

    Again no judging at all! This is a much bigger issue for me than eatting healthy food! =)
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    At least I'm not the only one!
    I managed to GAIN 2lb this week. Seriously? I ate at or under my calories every day except one, did two small workouts to get back into the workout routine, drank plenty of water and ate healthy! I'm not defeated, just annoyed...

    Oh god honey, I know EXACTLY how you feel. Every time I get down to 172, that's what has happened. So after a week or more of being stuck there, I get mad, eat like a sailor for two weeks, then have to re-lose the nine pounds I gained in protest. SO frustrating.
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    I do measure out my portions. I don't log my work hours at workouts, but I went slightly over yesterday because I was on my feet running around for almost 8 hours (I'm a waitress), so I suppose those 92 calories I went over I justified because I wasn't sedentary that day. And yes, I did have ONE day where I went out and had a few drinks, but I guess I thought being really good most of the week might help make up for it. This is actually the first week, in a VERY long time, I was able to stick to things and make (what I felt like) were good choices. Usually I last a day or two then completely screw up. Even with the gain I'm proud of doing pretty damn good 6 out of 7 days.

    Are you weighing and measuring you foods to be certain of portion sizes?

    One reason I ask is because you are insisting that you were spot on all week, but the last two days were both over. Perhaps you are doing this with portion, as well.

    It doesn't look like you have much to lose. The closer you are to goal, the more important healthy choices are. It looks like you could use more fruits and veggies, for a start.
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    I suppose that is very true. When I was closer to my higher weight I felt like I could judge and control my losses and gains more. Now that I'm very close to where I want to be I feel like I have NO idea what my body is doing. Giving up the booze is out of the question, I guess I just need to learn to deal with the consequences when I do decide to go out.
    I think the thing to keep in mind is that poor choices have an even bigger impact when you are close to your goal weight. So where that intake might have caused you to lose weight in the past, now it may not.

    I love my Johnny Walker at the end of the day so this is more of a "Do as I say" comment. But the alcohol stops your body from burning fat the entire time it's processing the poison out of your blood. So even though you might meet the calories for the day, you have to also decide that you are ok pulling your body out of fat burning mode for the night.

    Again no judging at all! This is a much bigger issue for me than eatting healthy food! =)
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    I appreciate the honesty, but I don't appreciate the rudeness.
    Um not spot on at all, actually. I scrolled back through, you have several days where you have more than one serving of crappy alcohol (Franzia, really????) and LOTS of salty foods, and a moderate level of sugar at the least. I would say you really need to re-evaluate your food choices.

    That and the fact that your one bad day was almost worth 2 days of calories on your current plan is going to make you retain water like crazy.
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    Thank you. It's a work in progress with both. I've had an issue with the processed foods for a long time. I've cut out A LOT, but I run out of ideas on quick, easy, and tasty foods that will actually satisfy a sweet/salty craving.
    Keep at it, just watch your sodium and sugar, you seem to run high on both
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Just of interest what is your height and weight? What weight loss have you put as your goal to lose? What activity level have you put?
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I do measure out my portions. I don't log my work hours at workouts, but I went slightly over yesterday because I was on my feet running around for almost 8 hours (I'm a waitress), so I suppose those 92 calories I went over I justified because I wasn't sedentary that day. And yes, I did have ONE day where I went out and had a few drinks, but I guess I thought being really good most of the week might help make up for it. This is actually the first week, in a VERY long time, I was able to stick to things and make (what I felt like) were good choices. Usually I last a day or two then completely screw up. Even with the gain I'm proud of doing pretty damn good 6 out of 7 days.

    Honestly, I dont think you have to worry about either of the days you went over. Neither should have caused weight gain. According to ur ticker you weigh 143lbs, right? I weigh 20lbs less & I'm pretty much sedentary & my TDEE 18-1900 in a day. (I have a bodymedia) I'm pretty sure you didn't even go over ur TDEE on those days. As long as you eat under that, you will fine. Idk what urs is, but I know it's higher than mine. The gain is probably water weight. Don't worry. It will come off soon. .
  • carlom18
    carlom18 Posts: 174 Member
    i have a suggestion for alcohol. Try drinking things like tequila, vodka etc which has little to no calories in it and if you want a tasty drink, try a rum with a DIET coke. At least it allows you to drink. Trust me, I love drinking to when going out, your not alone! :smile: